Outstanding Pledge Total: $10,00
Outstanding Pledge Total: $11,950
Mitch McConnell has accused Donald Trump of feeding wild falsehoods concerning the theft of the 2020 Presidential election (see article below). I am submitting a starting pledge of $10,000 to Sen. McConnell if he has a debate with Mike Lindell and successfully refutes the evidence of election fraud that has been presented by Mr. Lindell. I hope that Mr. Lindell will agree to this debate. The venue can be picked by Mr. McConnell as long as it is outside of Washington, D.C.
I humbly ask that patriots who believe in the truth to come forward and submit their pledges in the comments below. Ask yourselves how much would you be willing to give for the sanctity of our children’s Liberty? I also ask that you distribute this challenge to the best of your abilities.
Only comments pledging to support this debate will be posted.
David DeGerolamo
McConnell says Trump was “practically and morally responsible” for riot after voting not guilty
McConnell described the violence on January 6, saying that Americans beat and bloodied their own police, stormed the Senate floor and built a gallows and chanted about murdering the Vice President. “They did this,” McConnell said, “because they’d been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on earth, because he was angry he lost an election.”
I’ll pledge $1,000 at this time.
I will commit to $50 US fiat bucks.
I pledge $100 for each of my grandchilden, total $300.
[…] ← A Patriot’s Challenge to Mitch McConnell […]
One Maple Leaf in gold.
Thank you but we are only accepting cash pledges. Do you want to pledge $2000?
I have 50 bucks for the beatdown.
It won’t happen, he doesn’t have to cajones.
I pledge $50.00 if it happens.
put me down for $100
I am good for $500.