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The NYC underground army has made the subway a base.
Marshal Law is a feature not a bug. Libtards will be shocked when it applies to them too!
Ya know, a good point here is to use exactly that language when talking to people about it!
We always fail here, the left kicks our ass with staging the conversation every time…
Call it Martial Law when talking about it. What else would soldiers in the streets be? Put them on defense, they’ll backpedal.
I saw the error in the title also and have already corrected it.
“We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent.”
—James Warburg
Exact language, Posse what?
wait till they discover that under martial law, you have no civil rights, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are suspended, and military tribunals are the DOJ and military popos are the police.
This is all smoke and mirrors from the satanic witch who is the governor of that Marxist communist state. The guard is there for another totally different reason from what they are publicly stating. I have family members who still reside in New York City, and they are telling me there are threats coming from Bidens illegal Islamic army invasion are going to bomb some of the subway stations. My family members heard this from very reliable inside sources.
May God Almighty put a hedge of protection around them Phil.
Thanks, they are surrounded by Joe Bidens/Obama Wack jobs terrorist Islamics, military age illegal alien terrorists and gang bangers from Central and South America and every sub-Saharan black Islamic cannibal. the only part of the city that is somewhat safe is Staten Island and that is only due to many Italian mafia gangsters still live there and they are all packing, and they will shoot anyone who dares mess with their families, Children, etc.
Aloha Snackbar!!!!!
The lawlessness that they imported is working, you still think we are free, think again.
“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
A freeman can be killed but only the freeman can choose to become a slave. Never surrender your soul.
Friends, it is “martial” law, not “Marshall” law. Please.