Department of Education Is Gone

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1 month ago

As a former school board chairperson/president the regulations were ridiculous and didn’t help the kids, parents or the school. AWESOME!! What a waste of taxpayer money! Most of these people didn’t have children and really didn’t care about the children.

Last edited 1 month ago by Jolie1
Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 month ago

I almost can’t believe this is legit. Waiting to see it gets picked up by other sources. If true, I’ll consider it a master stroke to have done this tonight, while so many sheeple are focused on sportsball and degenerate side shows at the Stuporbowl, and will probably be tomorrow’s biggest story.

1 month ago

Good. Should have happened a long time ago.

1 month ago

Eliminated as of when? Takes time to search out sources for textbooks and establish a curriculum to educate students according to each states’ requirements. Some states may continue to use the federal recommendations of material while other states will celebrate being able to teach their student body what they feel is appropriate. Federal money has too many strings attached and those strings should have been severed a long time ago.

1 month ago

Thank the good Lord, the entire bureaucracy that was set up has been a sham from the very beginning to be used by the Democrat party as a means of control on the students to brain wash them and tie the hands of the states to there perverted rules.m and money control.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 month ago

It is quite a curios thing that an agency created via executive order by Jimmeh Carter can only be “uncreated” via congressional action, is it not? If that’s how they want to play it, then tell them DOGE cannot be stopped without congressional action (whuch Trump can then veto). Moreover, this general notion of a one way street where anything that government creates cannot later be eliminated absolutely has to be killed off.

Eve of War
Eve of War
1 month ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

+++1 !! Amen!

Lance Match
Lance Match
1 month ago

The Declaration of Independence says GOD Endowed Us with Rights.
To secure the Rights GOD gave us, WE The People ordained and established
The Constitution for the United States of America
Wherein WE Created the “Federal” Government:
An Alliance of Sovereign States associated together in a “Federation” for the limited purposes enumerated in The Constitution.

Federal government of 3 branches (legislative, executive, judicial):
The Federal government has lawful power (externally and internally) only over these objects (for the Country at large):

International trade & diplomacy
War -- national defense
Make Treaties, but only on objects authorized by Constitution!

Establish uniform commercial system:

  • weights & measures
  • patents & copyrights
  • money system (gold & silver)
  • bankruptcy laws
  • mail delivery & road building

Laws on naturalization & immigration
Certain civil rights (in the Amendments)
Make & enforce only a few criminal laws
Federal courts for specific purposes only
Miscellaneous “housekeeping”: census, etc.
May borrow money & levy taxes, but only for purposes authorized by Constitution!

The States and The People retain all powers except those few delegated exclusively to the federal government or prohibited to the States (Art. I, § 10):

Where is the power to create a Department of Education?

The federal government & State government have different spheres of operation.
The federal government is “supreme” only in those few & enumerated objects delegated exclusively to it.
The States and The People retain supremacy in all other matters.
When the federal government usurps powers retained by the States or The People, it becomes unlawful & illegitimate:

  • Nullification is proper.

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tom finley
tom finley
1 month ago

There is no other solution, shut it down.

1 month ago

Education will slowly but surely move to the states. Only a skeleton of the federal agency will remain to preside over its final burial.

1 month ago

These idiot “patriots” and their BS “q” fodder…do they even care about credibility? Buffoonery ruins your name and makes real change agents the butt of the joke. This is a small example of why 2-party will always be in the way of true freedom. Enjoy the small victories, sure- but beware the real war behind the curtain…Antichrist government is still downloading…

1 month ago

Unfortunately not true. (At this time)

1 month ago

Its main function was, and has always has been, anti-Christian, leftist propaganda. I say, good riddance!

1 month ago

Jimma’s DOE’s (education & energy) were created by congress but there are only 18 areas of responsibilities allowed to the federal government by the Constitution. DOE’s are not one of them! Therefore the DOE’s are un-Constitutional and it is up to the congress to annul the original creation of them. If not, then it must go to the Supreme Court for the declaration.

1 month ago

The GOP has been promising that since 1994. Not holding my breath.