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- GenEarly on The Real Bidenomics
Is it wrong of me to doubt this will result to anything? Not that I do not want to believe it will, I just cannot allow myself. I know there is only one option out of this and this is not it. It my be a beginning, but, I cannot believe it right now.
Funny how Dr. Death-Fauci has disapeared from public view! Thomas we’re all questioning the same but if this leads to questioning and pointing towards the originator-DOD/Darpa-WEF-Gates-PTB then let it begin, I wish our Ohio Rino DeWine would have enough testosterone to do the same. Personally my family has already lost 6-relatives due to the Kill-Shot Bio Weapon…Id like to see revenge on these Bastards. A Good Ole Fashioned Public Hanging or Stoning comes to mind!
Freaking DeWine. I cannot believe they voted that waste back into office.
Yeh..what a waste but the Soros pick was far worse! Im thankful I dont live north in Michigan where they have that POS Whitless!
“Is it wrong of me to doubt this will result to anything?”
No, it makes you highly intelligent.
This is HUGE.
I know that DeSantis is getting a lot of flak lately on alleged associations with deep state actors. Whether true or not, and, whether he is actually aligning himself with them is yet to be seen.
So, based on everything I hear him saying AND, more importantly what he is doing, I sure wish he was the governor or, someone like him, in my state of Georgia.
Kabuki theatre. Ron has pledged that Florida would be the most Israel friendly state in the country. ‘Nuff said.
Stan, is it possible, that he is not aware of the current state of Israel as one possible created after WWII by the Khazarian Mafia?
I was ignorant of this until not all that long ago. As a bible-believing Christian and believing what God has to say about the 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel) I’m always careful about putting all Jews into the same barrel as many want to do.
I guess all I’m saying is that maybe we need to cut him some slack until more time passes. He was originally for the jabs too but, he’s changed his position on that.
God needed a bloodline to bring forth the savior. They rejected the king. There is no bloodline Jew today. I recommend Arthur Koestler’s “The Thirteenth Tribe.” Today’s jooish banksters just rip off the biblical Judean bloodline to get preferred treatment. Ron has been to the wailing wall like all good politicians.
I recently read a theory that the missing tribes were genocided in 70AD by the Romans. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know, but if not that … what? Where did they go? DNA suggested the Ashkenazis are Khazarians. Many Christians hold that modern Israel is a fulfillment of prophesy. My question? How is that a ‘God’ thing if the Jews are only those who say they are Jews but are not? If not a ‘God’ thing, then many ‘believers’ are deceived into thinking we’re in the last days.
I believe Revelation 2 addresses this very thing:
I’ll state this again as I did above. As a bible-believing Christian and believing what God has to say about the 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel) I’m always careful about putting all Jews into the same barrel as many want to do.
God’s covenants are forever. They don’t change unless He changes them. He did so with Jesus.
The last days? The book of Revelation doesn’t kick in until the born again believers are gathered up, [1Thessalonians 4:13 -- 18.]
What if we are gathered up Spiritually, (as in the old testament) not physically as a ‘collective’ the way we have been conditioned to think?
His first return, made possible the Holy Spirit. If He is here and within us, ‘Truly.’ what more would we need or want, than more people to have this experience also.
Why would we be waiting for Him to return if He is indeed Truly within us?
He has Come. It is ‘us’ the world, the worldly, He has been waiting for!
The “Lost Tribes.”
Stan, please correct me if I am misinterpreting your statements but, do I understand you to say that the covenant that God made with the 12 tribes of Israel (formerly, Jacob) is no longer valid and has been revoked somewhere along the line? If so, please share with me scripture that would state this.
I would lift up as evidence to the fact that there are still the lineage of the 12 tribes in existence today, is to look at the Messianic Geneology of Jesus, the Christ
Finally, how do you interpret the verses in Revelation 7 pertaining to the 144,000 Jews.
