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Absolelute truth, TINVOWOOT only one way out and that is through.
You are right Tom, there is only way out of this lunatic mess the uni-party, demon-rats and rino-rats and their bureaucracy has foisted upon all people who are sane.
They will not stop, we have to stop them if we are to survive.
It’s true. The deep state *are* the guilty and the lawless.
Officer safety is a Cart before the Horse, logic fallacy.
We pay for public safety, not officer safety. Government officials want more personal conveniences, yet they have no entitlement, nor right as a fiction, to petition their grievances as the governance. End public unions.
Pic Black’s Law Dic. 11ed, Appendix A, very first legal maxim.
It’s a communist tactic to rid the peoples of arms -- communism is evil