Coronavirus R0 at 4.1

From the video description:

A new study coming out of China reports that the Wuhan coronavirus has an Ro of 4.1. That means it’s much more contagious than previously feared. If indeed the case, an Ro of 4.1 means there is NO way of stopping this virus from becoming a full-blown global pandemic.

This study has not yet had time to be peer-reviewed, so the data may change. But going with the data we have *right now* in this fast-developing situation, it is time to start preparing yourself and your loved ones.

Not time to panic, mind you. But start taking steps to prepare should you need to shelter in place for a period of days/weeks if the virus hits your community. N95 masks, sanitizers, household cleaners, etc, body protection, food stores, etc.

Hopefully you won’t have to self-isolate. But if you do, be sure you’ve prepared in advance.

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4 years ago

Folks -- -- I sent the following to my Army Buddies about a half hour before this video was posted by Dr CHRIS MARTENSON. I was hoping that I can alert them to the need to focus on this disease and begin to make adequate preparations. I hope that you will gain insight from this caution sent to my buddies:

I have been following this disease and believe our media has either lied to us or purposefully under-informed (censored) us of/from important facts. I make no claim of expertise, but I have studied enough to know that this disease, which I call “the KUNG FU FLU” is a very sinister threat to each of us and those we love.

Be certain to see this short video where Dr Martenson indicates that men are more susceptible to being infected with this virus:

I am not panicked, but I see a kiss-it-off attitude among many, and in the US media, who must think that this is just some other seasonal version of the flu. It most certainly is not !! Here is why I am concerned and why I think each of you should also be concerned:

1. This virus is spreading rapidly and has a sinister characteristic uncommon in many flu viruses, namely, that it can infect a person and not present symptoms for up to a week which allows for unsuspected “carriers” to spread the virus to many in their daily activities. It’s spread thus far has been likened to that of the Spanish Flu outbreak of a century ago.

2. There is no vaccine. Developing one will take about a year. And because this is not a version of flu virus mutated slightly from one for which we have had annual inoculations, there is no residual immunity or resistance among our population.

3. It hits hardest among the young, those with compromised systems/existing medical issues, and then among Seniors. The virus seems to be particularly attacking the victim’s lungs.

4. This virus mutates rapidly. Lancet reported two days ago that one Chinese family had six members, all of whom developed the disease. When tested for the particular strain, it was found that each one had a different strain, meaning that the “Kung Fu Flu” virus is mutating rapidly. This discovery had two remarkable considerations:

a. If it mutates swiftly that makes it much harder for immunologists to develop a vaccine that will be effective against the predominate strain infecting patients.

b. One of the six, a pre-teen child, was found, after more than a week of exposure to the virus, to have been infected but still showed no symptoms. This was not the only such patient showing delay of symptoms, however as a result of such carriers all schools and universities in locked down Chinese cities have been closed for the entire remainder of the Spring Semester !!

5. Chinese who report on the internet what is going on face a seven year jail sentence, but brave souls are sneaking out videos and reports about the coverup of this disease’s effects. I suggest that you watch videos of their pleas for assistance as they report how bad it is with people dying while standing in lines to get inside hospitals, dying in lines inside hospitals, dying because there is no medicine available or even palliative care resources. Several of the brave correspondents are nurses who describe doctors whose EYES became infected from micro-droplets from coughs and sneezes floating in the air ! The KUNG FU FLU is a contagious disease with an Ro factor estimated to be of about 3.5 !!

6. The only way to avoid exposure to this disease will be to self-isolate as much as possible, and to follow strict sanitation practices. In locked down Chinese cities, videos show almost nobody on the streets, empty rail stations, and no bus traffic since all public transportation has been stopped. Delivery of food, gasoline, medical supplies has dwindled to a trickle. Videos of panicked shoppers cleaning out grocery shelves abound. Long lines of people waiting just to get “issued” two face masks speak to how unprepared the Chinese people are. Videos of bodies on the street indicate many are dying without even being able to get to medical treatment.

I have presented my views which is all I intend to do. Each of you can decide for yourselves how you need to prepare for arrival of this disease in your neighborhood or if you think such is not necessary.

I pray our Nation can squelch this virus by aggressively isolating infected patients and containing the disease to prevent the contagion from spreading. That will save lives allow time for development of an effective vaccine.

I pray that my concerns will be shown to be over-blown.

4 years ago

Infection Control 101:
Wash your hands, a lot!
Avoid public restrooms unless you really have to GO.
Don’t pick your nose, rub your eyes, or clean your teeth with your fingers. 🙂

4 years ago

Question maybe someone has seen answered elsewhere or probably there is no answer yet; what is the off host life of the coronovirus?
Some viruses have a long life at room temperature. Hep C will be live for up to 3 weeks but is a blood borne pathogen so is harder to contract.

4 years ago

Got it. The coronaviruses are aerosols so will probably all have a similar life.
That means the virus will “live” on porcelain for 2 1/2 days and in the fecal matter on the porcelain for 4 days. See use of public bathrooms above.

4 years ago

1. Rope across the Driveway.
2. Quarantine Sign.
3. Weapon sighted in to Rope.
4. Box of Powdered Chlorine (Pool Shock).
5. Excavator or Tractor/Backhoe.
6. Mil-Spec NBC Gear and practice in using it.