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- David Bovender on Excellent Points
- Michael on Ukraine
- Michael on Real Estate Default Will Collapse the Housing Market
- Michael on Excellent Points
- thexrayboy on Excellent Points
GOT GOLD? If your investments are in dollars you will be wiped out. ALL fiat currencies fail, all of them.
I wonder what I’ll trade you for an ounce of gold when you’re hungry.
Before the “I’ll just take it” comes by both sides should be polite according to Heinlein.
Gold and Silver are for AFTER you get all the basics covered.
2000 dollars for an ounce (PLUS Premiums at any gold store)
OR about 800 cans of good soup plus 360 pounds of white rice from yesterday’s receipts.
So far I cannot pay my taxes in gold. When I can it’s real money.
Gold and silver will still have value during the revolution. Barterable goods will have more value especially when your family is starving. Once the dust starts to settle, silver will be the first barterable metal to have value. BUT, in order to rebuild, you and your community will need gold in order to secure funding for projects and equipment. Especially from other areas outside your own.
When I was doing medical service in Bosnia gold and silver had value. So much value that trading in it could be a life ending event. People under stress are unpredictable. A sharp knife at trading range is dangerous.
BUT its value was set by the black market Mobsters. THEY had access to the “Normal World” outside the Bosnian Civil war and wanted a high profit for their efforts. A Gold wedding ring might get you 10 days worth of antibiotics, maybe a bag of ammo.
After the smoke clears Gold and Silver will again have value. But you and I have to get past the ugliness in-between. Even then the value of a coin is agreed upon in the old school supply and demand.
If I have productive chickens and you want some it’s my choice how much value I’ll give you for your coin. Probably because I have to trade it with someone else for chicken food or milk (etc).
I have some PM, don’t get me wrong but it’s far more important to have a hand pump and decent well than an ounce of Gold.
Maybe even like Moses you and I will not see peace and are fighting and working for our children’s future.
Destroying is easy, any purple haired freak can throw a bottle of “Mostly Peaceful” flaming gasoline at our home. That loss could be a family ending event as homelessness in chaos is dangerous. Unless you have trusted friends to take you in.
Building and protecting is hard team work. Maybe that ounce of gold price spent getting your trusted friends a well and hand pump might be a greater value to your family?
Ecclesiastes 11: 5As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the bones are formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. 6Sow your seed in the morning, and do not rest your hands in the evening, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or if both will equally prosper.
Proverbs 27: 10 NIV
Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative’s house when disaster strikes you— better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away.
Ecclesiastes 4: …11Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? 12And though one may be overpowered, two can resist. Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Soon enough those with a healthy family well sheltered and fed, trusted friends, skills, tools and faith will be called wealthy.
More good advice!
My new 9 buff orpington pullets are doing well. What happened to operational security?
I don’t know David. Don’t think I mentioned anything that would cause me trouble?
If you saw some please tell me.
I do hope you have a Rooster or two as hens will lay without, but no replacements will show.
I found that a good Rooster is an asset to my flock. I’ve been breeding for a gentle Rooster that will still protect the girls. Buff Orpingtons are the best mothers in my experience.
Also have you given thought about keeping chickens quiet for times of nearby trouble? My Grandmother used some tactics and tricks in Weimar Germany to keep “Official Thieves” (she called them) from grabbing hers. Can’t do it for weeks but sometimes you learn they are about and need some quiet advantage.
I have been raising chickens for a few years. I have 5 hens and a gentle rooster after coyotes got a few. I bought pullets to diversity my genetic stock. The rooster was eyeing them up today.
Eggs are great, chicken is good, but cleaning the chicken house, not so good. I found a family of really fat rats in the insulation in the chicken house yesterday, but got lots of crap for the garden!
Not sure where you live, but here where I live, Gold and Silver are Legal Tender.
Have you paid your taxes with them?
During the Great Depression many a family lost their homesteads due to taxes on the courthouse steps.
Grapes of wrath stuff. Not good.
I haven’t paid my taxes with them yet, but I can. There are eleven states that gold and silver are legal tender, and you can pay your taxes if you so desire.
The fiat dollar, is only worth what they say it is, it is a promissory note we agree to for goods or services. Gold and silver have been used throughout history, and will be used once again as legal tender.
Outstanding interview. David Sacks seems very level-headed and sincere. I also am intrigued by his assessment of Elon Musk. I have had a very difficult time having any trust for Musk because of his trans-humanism stance AND his reliance on China for funding, but it occurred to me today that he may be thinking that augmenting the human mind with AI may be the only way to defend ourselves from the potential termination of humanity by AI. I have absolutely nothing to back this up, just a thought.
No savings, no stock, no gold so I don’t really care. Now I do have dirt and fertilizer and seeds and water, that is the real bottom line!