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This is what they want, because they think the government is on their side and they will win.
In reality, two thirds of the military and law enforcement will either be on our side or simply go AWOL.
They will lose miserably and quickly.
Is this the same law enforcement that let the country burn in 2020 and sat and watched and then let them virtually all off with no recourse? The same law enforcement that arrested pregnant mothers in a park during the covid scam, or people on a deserted beach? The same law enforcement that let 1/6 protesters into the capitol and then tracked them down like dogs and put them in solitary confinement with no due process for over a year now? How about the military that left 85 billion dollars of military hardware in Afghanistan during the disgraceful pullout last year? You can have them.
You are living in La-La Land ! The badged thugs and today’s Amerikan military will not comply with their Oath, “….enemies foreign & DOMESTIC.” Tommy Transvestite and Susie Rottencrotch will be target practice for Patriots and Traditional Americans.
The military and LEOS are all in on this illegal regime’s agenda, you are delusional if you think otherwise, are you of the mindset that elections will change anything?
It’s a really bad time to have chosen law enforcement as a career path. I think many will bail.
What in history would make you think that LEO and the military would do that? I ask this with all honesty. Neither group has shown and inclination to uphold their oath or even care a little about the Constitution. If you like I can give you examples like the Bonus Army, Katrina, Waco, Ruby Ridge, all the illegal wars (non declared), Air America, 2022 election, DUI check point, ISIS, Nazis in the Ukraine, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, etc…
The enforcement arm of every country on planet Earth is privy to special consideration in the form of clothing, food, housing and compensation (whether monetary or by plunder). That is why many choose to be employed as such. With the exception of a few who will not commit horrendous acts, the vast majority will not jeopardize a good thing. Their only mission is to stay alive to reap the rewards of their service. We cannot depend on them to do the right thing under stress. It is unfortunate because there are many that are friends otherwise.
I would say 2/3 military will follow along just like the jab
Uvalde US Marshall Arrested -- Adrian Pena Stalking Women With Gov Cell Phone Tracking -- Earning Ha..
military and leo, are tied to the paycheck…I don’t blame them, but I do recognize that fact… you should to. ( Look for the video, might be on Tik tok, Sgt female, army,, “I will shoot any American that disobeys my orders,” I’m paraphrasing , but it’s out there.)
The sooner the better scumbag, bring it.
I am tired of waiting. If they want it I wish they would start it sooner that later.
Law enforcement and a good majority of the military (at present indoctrination and discharge rates of “undesirables”) have proven by their recent actions and leadership, they are NOT your friends. DO NOT trust them to come to your aid when the hammer swings. They will respond to whoever offers them the most and allows for their survival. Count on it.
In our present situation their very oath is, and has been proven, worthless.
Spot frickin’ on!
Pipe down.
….and we have made a list…..
Military is NOT on our side. Neither is LE. Military is too woke, LE will do what they are told or they lose their pensions. We are on our own.
This is basically what they did in in 2016 and then in 2020. The Dems disrupted everything to the point of nullification and chaos. IF, we had had leadership that would have gone after this behavior aggressively, we would not be where we are now. That means Trump & Co, didn’t handle the problem, he appeased the left and took his operating advice from RHINOs over his base. One of the major pitfalls here is the requirement to discern between what is freedom and what is license. It is desirable that the Dems express their point of view, but it is illegal for them to “riot causing harm and destruction of property”. I am thinking of this in relation to the Pride Month celebrations which are happening right now. I defend the right of everyone to freely express themselves in the public square. But I do not defend indecency and exploitation, especially strong-armed exploitation of innocents. There are real boundaries and we, you and I, have failed to enforce them by being present. This week I will be letting our state’s Republican national candidates know that their support or lack of support for foundational issues, like Democrats threatening riots,” is being watched. This election cycle, I (hopefully we) am going to watch closely and speak out about the elected officials and their personal accountability everywhere. As an example, I have made a point of recounting a certain congressman’s immature and faulty judgement on this site. Roger Stone became aware of it, scrutinized it for accuracy and then began using the information. If we all show up, speak up and even scream, this deconstruction of our society will falter. Please understand, I don’t want to go out in public, period. But it’s now or never as I (just as many of you) have been given clear understanding of what exactly is happening and why. We have been educated in this, not as a pastime but as a calling. It needs to be taken to every venue, every post, every personal conversation, every prayer. We are meant to win this, and we can!
If Dems decide after the upcoming November mid-terms’ thrashing “That There Is No Way To Vote Their Way Out Of This,” then I say let them bring it on. Good to know. Looking forward to it.
And, by the way, there is no question about the fact that Biden deserves impeachment and removal. No President has done more to harm the welfare of the United States--with the exception of Jefferson Davis. 🙂
Come and get it mf’r. You’ll be shown just how much your life really matters.
You might be surprised to know the very mention of civil war gives thousands of American Patriots an adrenaline rush. The left wants to start a civil war? Let them.
[…] we have Democrats saying that if they don’t get their way Civil War will happen. Interesting. How do we help these Democrats bring this about? It is desperately what is needed, […]
It is a direct threat to the cowering mass of sheep, we need to keep pushing to get them to act now.
Nothing but Cuckservative Inc fear mongering, to keep the profitable wheel of grifting running in circles.
The “South” will win this time and the clock is going back to 1860.