If you have ever wondered about the government’s ability to control the civilian airwaves, you will have your answer on November 9th.
On that day, federal authorities are going to shut off all television and radio communications simultaneously at 2:00PM EST to complete the first ever test of the national Emergency Alert System (EAS).
They destroyed my business by blocking my phone calls and so many other scary things…
Don’t think it’s EMS but there is something going on to divert our attention.
Not to turn this into a Ron Paul moment, but let me ask most all of you, do you think he is so crazy now? 🙂 This test is BS: FEMA prisons, FEMA camps, FEMA having a kill switch the puppet P’BO can use. Three years ago, Glenn Beck said all Ron Paul supporters should be rounded up and imprisoned. For what, saying the Federal Reserve is a racket? It is. For saying that there is a conspiracy up on high above the puppet president and congress’ heads tyrannically taking power? There is. For saying that there is a military industrial complex behind the scenes that has already taken control? President Eisehower said there was, so did JFK and quite a few other notables: THERE IS. I keep saying the whole WAKEY WAKEY bit to ya’ll and most of the commentators on this site have posted that they think something is rotten in Denmark: THERE IS. Pay attention here – The USA is not run under the constitution and has not been for decades (I’ll push it back to 1913 – others would give different various dates/executive orders or presidential directives, when doesn’t matter so much as what). You are not free like you were taught, you do not have your liberty though you *think* you do, your happiness if you really are happy is either supremely righteous in the face of all this and or you are ignorant and in need of some rousing from the Matrix. Yes, the Matrix – WHAT DO YOU THINK THE INSPIRATION WAS FOR THAT MOVIE? Ohh goodness, I laugh but it is not a laughter of joy but spite.