Consumer Prices Soared Over 21% Under Biden

After rising for 5 straight months, analysts expected headline consumer prices to continue accelerating in December (+0.4% MoM exp) and it did exactly that – the highest MoM print since March, leading the YoY CPI to rise 2.9% (the highest since July)…



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1 month ago

21%. Seems to be an underestimate.

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
1 month ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

More like 38%!

Roth Harbard
1 month ago

America can be repaired, but here’s what it would take.

In other words, the US would need a leader who—at a minimum—returns the federal government to a limited Constitutional Republic, closes the 128 military bases abroad, ends entitlements, kills the welfare state, and repays a large portion of the national debt.

So Trump is not the answer. He will not be able to arrest the decline. The current political establishment is not the answer. The only way to accomplish the above mentioned would be a strong-man with total control. Call him a king, a benevolent dictator, whatever. It would require someone who exists outside of political pressure, lobbyists, and yes, even the will of the people.

However, that’s a completely unrealistic fantasy. It would be foolish to bet on that happening. The government cannot (will not) even slow the spending growth rate, let alone cut it. The most likely outcome is that the US will try to have its cake and eat it too by paying for both growing defense and domestic obligations via currency debasement.

So prepare for higher prices and ultimately raging inflation.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 month ago

Some of the struggles people have about money is that they want to have steak every night on a medium income, they don’t budget, they use the charge card that has high fees and never get paid off. Bottom Line live like the Jones.
Yes I agree prices in food is really 30%+ more, gas 60%+, housing 18-25%+ more.
But once the prices increase they will never decrease, not to the levels we had. Corporate greed will see to that. We need to see wages increase alone side the profits of corporations.
Depends what sector and where you live. Being retired and able to travel, I always do my homework for why I want to visit the different states. Gas, hotel, food and of course the weather, these can add up quickly when you on the road.
Recently I visited, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia the cost of gas was cheap (compare to Michigan) in Tennessee, $2.439-$2.69, food was cheaper in Virginia and tasted better, hotel was average in all three states. The weather was crazy, snow and low double digit in Tennessee and single digit and snow in Va/WVa.
Bottom Line Now That President Trump takes control on the 20th the country has to realize we just can’t relax and think everything will be fine. The crazy Left will see that don’t happen. But we must watch, pray, stay prep and strive to rebuild our country from four years of being destroyed.
It Didn’t Happen Overnight and It Won’t Recover Overnight. But We Can Be Stronger From What We Experienced and I Pray Don’t Get To Relax.