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Sorry if this offends anyone (not really) but it is time to starting killing every Moslem in the USA starting with this bitch first, then Ratshita Tlaib second.
Careful, Lee. You can write that about Trump and MAGA supporters but in Bidenville, you could get a knock on your door by LEO for words against beloved Democrats. Remember? Words are violence…unless against Orange Man Bed:)
Here’s a novel idea. Remove all dual citizens from legislative office. Their loyalty is questionable. An even better idea? Repatriate everyone to their respective countries of origin who cannot prove their ancestors came to America before, oh, I don’t know, say 1900 or so. The real Americans built the American civilization. Most of those coming since then have been parasites (I didn’t say all, I said most, and I don’t expect any repatriation, even of the recent illegal arrivals).
It would be ridiculous to call me Chinese were I to move to China and become a citizen there. It is equally ridiculous to call a Somali living in Sweden a Swede or in America an American just because they had a piece of paper saying so. One’s blood determines their nation, not their location. So I wonder why Omar should be an American citizen, much less in Congress. Unfortunately, America is a mutt nation. Built by Europeans and now occupied by people from all over the planet. I love diversity, but one cannot have a nation that is not homogeneous. Read your history. Mixed empires and nations always fall to civil strife.
How did we get here? Thomas Jefferson warned us, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
See who runs the banks and also the corporations: the financial system, the media, the entertainment industry, primary education, health care, the pharmaceutical industry, etc. and one will likely find the source of our problems. Ask yourself, “Who can one not criticize?” Ask yourself, “If these people whom we’re not allowed to criticize and who now control every position of power in our country were required to leave, would that lead to better lives for Americans?” They do have their own country, by-the-way. It’s called Israel.
Doubt me?
T L Davis h/t Western Rifle Shooters
She’s as American as Poot, Xi and Rocketboy.
She is 100% Shabaab.
May damn well be Shabaabs greatest achievment.
(Thats another topic)
These people just run there mouths…
And once there 15 is over.
Poof! Like it never happened.
ALL of them,every single one…
..should really start reviewing there past facetime footage.
The communist run FBI was supposed to investigate her for election theft of campaign money as well as her marrying her brother to gain entry into the U.S., and to this day nothing has been investigated or any charges brought forth, as well as every member in the communist Marxist squad. all of them were looting their campaign money for personal use of which is illegal under campaign finance laws. AOC the Barmaid siphoned 1 million dollars of her campaign money to her boyfriend at the time and began a side business from the money. to this day no charges brought forth from the FBI.
Look at this cartoon graphic from the economist magazine printed in 2012, and how did they know what was going to happen in 2023.
((can’t reach page Phil))
I know, something happened in the copying of the page and Iam trying to rectify it. in the meantime, go to the 2012 economist magazine edition the front-page cover is an eye opener as to how they knew this was going to occur in 2023 with Hamas and Israel.
How is it that this felon and criminal is still parking her butt on the hill? She should have been arrested and tried long ago and then summarily deported.
if we had an honest media instead of the mockingbird press that we have, all here would know that the palestinians are defending themselves in much the same way our indigenous, the indians, did under similar circumstances.
seventy five years ago the un gave palestine to the joos from europe, who aren’t even descended from the joos of the time of jesus who are second class joos in israel since they’ve lived in north africa for some thousands of years until israel was created. investigate the khazars for reference there.
the european joos after their arrival in palestine began a program of terror which is where the techniques of modern terrorism originated. the indiginous, the palestinians have been defending themselves since being outgunned, and unrepresented in a fair manner in ‘our free press’ which ain’t. for reference on that see this link:
Speaking of Indians, those of Germanic/European descent now comprise only 3.8% of the total world population. Primarily located in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Judging from the invasion of our lands from all those other people groups, it appears we’re the Indians now. If something doesn’t change, extinction of our people is a real possibility and one that ‘the powers that be’ seem to intend.