Does anyone think that we are free?
We have an oppressive regime in Washington D.C. that is allowed to hold people without a trial, lie in court records, openly spy on us, and Federal Judges simply agree and approve of all of it. The evil regime in D.C. is now inviting in the UN to help us deal with “racism”. Our military is transporting illegals and depositing them mainly in “red” states in an effort to change the voting practices. A new poll is out stating that 66% of southern republicans would like to secede from the United States. California is re-instating the mask mandates. South Africa is burning. France is starting to pushback against vaccine passports. Ireland is starting to get frisky as their government has sentenced a woman to three months in prison for refusing to wear a mask. Australians have taken to the street to protest a new round of lockdowns. China is openly threatening nuking Japan. Audits are wrapping up here in the United States that are proving what the world already knows, that our country was stolen from us in a fraudulent election. These are just the headlines from today. So I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say the world is burning as I have stated previously.
Covid it seems now has proven to be the catalyst for the world takeover agenda of the elites. We are living in the midst of the Great Reset and we aren’t doing much about it.
How many of you reading here actually watch your local news and one of the major networks nightly news at least one night a week? I do. People ask why. Well, I think it’s important to know what the enemy is talking about and how they are pushing their agenda. On NBC Nightly News last night, it was all fear of the Delta variant, mask and vaccinating children. They also covered the new bombshell of how the communist General Milley was afraid Trump would pull a coup should he lose the election. We all know there was a coup that happened, however it did not come from our side, the communist are good at what they do.
In conversations with friends certain things keep coming up. People keep saying that nothing will happen. That as long as Americans have a roof over their head, food on the table, and are well entertained they will continue to accept this tyranny that we are currently living with. I also keep asking the question of, When Will We Stand? When Will We Fight?
Now that the audits are shedding even more light on just how fraudulent the elections were, what happens next? Do you think the Biden administration will just apologize and step down and welcome Trump back into the White House? Do you honestly believe the courts will side with us? If you do you obviously haven’t been paying attention to what our courts have done over the past. Another statement that gets thrown at me is that one way or another, we will ultimately win. Meaning that if we can’t win it properly through the courts, we’ll win fighting the ugliest war this world will have ever seen?
There are those out there that believe Trump is going to be re-instated once these audits are finished. Can someone please explain to me how that happens without bloodshed? The communist are not going to relinquish the power they have stolen from us. Trump wouldn’t stand up and fight when he had the power to do so, he never will without it. Trump is merely a crutch for weak men. It’s time to stop dreaming about these audits. We already know what they will show. What are we waiting for?
This tyranny will continue to grow until We The People grow a spine!
Our founding father’s worst nightmare is now upon us. They did their best to create a free government, limited in its powers, and we did not jealously guard it. Instead of a free and just country, we are now a Godless culture and have a despotic federal government that knows no limits to its power.
An ominous question exist that every person capable of rational thought must ask themselves. What kind of country are we leaving to our children and grandchildren? We are the last place on this planet where true freedom has a chance. What will you say when they ask what You did to stop the tyranny and destruction of our Constitutional Republic?
It is time for us to all pledge our lives, fortunes and sacred honor and preserve freedom for the future generations.
That Open Range quote was the best quote in the movie.
I agree 100% thank you for stating what we already know! How about some solutions? I’m trying to survive this economy and keep a roof over my head. I’m a single mom who’d love to be out there organizing, meeting with like minded groups, making plans to get back and keep our freedoms. Waking up those who continue to make the choice to participate in poisoning themselves and their children. I work 70 hours per week and have 3 jobs, all in the mental health field doing my best to help others. I live in a blue state, b/c of the city of Chicago. Yes I’m fired up, at the same time exhausted. Let’s do this, let’s organize!
I sincerely hope you have better luck organizing than I have. When I first started organizing there was some enthusiasm. I appeares to me after the lockdowns subsided and the audits discovered there are voting irregularities everybody started to believe Trumpy Bear was going to run to our rescue. The sheep don’t want to believe the seriousness of whats happening. As long as the Starbucks still has a drive thu window I doubt anything is going to spur people on. Also be very careful who you try to organize. I seriously believe a family member and some folks from my church would report me to the feds if they haven’t already. I feel bad that you have to raise children alone in this dangerous place. That has to be a huge weight to bare. Best of luck and God Bless you and your family.
My sentiments exactly, when will we stand? We are loosing copious amounts of acreage by the second! Have you ever thought about the USA being invaded, occupied by the brutal Chinese, Russians as they have been planning? Well I have often! I think mostly of my wife and daughters being raped in front of me (as these bastards have spoken openly their plans). Remember the shot heard round the world! Thinking of all those who went before me giving their lives so I could live in freedom. The first to fire that shot!? Will it be I! Lest I die in shame as a coward! If we didn’t act in courage and love for our families and country by fighting, as we lay face down in a guillotine, I will say I should have fought, killed the bastards!!!
