Over the strenuous objections of HB 650 sponsor Rep. Mark Hilton (R-Catawba, GRNC ****), part of the Republican caucus is still hammering at HB 650. After first deciding to take up the third and final reading for the bill tomorrow, instead they are taking up the bill again with the intention of stripping language enabling concealed handgun permit-holders to keep firearms in locked compartments on educational property.
Earlier, under the direction of Reps. Paul Stam (R-Wake) and Chuck McGrady (R-Henderson), the following Republicans voted to remove the provision allowing concealed handgun permit-holders to keep guns in locked vehicles at places of employment. The anti-gun votes by Republicans were cast by: Brubaker, Daughtry, Dockham, Dollar, Guice, Howard, McCormick, McGee, McGrady, Rhyne, and Stam. To find contact info, for these legislators, go to: http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/ and select “View Member Info.”
Republicans are as bad as the democrats. They are the catalysts that have been allowing the destruction of our individual liberties through INACTION and lack of principle. Shame on them. I fear things will become alot worse before we see a turn in our nations direction. I will only support principled leaders and never a political party. In Liberty, Bill
I guess it is time to look for CONSERVATIVE candidates to run against the RINO club members. We need a RINO webpage to list them, including their picture and a short explanation as to how they got on the page. I would rather have a sister in a Cat House than have a brother who is a stinking RINO!
We need CONSERVATIVE opponents for the following Republicans whop voted to remove the provision allowing concealed handgun permit-holders to keep guns in locked vehicles at places of employment. The anti-gun votes by Republicans were cast by: Brubaker(R-Randolph), Daughtry (R-Johnston), Dockham (R-Davidson), Dollar (R-Mecklenburg), Guice (R-Henderson, Polk, Transylvania), Howard (R-Davie, Iredell), McCormick (R-Iredell, Surry, Yadkin), McGee (R-Forsyth), McGrady (R-Henderson), Rhyne R-Lincoln), and Stam (R-Wake).
I am wondering if HB 640, anti-international bill (anti-Shariah) will even be brought up for another vote.
Anytime a bill doesnt go as planned the supporters jump all over everybody. Do you question why they voted against such a bill? If lawmakers are unsure about a bill the smartest vote is not to jump on the boat.
I agree with Jon: read https://ncrenegade.com//editorial/voter-id-resurrected/. However, this particular bill was the result of months of negotiation and compromise with legislators. The people need to start reading the bills on the state level in order to make informed decisions on whether the legislation is what we expected and will support or if we have been sold out.
With regard to Jon’s comment about supporters “jumping all over everybody,” perhaps some clarification is in order: First, Mark Hilton did an outstanding job of satisfying concerns by all stakeholders. Indeed, the NC Retail Merchants’ Association, once its concers were satisfied, did not oppose the section allowing employees to keep guns in locked vehicles. Yet Skip Stam and Chuck McGrady orchestrated a successful vote to remove it.
Speaking of Stam — who is House Majority Leader — I watched him try to gut Castle Doctrine in subcommittee, all the while claiming his language would “satisfy 99% of what we wanted. Then Stam voted for the Guice Amendment to weaken HB 111 for concealed carry in parks. At other times, he has been involved in leadership’s ambivalence about placing gun bills on the calendar (HB 650, for example, was on, then off, then on), and then he orchestrated 12 Republicans to join Democrats (including at least one Dem who votes right on gun bills) to pull the guns in vehicles language from the bill.
By tomorrow, I will have an extensive review of House and Senate Repulican leadership with respect to gun bills. I suspect you will see our point.
If the PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNER of the place where you work, doesn’t want guns (or anything else) on his property, the conservative point of view would be to respect PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS. That seems pretty simple, to me. Where legislators can and should make a difference is with lifting restrictions on public property (like schools).