Do you know how many people have been killed worldwide by their governments from the COVID shots?

It’s around 12M. That is 40X the number of Americans who were killed in World War II. It’s more than double the number killed by COVID.

Margaret Anna Alice asked if anyone could estimate the global death toll from the COVID shots.

In my opinion, a reasonable estimate is to divide the number of doses by 1,000.

If you do that for the 600M doses delivered in the US, you get 600,000 deaths which is right in the ballpark.

A more conservative number is to divide the number of doses by 2,500. This is the number Mathew Crawford estimated from global data: 411 deaths per Million doses. Earlier, I offered a $1M reward to anyone who found a significant error in his work. No takers. This is documented on my Substack and in my Twitter stream, but of course everything I tweeted was deleted by Twitter as being unsafe. A free $1M no strings attached. Nobody accepted.

So that conservative estimate gets you to 5M killed (only 16X the number killed in World War II).

Read the entire article by Steve Kirsch here…

We need to be paying attention to this… look at everyone around you who has been vaccinated (hopefully you’re not one of them) and understand that their time on this Earth is coming to an end much sooner than it should have. Now understand that this has been planned for years, and it is INTENTIONAL. They cannot afford to pay the social security checks, much less pensions. Once your earning capacity has come to an end, you are no longer any use to them (when I say “them” I mean the bankers and the government).

About Hammers Thor
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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I did not and will not take the kill shot for the flue, I have never taken a flue shot. It is mind boggling how people just stepped up and obeyed, and put to that their children. The propaganda has worked, the whole of this illegal regime wants us dead or dying. TINVOWOOT.

2 years ago

At our last local meeting, I pointed out that people would not stand up against the government that financed a worldwide pandemic and then unleashed an untested gene therapy that is killing millions of people.
So why would we expect people to stand up to fight for their children’s Liberty?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Sad very sad, how far we have fallen.

2 years ago

It seems that it was part of the plan to make people sick via injection, before much of the infrastructure and natural foods and herbs are gone, i.e., through nuclear weapons taking them out, or chemical, biological agents, etc., so that each person will be on their own with no medical helps for the most part in a time of localized or national catastrophe. It will also minimize the possibility for bringing justice to these people via the chaos, martial law, and lack of communications. This is where a submissive church system, institutionalized political correctness, and a degraded economy (largely for those whose work enriches the financially wealthy, and establishment types), and not educating the people of one’s country as to their form of government, laws (and there are multiple new ones passed everyday we don’t know about, or until perhaps an issue arises, and someone is informed of a pertaining law, for instance), history, civics, or asserting themselves into the arts, and other soft sciences, leaving an adversarial form of social control to dominate; these issues and more lead to this type of breakdown and subsequent dictatorial behavior.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Consider this. An acceleration of the die off and all the problems that causes to the economy and society. Perhaps more bio-weapons dumped on us for good measure. The collapse of the EU and the ECB because of the sanctions they imposed on Russia. Unprecedented social unrest in Europe, especially Germany, As many are out of work and there is little heat. NATO collapses. The market collapses. The dollar gets weaker. Finally, we can’t afford anything. We ain’t seen nothing yet. The good news is this might collapse the Globalist Empire and we have a better chance to rid ourselves of them. Never thought it was going to be easy. I feel good. I hope everybody else is ok. Think positive.

2 years ago

So, in other words, we were wrong before, but no apology.

2 years ago
Reply to  grif

What about the DNA that was reportedly collected from the PCR tests going to China and the graphene oxide and other contaminants in them; what are the ramifications thereof? I read about one woman who went to a hospital and was held down by medical personnel to administer the painful PCR test that broke her blood-brain barrier, she had clear liquid leaking out of her nose as I recall.

2 years ago

Dr Robert E Willner testifies that Dr Fauci is guilty of genocide during the 80’s.

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  grif

Pass. Tired of the Trump attacks. Was he wrong? Of course. Did he believe his medical advisers who were the “experts”? Of course. No one would have believed the level of evil that has been perpetrated on our people. I know many people who still believe in the gene therapy and the continued injections of untested vaccines. At they own peril.
I have the background in molecular biology to know not to have taken the “vaccine”. But less that 0.01% of the population have this knowledge. Everyone of us should look in the mirror and ask what we would have done under the same circumstances.
It is easy now to play Monday morning quarterback. Should Trump come out and admit he received bad advice and ask for our understanding? Of course. No one is perfect and we should admit our mistakes. Pray for discernment and focus on the true enemy.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

As I see Trump, he was the communists patsy.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Too many trusted. Not enough investigated. I’m just a blue collar guy. Retired. I’m always a doubting Thomas. So, back in early 2020, I started scanning open source info. I rejected items that I considered to be nonsense. I found videos of Dr. Ralph S. Baric and Dr. Peter Daszak discussing how they made Covid-19. They said they weren’t able to make it contagious enough. They shipped off samples to Wuhan. The expert there inserted a HIV component in order to achieve the proper level of contagion. Dr. Fauci provided the grant money all along, so he knew darn well what was going on. Most of the grants came from the DOD. There is another video of Stephan Oelrich, head of pharmacy for Bayer Pharmaceutical, saying that what they were putting in patients arms was experimental cell and gene therapy. He says they had to call it a vax so people would line up to get it. There’s a lot more, but I’d have to write a book.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Good work ! You are proof that ANYONE could have done the research and found enough evidence to avoid the jab. Plus they have been poisoning our kids for years with toxic vaccines.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

I’ve got a little time left. So here goes. The 1989 Bio-weapon Anti-Terrorism Act was written by Prof. Francis Boyle, a professor of International Law. He says Covid-19 is a bio-weapon. I think he would know. He’s on video.

2 years ago

This Is the Number of Innocent People Murdered by Governments. Let’s start with a number: 262 million. That’s the number of unarmed people the late Prof. R. J. Rummel estimated governments murdered in mass killings he termed “democide” during the 20th century. “This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century,” he wrote. When Georgetown University bioethicist Lawrence O. Gostin cheers on former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s nanny-state meddling and writes, “the public health approach rejects the idea that there is such a thing as unfettered free will,” he forgets (or doesn’t care) that using the law to clamp fetters on us unhealthy saps creates more rules and regulations that we could ever possibly obey.