It would be better to perish fighting on our feet than live as slaves!
Will it be too late!?
Great article but I’ll say this about Trump. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. I do believe we are living in unprecedented times. What happened last Nov has never happened in our history. I believe we are witnessing a worldwide military sting operation meaning it’s covert. Q is real. The truth will be known in due time because the Great Awakening is underway. And that’s what this is about. It’s about thoroughly exposing the corrupt cancerous system, destroying it, and restoring our Constitutional Republic. This is biblical. What evil men meant for evil, God will turn it all around for good. Just look at the Cross -- the greatest crime in history. God is ultimately in control let’s not forget that. And I believe God is using Trump to not only awaken the masses but also to trump God’s enemies. What better man for God to use than someone named Trump to bring a great victory to His people? You can’t tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor. We the People are the vast majority by far. The deep state is panicking and desperate. Stay the course. Be patient and prayerful. Fight the good fight. As Trump said, “we will win!”
Oh I feel better now. Q is real. whew, was scared it was a rehashed soviet psyop to placate, sedate and expose the opposition. I will feel much better when i can get to a voting booth again so i can stick it to the man. What better man than Trump to bring a great victory? Can only think of one. Jesus
Dear Charles,
Kind greetings to you. I would like to refer to your thought, “ What happened last Nov has never happened in our history.” Please consider this: Former President Obama (bin laden look-a-like, Barry Soetoro). Was groomed over many decades also trained in “The Rules for Radicals” strategy/book.
Former President Select Obama is most likely C.I.A. Asset -- ascertained or low the level agent who presently is a hidden operative with the criminal elect Joe Biden.
Do you remember televised on the main stream media many decades ago, the fake/fraudulent Osama bin Laden ( a C.I.A. Operative on the payroll a.ka. Tim Osman with Brzezinski)? Picture former President Obama seated behind a green screen, dressed in a turban and off-white garb draped over his body, Hollywood make-up on his face, a fake mole strategically placed, beard, mustache…. The resemblance is uncanny…astounding!
Critically thinking people scrutinize and see these are fake, phony videos of Osama bin Laden….
These inner members of the Ruling Class Families and their top tier “go fetch boy!” And “go fetch girl!” Minions amongst other levels of of minions all whom serve the inner members of the Ruling Class families like gods little ‘g’ have been bamboozling, snookering, swindling, deceiving and suckering We The People for more than a century now!!!!
They are going for 100% full spectrum domination, power and control and ‘god-hood’, little’g’ again all the time!! Controlling We The People like remote controlled toys. Not only do they have the technology, but they have this continuous- steady -- stream backing of We The People’s constant ENERGY always supporting them, empowering them, aiding them and lifting them to god-like status of power and control. It is OUR HOLY, SACRED LIFE-FORCE ENERGY, OUR ‘I CAN’ POWER, OUR CO-CREATIVITY and OUR SOVEREIGN BEING and AUTHORITY that continuously relinquishes to and serves these evil, evil, evil people, powers and entities and empowers them day after day!
Please! Everyone needs to begin withdrawing their Holy, Sacred Life-Force Energies, ‘I Can’ Power, Co-Creativity, and One’s Sovereign Being and Sovereign Authority from serving these evil, evil, evil people, powers, entities.
Stop complying. For example: who is volunteering to go get injected with one of their 65 different manufactured formulations of Foreign Materials to be injected into oneself? Does one Truly Believe that getting an injection is creating good health, practicing preventative measures against dis- ease in one’s body?
Does one think that these inner members of the Ruling Class families will cease injecting We The People world-wide with Foreign Materials, nano-bot technology, piso crystals, electrical-antenna-filaments, all types of poisons, and dis- ease that belong solely to animals but they know how to break the boundaries by unzipping gene material and inserting “un-like-does-not-belong-material” with “unlike-does-not-belong-material” and then we can continuously be enfolded in The Medical System because We The People always feel “unwell” and we can receive more pharmaceutical meds to quell the problem only to create new imbalances and a non-homeostasis state of being internally….?..
These people laugh at us every. Single. Day! Look how easily coerced and cajoled We The People are! This is why THEY BELIEVE that they really are gods little ‘g’ and should PLAY ‘god’ little ‘g’.
Further examples, what person or doctor asks, “did you get injected (faux called vaccine)” with the response answer, “ I have to ask.”
You Do??????? You HAVE TO ask? This is WHY, this is WHY these people believe that they ARE ‘gods’ and should play ‘god’ and LORD OVER We The People and all life on planet earth!!!!!!!!!
