Some points to consider:
- It is now accepted that SARS-COV2 was manufactured in the Wuhan lab.
- The United States under the direction of Dr. Fauci partially funded the gain of function programs which made the virus in Chapel Hill, NC and China.
- The documented treatment of SARS-COV infections by hydroxychloroquine was published in 2005 but was ridiculed and in some cases outlawed by US medical authorities. They had to control people and make money from untested vaccines.
- The masks that people are wearing are ineffective for preventing this infection from entering your body through the mouth or nose. This is pure propaganda for controlling people and maintaining fear.
- The R0 value for the rate of infectious spread has still not been published after over a year.
Anyone who is living in fear of this virus needs to look objectively at the true case mortality rate, the successful treatment with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and the difference between Florida and California state policies addressing this “pandemic”.
This virus is deadly if you are elderly and/or have comorbidities. Currently the case fatality rate is 1.8% and falling. Although the truth is still being suppressed, our faith in this illegal regime will never be given. And the sad truth is that if a true pandemic hits this country in the future, people will not know what to believe.
David DeGerolamo
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Good Read. But it serves the Sheeple right. If they want to be brainwashed they have that right. Smart people know better than to trust the government.
Are you talking about the pandemic or voting in an election?
Americans Are Products of the -- ‘Dumbed Down Educational System’ -- ‘Fallin Away Church’ -- ‘Boob Tube TV Programming’.!!!!!!
Hard to Break Out of Decades of Programming.!!!!!
And now we reward China, the same nation that set loose this disease that, even though it “only” has a CFR of 1.8% (yeah, I know, only 5 to 20 times the CFR of the flu, bro), has paralyzed us, not to mention greatly reduced the ability of many people, like myself, from going back to work because we are caring for an elderly family member and a disabled adult child, both who would surely die what would be an untimely death if we were to contract this disease and pass it on to them. Well, whatever. At least they’ll get no tax money from me.
Now, with only 10% of the Americans having been exposed to and contracting this disease, yet still well in excess of half a million deaths from it, we can anticipate that everyone will get it, sooner or later, and the death toll will be something closer to five million. From a disease, created in a lab in a nation that is our enemy, funded by Dr. Anthony Faucci. Let that sink in… we are paying these monsters to kill us, and we will sit here, and do nothing, until there is no hope of survival left. And, not to mention, China continues to work on ever more effective bioweapons against us, which will someday be able to target people of western European descent. I think they’re getting close. I only hope that the Russians figure out that they fall into that same racial category.
Happy Saturday!
The “vaccine” wasn’t made for Covid. Covid was made for the “vaccine”. Once you realize that, everything else will make perfect sense.Saw on Barnhardt
The Corona Virus Plandemic – The Whole World Believed ‘The Lie’.
11Therefore God will send them a Powerful Delusion so that they Believe the Lie, 12in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
After reading not only the comments here but as well as comments from many other websites and news media,,,,I am forced to reach the conclusion that most folks just do not get what is actually happening. The reason for this I believe is that most folks will not accept the reality because it is *unknown.
The fact is that all these things have been forecast in the Bible. If you look at daily events you can see that the Biblical prophecies are happening right before your eyes. Never again will there ever be the “old normal”.
The question is, should we continue to fight evil? Of course we should. But we should fight evil with the *Goal* of giving the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone. Because the Bible states that is the JOB of all Christians. Very soon now I believe that all Christians will be Raptured. We should keep this coming event ever present in our minds. It is a reality that we should embrace and welcome. Those who refuse the Gospel should be in our daily prayers.
Because soon….their time to Repent will have run out.
It’s just that simple.
“Very soon now I believe that all Christians will be Raptured.”
Most of Christendom is in the ‘Lukewarm’ or ‘Cold’ Category.!!!
I know what you have done, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust] Revelation 3:15-16
For many are called (invited, summoned), but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14
But the narrow gate and the road that lead to life are full of trouble. Only a few people find the narrow gate. Matthew 7:14
Keep His statutes and commandments, which I am giving you today, so that you and your children after you may prosper, and that you may live long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you for all time.… Deuteronomy 4:40
If you keep My commandments and obey My teaching, you will remain in My love,just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and remain in His love. John 15:10
Rethink the rapture.. Read..Read…Read..preferably Hebrew and Greek..this disappearance lie will not happen. Otherwise you make some great points. But don’t let Christianity lie to you.
It’s not “Christianity” lying to them, it’s the perverted, 501c3, Mammon-Worshiping, Schofield Buy-Bull preaching ‘priests’ that are doing it. On behalf of zionism, too.
When you say 501c3. Thats virtually all Christian orgs. And all Jewish orgs. In the country. So we agree! Christianity is a lie and so is pagan Judaism..