Pure Evil

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4 years ago

Y’all know what time it is

4 years ago

And that is why we are hear

4 years ago

They will not like what they are going to see when it happens. We who follow places like this know how accountable we all are. Follow God. Be righteous family men, and pay attention.

Joan Thomas
Joan Thomas
4 years ago

I couldn’t believe my ears. Never heard anything like that in my 72 years.

gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

It makes me heart sick that our beautiful country has been placed under destruction and judgement because of this very kind of behavior by our leadership. I repent to the Living God for the filth and degusting words of Mr. Nadler as he rebuked you God from the Halls of Congress and our land. May our God silence him, and all of his cronies, that they may represent us nowhere in God’s universe again, ever. God have mercy on us all.

Lisa M Andrews
Lisa M Andrews
4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Amen brought me to tears 😢

4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

I so agree with you !!!

Lisa M Andrews
Lisa M Andrews
4 years ago


a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Nadler speaks the Truth. This is why we Stand.
Be also aware -3rd. Term “approved” abortions are now being included (hidden) in legislations now.

Last edited 4 years ago by a follower
Davis Rick
Davis Rick
4 years ago

Time for purge!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Davis Rick

Past time

Ronn Lawson James
Ronn Lawson James
4 years ago

Gee the fat jew just came right out and tells you how evil their tribe is and why they are known as the destroyer of nations.

4 years ago

As a historian I am amazed at the carnage of the last CW, but ….
What’s coming is going to Eclipse all concepts of previous carnage.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

i believe this would be good to study and connects to the Nadler admission.
Of such let us beware, from such let us withdraw, that we may show a desire to act aright in society, while we claim our right to worship God according to our consciences.”
Acts 17:1
Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews:
17:1-9 The drift and scope of Paul’s preaching and arguing, was to prove that Jesus is the Christ. He must needs suffer for us, because he could not otherwise purchase our redemption for us; and he must needs have risen again, because he could not otherwise apply the redemption to us. We are to preach concerning Jesus that he is Christ; therefore we may hope to be saved by him, and are bound to be ruled by him. The unbelieving Jews were angry, because the apostles preached to the Gentiles, that they might be saved. How strange it is, that men should grudge others the privileges they will not themselves accept! Neither rulers nor people need be troubled at the increase of real Christians, even though turbulent spirits should make religion the pretext for evil designs. Of such let us beware, from such let us withdraw, that we may show a desire to act aright in society, while we claim our right to worship God according to our consciences.
Acts 17:25
Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago

This now is going to the senate after passing the house incl leftist rep. who voted for it: pure evil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM4gmT0nPW8

4 years ago

I would put money down that the vote will be split and that the Ho will be the deciding vote.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Virginia Foxx speaking on tax payer paid abortion associated with this bill.

Last edited 4 years ago by a follower
Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Seems like tax payer sterilization may be best for these whores getting abortions, some women several abortions a year. Foster care is over whelmed so are group homes with unwanted kids.


[…] Nadler said God’s will is no concern of this […]

4 years ago

I would not want to lay down to sleep at night after making a statement like that . For a country founded under Christian morals, how did trash and hell bent devils like Nadler slim their way into office !👹👹

4 years ago

I’m just living for the day when that fat puke keels over and is hauled off in a garbage truck.

4 years ago

Some of the Founders of this Nation advocated for a Constitutional Prohibition on the (((tribe))). This was based on the already Millennia-Long experience in Europe, where the (((tribe))) of grifters had been Driven Out of Nations, States, Cities and Towns, about 1,000 Times.
Frequently Mentioned as a Cause of these Expulsions was the practice of Blood Sacrifice of (white, christian) Children.
What is “Abortion” if not Infanticide, the Blood Sacrifice to (((their))) (not) ‘god’ Moloch?
(((who))) has been at the Forefront of promoting Infanticide?
Wake Up, See the Enemy, and Name them.
p.s. who has been at the forefront of promoting gun control in the U.S. (((?)))

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

(((Tribe)))) of Binyamin here. I don’t practice any of that garbage. I know a lot of (((those ))) who do unfortunately. Well many ✝️✝️✝️ gentiles✝️✝️✝️as well.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

What generally known to happen to a Nation that starts out with a covenant unto Yahweh and perhaps a world that is consumed by paganism, false gods, child sacrifice and evil such as this on display daily?
why do many of us still play the easter egg game, halloween, and silently go along with christmas after knowing the pagan roots of each? It is very difficult to turn back from mans traditions and this world, yet i encourage all to try.

Last edited 4 years ago by a follower
Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

100% agreed.