CORTES: These Republicans Are Rushing to Enable Soros-Backed Open Borders Policies – And They’ll Pay a Political Price.

“We owe them.”
Former Vice-President Joe Biden proffered that assessment about illegal migrants at the presidential debate in Nashville on October 22nd. In reality, our country owes precisely nothing to people who trespassed their way into America, especially considering all of them jeopardize the economic security, and some of them imperil the physical safety of American citizens.

The only debt owed by elected leaders is to the citizens of this great republic: the people who consent to being governed.

Amazingly – and perhaps predictably – a group of Republicans have already emerged, ready to assist the left’s agenda to effectively vaporize U.S. borders should Biden ascend to the presidency.

These squishes completely ignore the clear lessons of the November 3rd plebiscite, seeking instead a retreat to globalist migration policies in cahoots with corporatist titans in league with Chuck Schumer. They all want to clear a path for legalizing tens of millions of illegal migrants already here. Plus they want to entice untold masses of more such lawbreakers.

Republican Senators Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, Susan Collins, and Thom Tillis will attend a Thursday “summit” meeting hosted by the “American Business Immigration Coalition,” a pro-amnesty group consisting of big business donors, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as the George Soros-funded United We Dream organization.


Thom Tillis strikes again. Any surprise?

About Hammers Thor
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4 years ago

I’ve long said GOP needs to be the sound those bastards make before going gasp and then glunk.

Republican is in my opinion, one of the most foul words in the American lexicon.

4 years ago

Nope,not one bit surprised at Tillis.

4 years ago
Reply to  David

Not surprised about tillis, however when my choices were tillis or cunningham, I didn’t really have a choice. I would have liked a real candidate to vote for.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bob


4 years ago

Another instance where the voters chose between the lesser of two evils and surprisingly, the people lost. Imagine if Greg Brannon had not been sabotaged in 2014 by the Republican “leadership” and had become our senator instead of the weasel Tillis.