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The primary function of our present occupational government, is to keep us from forming one of our own.
I will make a humble attempt to answer her question.
Today, in America, we don’t have a government that exists for the benefit of ordinary people, that is for human beings with godly plans and purposes. America’s present government solely exists for the benefit of the extremely wealthy and powerful, that is for unhuman beings with ungodly plans and purposes. And its main function is to make absolutely sure that ordinary people, that is human beings with godly plans and purposes, will never have a government that exists for their benefit ever again.
I hope I answered her question.
I could have not stated it any better
Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Message II to Joe Biden (The White House Apostasy) -- YouTube Great comment strider777, a short video from a Messianic Rabbi and what the demons in DC have brought upon us, especially obiden.
Tom, I thank you and Phil for your kind words.
I listened to her video and was so disturbed by her question that I had to get some air and stepped out on the front porch. It was evening. I started praying and asked the Lord to help me respond to her question. And that is when the word “unhuman” came to me. I could not get it out of my mind. I went back into the house and was able to quickly write my response to her question. I believe our present government is under the control of unhuman beings or, now that I’ve had time to think about it, demonically possessed people. And they are doing everything in their power to destroy us and our country.
I thank you for the link to Jonathan Cahn’s video. It is powerful. It is the truth of God in his video that makes it powerful. It was that truth in his video that helped me understand the full meaning of the word “unhuman” that God put into my mind.
God bless you, Tom.
Today, “government” is a jobs program for the worthless, the vicious, and the tyrannical. Actually, there’s a good case that it’s always been that and nothing else.
Or maybe as Benjamim Franklin said:
When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. Sell not liberty to purchase power.
The founding fathers feared Democracy, they saw it as mob rule as proven in the then current French Revolution.
After all, “Free Shit” buys voters. Been proven for decades.
And since the current deep state blob has a free money machine, it really costs THEM NOTHING to “Buy votes”.
But the stock market is “Up”, but history proves the stock market is a trailing indicator. And when it goes DOWN, it does so despite all the 1500 EST Plunge Protection Team efforts.
Hyperinflation, that’s for breakfast.
Franklin did not say that.
The market is starting to crash but people will not understand in time to realize its consequences. The ship is sinking and the rats are jumping off as we saw yesterday in Ukraine. The number of people who know that no one is coming to save them is increasing. The next two months will be lifechanging.
Sorry just a Google snip. Several people in history seem to have said that or variants thereof.
Tempus fugit, I’ve looked at some receipts this weekend before tossing.
GV Canned pinto beans 15.5 ounce, a month ago 79 cents, yesterday 93 cents. Got lots of shelf stable foods? Worse case scenario you get to eat them.
Here we go again:
Free Read!
We don’t have a .gov; we have natural selection. The strongest and most ruthless are in command. We the people let it off leash long ago and it has grown feral since 1860-ish. We have become their prey, despite having teeth and claws. SMH.
Our Founders believed In God and when this nation was formed,when the first ship landed in America and yes God did bless America, now as it moved away from God it is getting bad, so the only true Answer is for believers to Pray Pray Pray, for Revival again daily !
We don’t have a government; we have a communist/socialist system disguising itself as an oligarchy class and robbing the people blind, filling the nation with vermin and undermining the Constitution.