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Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
3 months ago

Appears she’s left-handed. Is that strap over her left shoulder supporting the holster? or is it holding up her ammo belt while the holster is on her right side?

3 months ago
Reply to  Diva of Dance

It looks like there’s a Kydex holster OWB mounted on her left hip. Don’t know what weighs more--her vest or her cool shades.
Yet, I am SURE that she’s superbly trained and represents the “best of the breed.”
Note: the Feds lied yesterday, denying any reduction in Trump’s protection detail.
Today we find that those agents were put on “Doctor” Jill’s protection detail.
No surprise, that.

Last edited 3 months ago by TakeAHardLook
kal kal
kal kal
3 months ago

smell’s like some fermenting herrings!

3 months ago

Just like the ARMY -- I was “GIVEN” muh RANGER Tab. Lower the standard, see the effects….

3 months ago
Reply to  Carpenter

We were once the most feared military on the planet at one time, and now we are a laughing stock worldwide, with monkeys and baboons running the armed forces out of the pentagon or should I say pentagram. Any nation with a well trained formable military can clean our clock now. We have clown show freaks of sodomites, transgenders and all sorts of freakish men wearing lipstick, dresses, high heels and this is the ogres from hades they will put on the battlefield, what a joke this is. God is no longer protecting our military anymore and It’s destined to ruin on the battlefield with humiliation.

Last edited 3 months ago by Philip1350
3 months ago

Has anyone noticed those female agents are all have heavy rear ends, I have nothing against fat people but how did they pass training, oh! could it be dei or woke madness disease in the psycho babble Biden commie regime. I wouldn’t want these women on my detail even if my life depended on them, they are all woke trained. What a mess this federal government has been turned into my the lunatics in the demonrat party.

3 months ago
Reply to  Philip1350

The bar has been lowered for sure! FD guys know that, if injured, were they to need rescue from a burning building, there’s no way in hell that their female team member would be able to hoist them up and carry them to safety.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is much weaker than the job requires.
But it FEELS SO RIGHT, this DEI, doesn’t it? I get warm & fuzzy inside when I see overweight females (and some males too) running about, pretending that they are fit for the job.
There to make us safe, doubtless.

3 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

We live in a world now of democrat idiocracy,

tom finley
tom finley
3 months ago

Say it ain’t so….. | Eatgrueldog Not by accident was she put in charge of the secret service.

3 months ago

This is freaky. The female agent in the photo with Trump, the one ducking down a bit, with her hair in a bun, has been identified as a karate black belt from Russia. Slavic immigrant. Source? Pro Russian blog called Reminiscence of the Future. For what ever it’s worth. Just a sort of trivia item.

tom finley
tom finley
3 months ago
General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago

Symbol of the Secret Service present day… a dumpy dyke.