Dear Bill Gates

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strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

Young Tom hasn’t figured it out yet. Bill Gates is a psychotic demon who wants to destroy all human beings. You can’t reason with him. He will not listen to you. That is because he is totally controlled by his father, who is satan.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Bill’s Institute was formerly named “Center for Population Control” but the name didn’t sit well ey? He is evil personified. He has no education nor degree for vaccines or anything else. No different than an old abortion doctor in the closet with a coathanger my friends…..

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

I know I come from a different time (I’ve seen 68 summers), but what is up with the young people and face tats and piercings? Desecration of the temple much? IMHO … yes.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Not saying that many understand this or even consider this before they do it.

Alex Lund
Alex Lund
2 years ago

I disagree with the man in the video.
The left (=Antifa) are capable of attacking people they consider nazis out of the blue. You dont hear anything and then they attack and are gone.
And they keep their mouths shut.
When have you seen the right /patriotic community done this?
Yes I am from Germany. At least once a month I hear about Antifa attacking a so-called Nazi and no traces are found. A friend of mine was a member of a student fraternity and that made him automatically a nazi (even though all the old members of this fraternity had been members of the Resistance and partly being incarcarated in prison or even a concentration camp.)
Do you think the fraternity would have or even could have responded with a Black Ops raid of their own?
Fat chance.
When I told my friend about stricking back via Black Ops he was totally upset “We are civilized. We trust the cops. We dont break the law. I should report you for suggesting something illegally.”
And as I follow US news, what about Jane Fonda, Ruby Ridge, LaVoy Finicum or the civil asset forfeiture at streets leading out of Casino resorts?
Just like the fraternity of my friend and the people of the AfD, who are regularly targetted by Antifa, you do the exact same thing as they do -- nothing. Yes, you write lettes but do you know what your politicians, cops, reporters do with them? They burn them in their fireplace.

And if you consider me to be a Fed who wants to make you do something illegal -- I can live with that. But I think that you can only win, if you look at your own side and disregard any propaganda (Oh, we are so tough, wo go to the gun range every weekend etc.. No, look at the enemy and ask yourself: Could we do the same? And why arent we doing it? I think we all know one of the reasons: Everybody carries a smartphone. )

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Alex Lund

?The left (=Antifa) are capable of attacking people they consider nazis out of the blue. You dont hear anything and then they attack and are gone.
“And they keep their mouths shut.” Do they?
i do not see this. They do not keep their mouths shut, they now openly brag of it, they post it as if they are proud. They attack and there is video of them doing it. How many people stand idly by while this happens?
This is more of the problem. Perhaps local should concentrate on home and local? Concentrate on what we can change and or influence?
i do not carry a phone , period, with the exception of a land line. lol
And: it does not matter what evil does with our letters or our words. What matters is that our Word is sound and our Word is True. we are not to mimic nor become as evil. we do not need too!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Alex Lund

I agree, I don’t care if you are a fed, the fed trap will not stop my speaking out. We will soon be kneeling before them and shot in the back of the head, wild accusations I think not, they have only one way to go, and that is the end of it.