God has not broken any covenant. They rejected the king. So, eternal life is now available to all, [Romans 10: 9,10,] with Christ in you the hope of glory! [Colossians 1:27.] The time we live is greater than being under the OT law, for by grace we are saved, not of works lest any man should boast, [Ephesians chapter 2, I think!]
First John 2:…..
And by this we know that we know Him, if we guard His commands.
The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him.
Saved by Grace, not by works. Yes, yet His commands still have a purpose. This all works together.
What he’s doing for Florida is great. But I don’t trust him completely because of his loyalties to Israel.
Maria, kaboom! Sure, they have to throw us crumbs. Just look at what they don’t touch, holohoax,9/11,geoengineering…….
DeSantis knows full well what Israel is about. And it didn’t stop him from pandering for (s)Election 2024 votes, at the Wailing Wall.
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This is your rebuttal? He prayed at the wailing wall? So did I. So did most of the group of 35 other Christians that I toured the Holy Land with. The God of the “real Jews” is also the God of every born again Christian.
I commented that DeSantis “PANDERED for (s)Election 2024 votes at the Wailing Wall.
WHO is going to be on this panel? Catastrophic contagion meeting oct. 23, 22. On the agenda -- combating misinformation. Creating control panels and information gateways.
desantis makes subterfuge announcement.
He is asking for a panel for investigation, a common dodge. And he’s putting together some kind of committee, a common dodge. He’s the boss of the Executive Branch of the government and should openly state the facts he knows and should author decisive legislation and should order cases be put together by his best in his Executive Branch and file them with the courts to be tried. Panels and committees (including his asking the enemy-infested court system to empanel a special grand jury — anyone remember the Kenneth Starr grand jury that, of course, failed against the criminal Clintons?) are tools to buy time until the deliberate parade of new crimes and criminal hoaxes diverts attention. DeSantis is Mr. Israel First, same as all the others atop the UniParty of Dems-Repubs in every state and WashingtonDC. Murderous pharma is owned by jews. The inventors and pushers of the criminal covid hoax are jews — Rothschilds, Fauci, heads of CDC, on and on. How do they get away with obvious crimes? Well, gee, guess who is in control of “our” governments preventing full exposure and prosecution?
It sounds like the biggest problem people have with DiSantis is…wait for it…THE JEWS! I won’t repeat what I stated above so, if you are interested in my position, see my replies to Stan and Malachi.
To be clear, I have as many problems with the Khazarian Mafia and all of their evil ploys and their lineage who have carried on with the tradition of ‘Steal, Kill & Destroy’. All I’m saying is don’t get caught up in the machinations of the evil one, aka satan, and become an anti-Semite in the process. You may be answering to the Big Guy some day about it.
Also, I totally reject the Replacement Theology that seems to go hand in hand with this whole “every Jew is an evil, bad Jew”.
If I am wrong on any of what I said, show me scripturally where I am and I’ll listen. And, if I am wrong on any of it, I’m sure the Lord will straighten me out either in this world or the next.
There’s nothing wrong with the Jewish baker making bread down the street. The problem is the Jewish banking cartel. I recommend “All Wars Are Banker Wars,” an article by Michael Rivero. A book is “Creature From Jeckll Island” by Edward Griffen.”
“Give me control of a nations’ currency and I care not who makes the laws.” Mayer Rothchild
Something here needs to be considered. Criminality can and should be prosecuted. That means whomever is a criminal, whether white, black, pink or (as you would have it) Jews. But, what we seem to forget is that Revelation says there will be a remnant of Jews saved by the Lord. And that means we do not know who they are. That means it is impossible for us to wholesale condem Jews per se any more than we can condem blacks, muslims, chinese or russians. The wholesale slaughter of groups is wrong. It is the criminals within that must be brought to account. Perhaps this doesn’t settle well with some.
I’m not ashamed to say that I voted for Ron DeSantis in the last two elections. Was I wrong? What If I, and millions of other Floridians, had stood by and allowed the despicable and godless Democrats Andrew Gillum and Charlie Crist to get elected? Either one of them would have meant disaster for Florida. Please, folks, judge rightly. Let’s give the man a chance.