Could This Be IT?

The Insurrection Act

Government Corruption

Well Patriots – I believe the day we have all been waiting for is now in play.

It is Sunday, January 10, 2021 and one of my very reliable sources has told me he was inbound to Camp Pendleton due to the Insurrection Act being signed.

While this information was coming in, I watched Washington Dulles airport go into lockdown. Nothing in – nothing out. This typically would indicate that POTUS was on the move. I also watched two aircraft exfil the area at the same time – not showing as AF1 – but something else. Which, btw – is not only very likely they would not broadcast his movement – but would also show as something entirely different. We witnessed GW Bush do the same thing when he went to Bagdad during the war, his AF1 747 was actually squawking as a Gulfstream aircraft.

So what is the Insurrection Act?

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

The act provides a “statutory exception” to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States. Yes, folks, that means the military can and will start arresting people.

Before invoking the powers under the Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse. Remember this video shot in the rose garden and what POTUS said? Telling everyone to go home? Condemning what people were doing at the Capitol?

I am not going to lie, when I saw it I was a little angry at POTUS because I felt like he had just sold us out. HE was the guy who called everyone there, and now he was condemning us!? It made no sense. NOW IT DOES!

There are Constitutional exceptions to Posse Comitatus restrictions rooted in the President’s own constitutional authority. Defense Department guidelines describe “homeland defense” as a “constitutional exception” to Posse Comitatus restriction, meaning that measures necessary to guarantee National Security from external threats are not subject to the same limitations.

Now, the flight in question. MC4521 exfilled the Capitol right when all of this lockdown occurred. Interesting data point – it appears that the flight departed out of Oceana NAS. This is probably because if POTUS were to boogy out of DC, EVERYONE would see the movement and know something was happening. So, go to an alternate and secure exfil location.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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4 years ago

People don’t understand and become impatient when things don’t happen right away. But they NEED to understand that “PROTOCOL” MUST be adhered to for presidential actions to be valid.
I’ve understood this but I thank you, Wes, for clearing this up for those unfamiliar with the way government works.

4 years ago

ZDC will be going ATC-0 at 11:45L this morning for covid cleaning, and the airspace will be closed for about two hours. Given that it’s a Sunday on the east coast, there will definitely be some disruption for Florida to NY traffic. There will probably be some knock-on effects for the rest of the day.

This was the air traffic issue. Monkey thinks this is Armageddon! If anything was going on in the air, you couldn’t track it using ADS-B.

4 years ago

Everything Trump does is for this country and for us.
People are just too damn fickle and wishy washy to step back and look at the big picture.

4 years ago

Monkey is on to something the C-2 has a max range of 2300 miles only if it as the long range tanks installed and a max ceiling of 33000

The second plane he showed I cross checked the flight ID number in Flightaware and in that system it does not exist.

The next 24 hours could be interesting
Fingers crossed

NC Mountain Man
NC Mountain Man
4 years ago

At least one part of this article is not true. The flag has not been taken down at the White House. Live webcams show otherwise.

4 years ago

Take a look at this live webcam view of the White House. Appears the US flag atop the house has been lowered.

4 years ago

I believe that citizen free press reported that
POTUS ordered the flag lowered for the capital
police officer who died.

4 years ago

Hal Turner just posted No the Insurrection Act has NOT been activated.

4 years ago

I’ll believe this when I actually see the criminals on the left being perp walked away in handcuffs.
I’ll tell you what is far more likely to have happened then Trump invoking the Insurrection Act.
On the 6th….when Traitor Pence stabbed Trump and America in the back….as soon as the vote
to certify the election results happened Trump was taken aside by his enemies, held incommunicado and give an ultimatum. Either he shuts the fuck up, accepts the coup and concedes the election or else. Has anyone seen Melania or Baron? Because THEY and the
rest of his family are the leverage that the left uses to make Trump do as he is told. The MOMENT
that criminals in Congress certified Biden as the winner the power mongers isolated and emasculated Trump. He became POTUS in NAME ONLY. Traitor Pence in cahoots with the
demonrats took over and have been running things since that moment. So no….there will be
NO CAVALRY from Camp Pendleton or anywhere else riding in over the hill to save us. We The
People are ON OUR OWN. Either we save ourselves from the commies criminals or we get in the boxcars.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dan


Hammerhead Moonshine
Hammerhead Moonshine
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

“Trolling”, my rosy red cheeks!
‘Monkey Werx’ is knowingly, actively, intentionally lying and grifting.

4 years ago

I’m with Dan. We are on our own. Nothing will be happening!

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

Love it. Happy Rubicon Day Jan. 10, 49 BC. As Christians, we must prepare to cross the Jordan to fight the evil with Christ before us.

4 years ago

Yeah, Sure, Right, Q-tard. Arrests coming Any Fkk’n Minute now, Hold your Breath.