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- Arch Stanton on The FED Made a Huge Mistake
- Steady Steve on The FED Made a Huge Mistake
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Children Running the Government
- Glincoln on “Do Not Panic Buy”: Officials Urge Calm As LA Fire Crisis Disrupts Main Fuel Pipeline To Las Vegas
- Pastor Guest on California-Based Insurer Crashes Amid Billions In L.A. Area Fire-Damage Losses
Damn the democrats… ..Save the country !!!!
Stand together or hang alone. It’s that simple.
Sorry, but we will not stop this. Our fedgov is a scab on this country. There is no dem/rupub two party- left/right political system, just a single organism feeding on power.They only way to stop it is to discard (the fedgov and most state gov) it. Our fedgov is NOT America. They have mutated into something else and no longer deserve our support or respect. It must be taken down, as our founding Fathers did the Crown. A lot of people still think Gore and hildibeast won. You cannot fix them. It’s over guys. NOG
You speak a hard Truth, Brother.
Before embarking upon this path of open insurrection I would urge women to read the book “Women and Genocide: Survivors, Victims, Perpetrators”…and please, please consider the ramifications of your actions. This course of action being advocated by insurrectionists does not have to be pursued…there are ways to work within the current system. Much can be accomplished by Americans continuing to work together in pursuit of change. Violence will only beget more violence. Please consider my perspective.
Since when are Patriots trying to restore the rule of law “insurrectionalists”. As George Washington said “the time for petitions is over”. It is time to put traitors on the gallows after a fair trial. Which is more than they will give us.
All I ask is for women and men to reconsider this path towards open insurrection. There are ways to work within the system to accomplish some of the change that you seek. This system is still viable. Repeating the mistakes of so many African nations who continue, to this day, destroying their nations with fratricide is not the way to achieve anything except for filling the rivers, lakes and streams with the blood of innocents, martyrs and patriots.
You cannot reason with those demanding power. You only give them what they want, or submit. Our Republic is certainly viable….as designed…. NOT as being used today. African nations have nothing to do with us, but the fed gov IS just like the African nations. African governments refuse to honor their citizens. Our current political class also refuse to honor their citizens. They will not follow the Constitution, they will ignore it. After this travesty of a so called election do you really think you have a voice? We can only follow the Constitution’s guidance. What do you think the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the 2nd? To fail to defend our rights will only mean one thing. You will have no rights, so how on earth could you ” ways to work within the system to accomplish some of the change that you seek. ” So how is that working today in China or Venezuela? You have a choice. Retake our country back from the power mad sociopaths and risk bloodshed, or do nothing and end up just like the people under Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot and countless other dictators. You are not going to get any good choices here. Are you willing to be a slave?
Fuck you, calling me or any Patriotic American a Insurrectionist!
Since when is “removing” Communists and Socialists, Insurrection?
It, is the correct thing to do.
Within the system? AYFKM?
Where have you been?
I smell TROLL
The Constitution isn’t a Damn Suicide Pact nor is it suppose to be Mob Rule.
And if the Mob are Communists and Socialists…
You, Sir, are on the wrong side of history. The above book I referenced is one you should read.
If the traitors win, then I will go down in history as being on the wrong side. But on my Judgment Day, I think I will be on the path God had intended on this world for me. And that is all I have in mind when I make decisions.
Then your decision is made. No appeal for reason can ever sway you or your fellow travelers. I hold out hope that you might reconsider. Please read the aforementioned book.
[…] been called a lot of names recently: insurrectionists, nuts, a disgrace, seditious, traitor, and a new personal favorite from yesterday a Red Dawn key […]