I am required by law to sign up for Medicare when I turned 65. This means Medicare Part A. I did not have to sign up for Medicare B, but I would have been penalized or may be ineligible if I signed up later. Medicare Part B is an additional $148 a month for me.
I still need additional medical insurance in cases of emergencies since these two government “programs” are not comprehensive.
I used to have Blue Cross/Blue Shield for over ten years. That was until Obama weaponized healthcare providers against individuals in the same fashion as he weaponized the IRS. My medical healthcare premium prior to Medicare for both my wife and me was $344 a month through a Christian Health Care sharing program. Fortunately for us, the Lord has blessed us with good health and we actually paid for our doctor’s visits without submitting the bill for reimbursement.
My only doctor’s bills were for bloodwork analysis to monitor my cholesterol periodically which were $60 a visit. Let’s fast forward to my healthcare under Medicare.
I was given a $65 a month deduction for my Christian Health Care insurance once I turned 65. This means that my premium for healthcare went from $172 to $107 a month. If I add $148 plus $107, I now pay $255 a month for “subsidized” healthcare.
My cash $60 office visit is now $177. After the government’s payment of $53.51, my share of the bill was $123.49. So my medical premiums are now 48% higher and my doctor’s visits are doubled.
I want to be clear, my point is to show how much money the government is costing the people in order to provide affordable healthcare. Our country’s greatest threat is the federal government.
David DeGerolamo
Yep. We had a “grandfathered” plan with BCBS for years. Then Obamacare forced BCBS to retire our plan, and our new plan would cost us a minimum of $1800 per month, for nearly nothing with ridiculous deductibles, and BCBS was the only option where we live. So, needless to say, we could not afford that and have been without any health insurance for three years now. Fortunately no emergencies, but God help us if we do, and still several years away from Medicare. THIS is why we have stayed isolated this last year AND are not getting their forking death-vaccine.
Christian Healthcare Ministries chministries.org
“Our country’s greatest threat is the federal government.”
Truer words have not been spoken….