Today, I introduced HR 645, the National Constitutional Carry Act.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) January 23, 2025
No one should have to beg the government to exercise a constitutionally protected right anywhere in the country.
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Unfortunately, my Communist Congresscritter, Scott-VA 3, will never support this bill.
Nor will my Communist congresscritters from Oregon… I wish we had 7 electable Massies.
There shouldn’t need to be a vote on a clearly defined right. Enough already.
I just paid $83 to renew my CC in NC…and was forced to record my full SSN…I argued to no success…no full SSN with all my other personal Identifiers no CC.
I despise the government at every level.
If it’s any consolation, it probably doesn’t really matter since they doubtless have a dozen ways to get your s s if they want it.
This. Your data is no longer “yours” nor is it private. Similar to how that “money” in your bank account is no longer yours. I believe it only costs about $20 or less with a coupon code to get almost anything a person could want about you. It should be criminal, but here we are.
“Well it sho’ does cost me a whole lotta money well to live in the land of the free…”
“that’s the price we pay for them living free…”
somebody gets it.
illegal use of SSN!
Unfortunately, the Democrats in the Senate will move heaven and earth to keep this from reaching a floor vote. However, executive action might work in this case. The Constitutional issue is straightforward.
best avenue!
Another opportunity for the enemies of our Constitution to reveal themselves. What Congress does with this bill will separate the politicians from the patriots.
Montana can CC even without a permit from what I understand, and it might be some of the answer to it all. Every pickup had a gun in it growing up. You assumed everyone had a gun “near” them at all times because most did. We all did this regardless of the laws and had a mindset of let the chips fall where they may. I as well as many others here won’t be without it so it’s up to who is willing to die over it. LE for the most part understands the culture and won’t press the issue unless someone is a blatant idiot and then both sides agree that they deserve it.
Word. Idaho is also a Constitutional Carry state. The only caveat is since we share borders with two very anti-2nd Amendment socialist satraps, citizens are warned against carrying over the borders. Inslee Land is especially repressive, even though the eastern part of the state in 2nd-friendly. Sad.
Naomi Wolfe wrote an interesting essay on how she changed her mind and began supporting the 2A.