Consider all of the questions that have to be answered considering the secret service “lapses” at the attempted Trump assassination. These questions would still have to be answered if he had been killed. What would true Americans do if they knew the illegal government assassinated Trump?
This is not a scenario that I want to consider since I believe our country would be in a civil war in a short time frame. Obviously, the traitors who usurped the Republic do not care about consequences.
David DeGerolamo
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We no longer have a Republic or a government.
We have a tyrannical oligarchy that needs to be completely destroyed.
Then we can restore the Republic as intended by the Founders.
Yeah, it saddens me to say, but having observed the (lack of) action of the last several years… I no longer have hope.
When you talk to people about these subjects, it’s the exceptionally rare individual that knows and understands them, let alone actually cares. The few people I meet who are even aware, are misinformed (yet think they know the real scoop). The bulk of the people I meet are either unable to grasp things (tiktok brain, can’t hold that complex of a thought in their heads), or simply don’t care. So long as the day-to-day doesn’t change, most people simply do not care. The Romans figured out it was bread and circuses. Politicians today do the same. It’s the long-game people aren’t looking at. As in the past, when it’s too late, people will lament “how come nobody told me?!”
well said
Amen. But I believe “we” are well past the point of no return.
For what is is worth (there is a song in there somewhere), the Illuminati card game; card No. 345 (45th prez running 3rd time?), titled Enough is Enough.” Here, check it out…..
THINKING: Demoncrats never back down. Stop worrying about the first try and start thinking about the next. Try, try, again is more the demoncrat way.
dem agenda ploys, advance ten steps, acquiesce and move back six, next time repeat, advance ten steps give back four…. forward movement in small increments,
Anybody notice how quiet the GOP is about all of this assassination stuff? Where are their voices?
Demo-communists move in LOCKSTEP; Republicans EAT THEIR OWN YOUNG.
That’s all you need to know.
Dems and repuges are two wings of the same bolshevik bird. what we see is all Kabuki theater.
considering all the evil acts we’ve allowed to go unpunished in this country at this this point I’m not confident that even a Trump assassination would get us off our asses and into the streets.
Too true! Why, the average normie might miss a Netflix episode or a football game.
Can’t have that!
I agree 100%. The dems/bolsheviks could massacre Trump and his entire family live on TV at 6pm and no one would do anything because they’re afraid of being arrested and going to prison. We have all the guns and ammo we need and they are worthless in the face of this tyranny.
I believe that all assassination attempts on Trump and Biden will be to start a civil war with no winners above ground(meaning dead or those causing it in bunkers below ground). As this is about destroying the US and the takers -foreign coming to take what is left. Why else all the train wrecks, bridge problems, Boeing problems, food plants destroyed, shots. IT’S to DESTROY the AMERICAN PEOPLE and what is left to put us in SLAVERY-the camps are already built in all 50 states.
^^^THIS^^^ The bolsheviks want America gone one way or another.
Just a reminder, question everything. A lot of nonsense is intentionally being aimed at us. I go on a lot of different sites and I’m seeing people that I thought knew better are accepting info that is not vetted. A lot of wild speculating out there. I just saw another one of my favorites on another site blow his reputation on a bad guess.
It’s time to get the idea of PREEMPTIVE SELF-DEFENSE in our minds. Sooner or later we will have to defend ourselves. They have no intention of letting us or our children live.
All too true.
I’m going with not much. Normies have jobs, families, responsibilities.
Of course Normies would never trust law enforcement or the government. I would never trust any Dem voter ever again. View them as the enemy.
The local police would be targets if they tried to enforce the law.