First Gay Episcopal Bishop Divorces Husband

The Right Reverend Gene Robinson

After causing a crisis of faith within the Anglican Church and, especially, the American Episcopal Church, the Bishop Rev. Gene Robinson has announced that he will be divorcing his husband.

On 2003, the Reverend Gene Robinson was elected as New Hampshire’s new Episcopal bishop. The decision caused a great controversy within the global Anglican faith since Robinson was openly gay and in a relationship with a man. However, Robinson was anointed a bishop despite death threats and a smear campaign, recounts The Guardian. Wearing bulletproof vests, Robinson and his partner Mark Andrew were both present at the ceremony.

However, more than a decade after his consecration and four years after his retirement, Robinson announced that he is divorcing his husband of 25 years. He and Andrew married in 2010, when New Hampshire legalized same-sex marriage, but the couple had been together for far longer, according to The Guardian.


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