Nuclear Update

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foot in the forest
foot in the forest
4 days ago

The Sarmat is also capable of carrying 20 avant-garde hypersonic MIRV’s.

4 days ago

If this does happen of which I don’t believe it will, all we can hope for the targets are DC,LA, Sacramento, San Fran Sicko, New York City, Boston, and every crap hole city in the blue states. It will be the end of the demonrat party and all there leaders and there precious illegal alien felons, this would be one way to deport all of them in one fell swoop. According to the Bible it won’t end like this only Hod reserves that right to melt all the elements with fervent heat at the last day.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 days ago
Reply to  Phil1350

There are maps of red versus blue by county, which would provide more precise target info for siting those Russia nuclear-equipped missiles. 🤞

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
4 days ago

May God have mercy on us.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 days ago

Yes sir.

4 days ago

Amen. For all those saved by the blood of the lamb, his mercy has been, and will continue to be, extended forever. God bless you and yours this Thanksgiving. And God bless all of his people everywhere.

tom finley
tom finley
4 days ago
Reply to  strider777
General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 days ago

Well boys, we’re gonna’ find out who’s naughty or nice real soon.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 days ago


Steady Steve
Steady Steve
4 days ago

Congress needs to impeach Biden and Harris immediately. They are starting a war without the Constitutional authority to do so. Let the psychopath warmongers be exposed by voting against it and for WW3.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 days ago
Reply to  Steady Steve

FYI--the psychopaths on the conservative side of the isles are just as much to blame as the psychopaths on the left. The agenda is to burn it down and impose a restart along their agenda it seems.

4 days ago
Reply to  Steady Steve

A most excellent proposal, sir. That vote would certainly define who the white hats and the dark hats are in the Congress, for all the world to see.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 days ago
Reply to  strider777

Excellent thesis--however, when the country is in literal ruins, where there is no internet and no news other than the approved feed from the DC globo-homo, degenerate zipper heads (see Adam Schiff and his ilk)…. how are you going to tell who’s, who?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
4 days ago

Psalm 120:6,7
“To long have I lived with those who hate peace. I am for peace but when I speak, are for war.”
This is the mindset of those who are behind these wars. they were around way back then. I’m amused when I hear about negotiations to end a conflict. Why would someone who hates peace be interested in a resolution?
“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.”
George Orwell

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 days ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Typo alert!!!! “Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war.”

4 days ago

And please believe me when I tell you that every possible nuclear war scenario has been wargamed out 20,000 times, and continues to be, multiple times annually, in multiple countries, particularly the nine (so far) acknowledged to have functional nuclear arsenals. And we usually assign our brightest strategists to play the OPFOR’s side, just to keep everyone honest.

And what is the result, in every one of 20,000 scenarios?

It’s that if one nuke flies, from anywhere, to anywhere, ALL of them fly, worldwide, times every country that has them, generally within about 72 hours of Event Zero. **Every. Single. Time.**

Who here remembers the movie “War Games” when, at the end, “Joshua” starts going through all the scenarios, scores of variations, and they ALL result in the use of ALL nukes worldwide?

4 days ago

We all know nukes are real. However, I don’t think they have the stones to use them. Maybe I’m wrong. Every country that has them knows once that button is hit there is no turning back. At that time missiles will be crisscrossing the globe and life as the world knows it will cease. These leaders know that and I just hope and prey they don’t send us down that path.

3 days ago
Reply to  DownSouth

It’s not lack of stones, plenty of idiots have lots of stones.

The use them or lose them scenario that makes a serious nuclear exchange a world wide problem.

Just one “Potatoe ” handler doing a “false flag ” nuke to “generate support ” for NATO to “Defeat Russia ” might be the spark for WW3.

Russia doesn’t need nukes to Defeat NATO, they’ve already defeated 3+ NATO trained and equipped Ukrainian armies and NATO has disarmed themselves doing so.
When America is buying 155 shells from South Korea to provide for Israeli and Ukrainian attacks that shows how empty our shelves are.

Praying for wisdom