WHO keeps nonchalantly COMPLYING as if this is just “going away” ? How can this “snow balling” of evil ever-growing “ just go away” When WE THE PEOPLE continuously support it, comply with it, do it and keep breathing life into this escalating nightmare??? They laugh at us. We keep doing their bidding and they can then exclaim and declare (not fully truthfully for what they do behind closed doors -- another topic), “Our Hands Are Clean!”
Who works for Monsanto perverting our Holy, Sacred food supply and creating poison, perversion, adulteration and sickness????
WHO keeps complying with these evil, evil, evil people, powers and entities???
Please!!!!! Always. Think: Strategy. Tactic. Technique.
How these evil, evil, evil people, powers and entities utilize Strategy. Tactic. Technique.
Thank you for your time.
Only The God of the living Bible can save us now, or have you chosen unwisely?
I agree Trump should be given the benefit of the doubt. From the outside, there was every indication that he did actually invoke the insurrection act to stop the democrat’s coup. It is pretty clear that the military led by general Milley would not honor their oaths.
I think that Trump used every avenue at his disposal to stop the steal but was unable to. He went to the courts and they refused to hear the cases. He tried to rally the public and the media shut him out. He (probably) ordered the military to do their job and they folded.
Correct. You make some good points. Trump used every LEGAL avenue that he could to move forward with his case -- the case for We The People who overwhelmingly voted for him for reelection. But the system failed the American people. Most of us knew the system was corrupt and broken but we did not know to what extent. If they can censor the sitting POTUS -- the man that holds the most powerful public office in the world, for their own partisan reasons, just imagine what they can do to you and me. I imagine that was a big wake up call to not only all Americans but regular ordinary folks everywhere around the world. It’s true, Trump’s case was never heard by the courts, not due to lack of evidence because we all know there was plenty of it. It was obviously political. In hindsight, perhaps it was the best thing that ever happened considering all that’s happened since last Nov to awaken the masses. This is about the Great Awakening and taking back our country from the criminal globalist cabal, the deep state or whatever you want to call it. It’s happening, it’s worldwide and it will be like a massive tsunami crashing down on the enemies of freedom. Why do you think they unleashed Covid-19 and want everybody to be injected with the experimental Covid shots? Why do you think they’ve been dumbing us down with the fluoride in our water and killing us off with cancer-causing, heart disease inducing agents GMOs and all kinds of other crap for years? As I said, what evil men meant for evil, I believe God will turn it around on them and use it for good. Do you think the enemies of freedom are now panicking and desperate? People are waking up to the truth by the millions every day. When God Almighty opens the floodgates, nothing can stop what is coming. Keep the faith, be prayerful and let’s fight the good fight in the LORD.
There was a quote that from an online documentary I watched recently that went like this:
“Only when you know how to grow food are you truly free!”
(I think the documentary was called, “The Need to Grow”)
Think about it. If you know how to grow food, you can live anywhere. If you don’t know how to grow food, then you are dependent on those who can.
If I recall correctly, there was a running controversy between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Here is a quote from the internet:
“Alexander Hamilton was a strong advocate for a strong central government and support for cities and manufacturing and an influential figure in promoting federalism at the Philadelphia Convention of 1787. Thomas Jefferson, by contrast, supported a weaker central government and was concerned for the agrarian interests of the nations pushing for greater power to the states.”
In other words, Jefferson advocated that America pursue an agrarian society, and Hamilton advocated that America pursue a commercialized society.
Sadly, I think that the current statistics are that 90% of Americans live in the city, and only 10% are rural farmers. And how many of them really own their land?
America is only as strong as the families in society are strong. Retaining one’s inheritance of land, and knowing how to grow food, builds the families in a nation. And it gives a sense of love for the land and the nation, with a willingness to fight to preserve it.
Psalm 37:34 “Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.” (KJV)
The American Indian before battle would say to one another, “today is a good day to die”!
We all need to visualize these thoughts to make them come alive to see just what peril we are in. Why you ask? Because if we don’t g awaken to reality now, today we’ll be loosing our heads later! Literally speaking!
If you have not already considered Jesus Christ to guide you through this, do so now! You will be so glad you have!
Well said sir, correct in every way. In 1775 there was the “shot heard round the world”. Perhaps another is coming
A casino owner knows that the people must lose and lose big for his casino to succeed. At the same time the people MUST believe that they are going to win. The people are buffoons yet this is the world that we live in. Just observe the loyalty to one of the only men to be on the cover of playboy mag. (as a playboy!). Also photographed partying with Epstein. These type of people (Trump dependant) severely lack discernment and are detrimental at best. They are the same type of people that hated and defied the prophet Jeremiah. Messiah is no more pleased with this country than he was with rebellious Israel. If you understand all of this, then expect to be as well received as Jeremiah was. There are always tares but the wheat has become mighty scarce!
Yeah, I watch their news once in a while too, but only very briefly and only when another site refers to them because like you said it’s important to know what is going on in their minds and to be aware of what lies they are spouting.
