Does the government corrupt its people?

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John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

With the government comes greed and power. All kinda go hand in hand. But a few are above that and become fighters for what’s right.

Obama's boyfriend
Obama's boyfriend
3 years ago
Reply to  John Toothman

A few, almost as many angels that dwell in hell.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Yes look at abortion, they sacrifice unborn children to their satanic god that has been done through out history.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Our creator certainly warned us about what a national king would do didn’t he ?

3 years ago

“Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible.”― Frank Herbert

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

gov. changes the laws, this causes people to sin?
No, sin has always been a part of us all.
We suddenly do not know right from wrong?
Not buying it.
Abortion ? No one voted for that. Yet there were many doing it. There was certainly a demand for it. Mans gov. is weak!
Gay marriage? How many “churches” climbed on board with this? People need to look into what they belong too!
Just because mankind gives the ok for sin does not mean that it is ok or approved in Yah’s eyes. Never has!
Start following God’s laws and His ways now, through His Son. Look to His Son as a mentor, a teacher, not men.

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower
a follower
a follower
3 years ago

The government made me do it?

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

“By God well have our country again!”
Do ya know what is missing?
Yah willing!