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- Michael on Brain Dead Morons
- Michael on Americans are so far apart on some issues that it could result in a civil war. Time will tell.
- ColdSoldier on Brain Dead Morons
- MrLiberty on Americans are so far apart on some issues that it could result in a civil war. Time will tell.
- Big Ruckus D on Americans are so far apart on some issues that it could result in a civil war. Time will tell.
6.66 ml of Luciferin in RNA vaccine! COINCIDENCE YA THINK? Luciferin is what helps Fire flies light up… Correct me if wrong
Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump
First, I want to thank you on behalf of millions of great Americans for everything you have done and have tried to do for all of us. We know you dove right into the deep end of the nastiest swamp on earth when you decided to make your stand for America in 2016. I always knew you were a great businessman, but now I know you are a great American too.
Now, you know that real Americans by the millions still support you and still consider you to be the legitimate President of the United States. Yes, we know all about the massive fraud in the 2020 elections, its purpose and who was behind it all. A few former Presidents…among many others.
That said, I want to make some personal requests of you, if I may.
1. STOP TELLING PEOPLE TO GET THE VACCINE – Start telling people the truth, that there is no vaccine to date, that what they are calling vaccines are something quite different and they are extremely dangerous to all mankind. Tell people the truth about Fauci, Gates, Soros and others behind those vaccines, their true depopulation intent, and that any real vaccine cannot possibly be ready for safe use until 2023 at the very soonest.
2. TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MASKS – We don’t need to be doctors or scientists to know any of the following… None of the masks in use were designed to prevent the spread of any virus, in fact, they haven’t, and they won’t. If an individual’s mask would work, they wouldn’t need anyone else to put one on.
3. TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH ABOUT COVID19 – It’s a “gain of function” variety of SARS2 created in the Wuhan Lab as a bioweapon, paid for by American taxpayers via the Department of Defense and National Security. It could have been quickly eradicated over a year ago with use of the same drugs used to eradicate SARS1 (2003-2005), Hydroxychloroquine. In truth, COVID19 doesn’t actually exist, as anything more than one of many strains of the flu and common cold. Help us reopen AMERICA!
4. TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH ABOUT HOW AND WHY COVID19 WAS LAUNCHED AHEAD OF YOUR CERTAIN RE-ELECTION – It was planned in 2013 and launched in early November 2019 for the sole purpose of creating a “State of Emergency” which was then used to hold “unlawful and unconstitutional” elections by way of unregulated mail-in balloting to force you (and us) from power. The same people behind the non-vaccines created the entire “emergency.”
5. LEAD THE AMERICAN PEOPLE – to rise up together by the millions in open defiance and non-compliance of all (fake) COVID19 rules (not laws) along with every other evil “mandate” (dictate) issued unlawfully and unconstitutionally against the American people by the Biden pseudo-administration and DO IT NOW! You are the only person in America with the power to lead this mission to reclaim our country and freedom.
6. USE YOUR RESOURCES TO LEAD US BACK TO FREEDOM, LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL – You know that pretty much everything about our federal government is broken, maybe beyond repair. So long as the stolen 2020 elections stand, there will never be a legitimate election again in the USA. So long as the courts work to advance a global agenda instead of upholding and defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we have no legitimate courts. So long as the news media is allowed to spread blatant lies, we have no legitimate news media. So much to do, so little time to do it.
If you doubt anything I said here, you are still receiving advice from the wrong people. Everything I said is a matter of public knowledge, for anyone who cares to confirm it.
I’ll stop here for now, because if you will not do these things first, nothing else can get done and America’s future is at end.
Many of us already live this way and it will get worse. Many of us already refuse to comply with total insanity. That put’s us in the crosshairs of the evil global Marxists currently rushing to finish off America long before the next election cycle.
Only if YOU accept this call to lead, do any of us have a chance. There is no one else in the USA today that holds the power you hold. Only YOU can lead millions of Americans from the brink of disaster.
With great respect, I make these critical requests.
Thank you and God Bless you for your consideration.
JB Williams
JB Williams ?
Ever looked into Major Paul Vallely?
I watched the video above…and my question is..what is happening in India right now?
Is this a result of the vaccines given? Will Ivermectin work for these cases?
Thank you for so clearly saying this! Exactly what I believe! The Lord God has raised President Trump up for such a time as this. So I join with Thomas Dowling and also request President Trump to speak out against the China flu and all the lies that have gone with it and lead America!
Thanks for posting this video — the most concise and informative video on COVID therapies I’ve seen.
Ivermectin is readily available and should be in everyone’s preps, along with a syringe to measure dosage (the liquid must be measured and administered). Or order from Canada w/out an Rx. We have it here (vet use) and use Stevia mixed in since Ivermectin is very bitter w/ a nasty after-taste. Yes, I have tasted it before.
Check the analysis for Ivermectin treatments (studies) for COVID here:
Individual studies can be researched for full-text or abstracts via PubMed.