“That as long as Americans have a roof over their head, food on the table, and are well entertained they will continue to accept this tyranny…”
I’ve been saying that for Years, maybe a Decade now. NOTHING HAPPENS as long as the Lights are still On, and there is Food wrapped in Plastic at the Grocery Store. It has to get like South Africa, collapse of the legitimacy of the ‘government’, and its Inability to keep Cites from complete Breakdown. We are Not there Yet, and all who are predicting “Without a Doubt, Collapse Next Week” (or month, or decade, or century) are like Doc Schrödinger’s Cat, Right and Wrong at the the same Time…
Are there Riots and Food Shortages in YOUR AO, NOW? (Y/N)
Sure, it could happen Tomorrow, or Next Year. The key is, What are you Ready For? How Likely is it for there to be bands of feral pavement apes Looting and Burning in your neighborhood? Are there CDC ‘vaccination teams’ banging on your door? Are there U.N. Troops running Checkpoints, and Invading Homes to Seize Guns?
Those are the kinds of things that will “Trigger” (pun intended) an actual (un)Civil War, Not esoteric things like “Vote Fraud Investigations” and all the other Bread-and-Circuses political nonsense, like the (Q)-Tarded fantasy that “Trump will be Installed as President, next Month, jut you wait…
You are absolutely correct. It will take a complete breakdown to wake folks up. Checkpoints, Stasi tactics, shortages, papers please, refusal of anything/everything, gangs everywhere…just like South Africa. This country needs a severe house cleaning. Our Lord God Almighty has a plan alright. You won’t like it. It’s called you gets what you deserve. Yeah, we’ll eventually be fighting…and dying. Gonna get real ugly. What do you hope to accomplish by starting now? There is zero possibility of forming any sort of useful resistance. What’s your first objective? Huh? Where do you start. Is there a plan? I’m telling you right now, everyone is on his own until it hits the fan. I’m a hawk. I wish the party would start. But I’m not stupid enough to think we even have a remote chance in hell to accomplish anything today. And another thing…much as I would like to get the show on the road, the end result is and will be complete failure and destruction. And there ain’t no eagle gonna lift you from the saddle. Get used to the idea of hell on earth ’cause that’s what’s comin’ to a theater near you. I believe God’s word; and He already said how things will play out. Sorry. We’re just gonna have to bear with it.
Bread and circuses my friend. Works every time.
Most are sheep with no spines. Only a very small minority have the testicular fortitude to take a stand.
Only until the jack boot kicks their fat bottoms will they understand.’
I agree in PRINCIPLE, Wes, BUT and there is that “B UT”, IF we dont klnow who the enemy is ,we cannot possbily hold a win over rthe long haul.
I know who those enemies are and state them many times, I only know a couple like myself who are not afraid to mention their names. If one cannot even name them there is no chance.
Here is HENRY FORD talking about the MAIN one them in his Book made into a PDF:
HENRY FORD’S “The INTERNATIONAL JEW” :When you get into this report you will see EXACTLY what happened in GERMANY, is now HAPPENING to and in UNITED STATES, CANADA, Britain and all of the World, via their latest tactic,the COVID FRAUD:
Downloaded same and read the first chapter. Excellent read. Thank you. Will pass it on to a select few.
Henry was a muslim apostle. Don’t believe a word from him. Go to Dearborn and see what he did to the place.
Q is just another Rush Limbaugh, who did nothing but ride the fence and block the REAL voices of freedom. Only difference is Q is anonymous, a disguised PSYOP to pacify the freedom loving masses who fell for another lie(s). Weve been occupied for many years, more than those Rush occupied his position as The mouthpiece of the globalists. Rush was always quick to silence those who would try to voice a position that was not mainstream. Q is the Church, who’s been silenced as well for many decades. Q is the “public schools” that need no description. WE all know the truth. God help us, if you are still listening, to a sinful, lustful, murderous, apathetic, selfish people. WE have been conquered with not so much as a wimper. A million plus stood in DC on Jan. 6th. And now hundreds rot in jail for visiting the Capitol. Our system is corrupt and rotten to the core. It’s now occupied from the top down to the dog catcher with traitorous filth. What will be done? Probably nothing.
I doubt hardly a voice of protest will be heard until there are bodies in the street from starvation and violence. Then it will be too late. Time is coming, people. Hello New World Order!
Was at the airport today and what I saw was shocking. It reminded me of The Night of The Living DEAD movie or Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Scary, disgusting and truly sickening. I’d guess 90% of a very large croud of travelers all masked up inside and outside everywhere you looked. Way too many people are asleep at the wheel. I picture that many dead and dying in the very near future.
What the Hell happened to my country? Unbelievable!
Tough Love of a Scotsman….
TIME ITHE S NOW! -The message that needs to be heard! (Please share) (
The Freedom Warrior on his way to London (