Donations Would Help

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Molly P
Molly P
1 month ago

I truly appreciate seeing this kind of information being posted on NC Renegade. This is awesome for those of us to want to continue to help outside of the huge charities for the long haul that it’s going to take for recovery. Thank you so much for making us aware of this worthy ministry so close to the Lord’s heart!

Jack Lamberson
Jack Lamberson
1 month ago

I would like a recommendation from a reliable source as to which charities are worth giving to our a individual who is in need to give too. I do not trust most charities since they are all making money off the victim’s.

Jack Lamberson
Jack Lamberson
1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I mean all charities in general. I am sure there is the odd good one but I have not found one around here. If the people end up with 30 cents on the dollar it is doing good I just have a problem with that. A lot of the people behind the charity are full time employees and make more money than I ever did. That said if you are OK with this one I will send them some money. I aways try to find a family that needs help and give directly to them but we live in a small rural community so it is much easier. I would think that part of WNC is a pretty rural area as well. This Black Mountain Home may be a wonderful charity I have never heard of and have not checked out their financials. Sorry if I upset some people but I feel it is best to know here your hard earned money is going when you give it to a charity. Anyway hope everyone have a very happy Thanksgiving with family. Take Care and Be Safe God Bless All

Molly P
Molly P
1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

i just wanted to comment further, D Ren, that in my humble opinion anyone making unwarranted negative comments about such a ministry—that’s been around since 1904– and made it past your scrutiny, is good enough for me. I’m as gun shy as anyone here about where my money goes with various Christian charities: (I’ve too been involved in these disaster scenes internationally). I only hope anyone here who has remarked on projecting a reason to express suspicion about has already put their money where their mouth is in helping the folks in the devastated areas wherever they see fit.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 month ago
Reply to  Jack Lamberson

I’m with you Jack. Seen too many ‘charities’, that weren’t. Sad that grifters do that sort of thing, but the world we live in is filled with evil. I’m in ETN, and Samaritans Purse gets a lot of positive press here, among the churches and communities here, and I’ve seen them in action in the poor rural areas around here even before Helene. To my knowledge 100% of your donation goes to the cause, not the CEOs private jet.
They get my money, and St. Jude Hospital, and thats about it the days. I throw a few bucks in the boot when the local fire dept. runs their toy drive.
Its a sad testament that people are more aware of the bad charities and evil they do, than the good ones actually helping. I don’t blame you for wanting to vet the place your money is going.

1 month ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Joe: My wife and I used to donate monthly to St. Jude. Then, they started sending us solicitations in Spanish. I smelled a huge rat, as the behind-the-scenes power couple is that unapologetic leftist, Phil Donahue and Marlo. I have switched to ADF, which is representing the baker who won’t cook for faggots and dykes. Anything left over goes to our financially stressed friends and neighbors.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jack Lamberson

I would encourage giving to the Avery Co Airport operation, as I can report first hand that they are providing to people of Avery, Yancey, and Mitchell counties. Spruce Pine is 15 min away, if you see the video posted above.
If all goes well, I will be headed back there in one week, and will be making ongoing trips as long as needed.

Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe
1 month ago

Making a donation today.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 month ago

Not being contrary, but I had the impression that powell had kinda painted herself as a grifter and part of the deep state Q psyop, what with all that “release the kraken, white hats are still in charge” BS in 2020. She was “raising funds for Trump’s legal challenges to the election”, and then suddenly rolled all that up and more or less disappeared. Knowing she’s doing fundraising again kinda puts me on edge, and I’d dig pretty deep before I’d donate to any charities she was promoting. Hopefully she’s on the up and up, and I really, truly am not trying to be contrary. Happy Thanksgiving to all.