Democrats Want to Incite Civil War II

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5 years ago

They keep adding fuel, won’t be long till they strike the spark. This just might be it. Stay tuned to you favorite local fake news source for the starter gun.

Wes Rhinier
5 years ago

I say we give them what they want…. It’s time to burn this corrupt government to the ground.

Al Dutton
5 years ago

The Communists like Schiff and Nadler are nearly apoplectic with Faux rage. They are fully aware that they WILL lose EVERYTHING in 2020!!

SO their NEXT trick WILL be to attack the Twenty First Century version of Fort Sumter….Possibly a Trump Golf Course/Hotel. In an attempt start Civil War 2.0, it WILL be where the Democrat Party, AKA the Communist Party USA, Historically Ceases to exist forevermore…

We WILL be a one Party system for a time. It WILL be the Republican Party, then, perhaps the Veterans Party. Or an ANTI Communist Party of some sort!
NO MORE Communist/Socialist sympathizers attempting to re-Write our Constitution and modify our Laws to give the Communists Faux Legitimacy, STUFF the Supreme Court with Communist sympathizing faux Jurists.
NOT in our REPUBLIC!! IF the Lunatic Left starts shooting (Remember: the Majority of Mass Shootings have been the work of Democrats, Leftists, Muslims or Communists) WE THE PEOPLE will be forced to END the the Domestic Enemies of the United States of America….