Something Has Changed. Is Covid-19 Our SHTF Moment?

coronavirus molecule

Something has changed. I haven’t figured out the game plan, but something has changed. Can you feel it? I can feel it. Something has changed.

I’m not buying the story that this virus happened from people eating bat soup. It appears this was a bio-engineered weapon that someone either set loose on purpose, or they just lost control of it somehow.  Countries just don’t shut down and  lock down everything they can over something that they started out trying to portray as something no worse than the flu. With China shutting down manufacturing and locking down media it was only natural for the rest of the world to start assuming the worst.

Something just isn’t right about this whole situation. Things just are not passing the smell test. China needed to get protesters off the street and the Deep State desperately needs another way to try and get rid of Trump. Magically we have a killer virus that the media has now sank their teeth into and is doing everything they can to bring the pain.

Is this it? Is this the big event? Is the SHTF on the way? I don’t know. There are those that say Life as we know it is about to drastically change. So far here in small town North Carolina, nobody is extremely concerned over current events. If this is a SHTF moment, most people are woefully prepared.  

It looks like we are in for an extremely wild ride in the market today. Perhaps we are at war and just don’t know it yet. Maybe this is China’s way of creating turmoil and fighting us economically.

I have so many questions that I have no good answers for. I don’t know what is going on. But something is happening. Things I feel are about to change.

I’m sure most of you who stop by our little place on the internet are prepared and continue to prepare. I’m sure you can feel something is coming also. I don’t think there is anything we can do except prepare for what we can feel and perhaps somewhat see is coming.

What can you do? Carry on and Pray, It’s in God’s hands.


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Richard May
Richard May
4 years ago

Brother Wes:

I too share your ‘discernment’ that the facts as we know them do not correlate to what is being portrayed in the media and by government. The one seems to be compelled to sensationalize each new event to a higher level, whether it is a shooting or a pathogen. The government meanwhile seems to be compelled to say things are going fine, look at how great we are doing as your leaders. This applies to the U.S. as well as to China.

Yet when ‘we the people’ look at what limited information we have and know these truths to be self-evident, such as the shut-downs you mention or the economic impact these shut-downs will inevitably create, there is a cognitive dissonance between said knowledge and our above-mentioned “leaders”, whether they are news sources or government sources.

Each of these groups has an agenda that is not in our best interest, and when those agendas affect something on as large a scale as this virus seems to be operating, the effects are also on a grand scale.

I have a local radio talk show in Knoxville and deal with these issues every week from a biblical perspective. Next week we will be talking about whether it is “Christian” to be a prepper. For myself, I have learned that God looks at our PLANS as folly while expecting us to ALWAYS be prepared, whether it is for famine or His return.

My advice to others regarding preparedness is to do ALL you can for yourself, your family, your church and your neighbors (in that order) and leave everything else in God’s Hand.

May He bless you for the excellent work you do on this site.

Richard May

4 years ago
Reply to  Richard May

Your show next week will be easy. The Bible is filled with verses telling us to store food and prepare. The trick is to help people in bad times instead of hoarding.

Richard May
Richard May
4 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Thank you for the interest in our show. We try to provide a Biblical view on life and our prayers go out to those struggling against this world. The website for live streaming is:

Our show is live every Sunday from 2:00PM to 4:00PM Eastern

4 years ago

I also live in small town NC,Western NC.I just came black from the gas pumps at the grocery. store and the lady behind the window was wearing surgical gloves.I have seen a couple face masks already in public also and believe me,I have only been out from home twice in four weeks.
I think that’s enough.Time to just stay home and monitor the situation as it unfolds.
I appreciate your work.It has become one of my main sources of truth in these troubled times.

4 years ago
Reply to  David

We implemented self-quarantine on weekends 5 weeks ago. We locked the doors at our business one week ago. It is time to stay at home if possible.

4 years ago

Have two trips left to the city in the next week which I must attend, and then we’re shutting everything down. We also live in a small town in WNC, We were sure this was a bioweapon attack back in January, and started firming up our plans back then. Nothing has changed our minds, in fact we are even more certain. Have been meaning to stop and see a few friends to discuss future plans, but have been so busy finishing myriad projects that time has really been at a premium.

Wes, thank you for your article and publishing what many of us have been feeling for some time. David, best advice is to do what you are already doing… know you’ve got it under control.

Many things to discuss, and very, very little time. Just don’t understand why our president is not being told the truth (at least it appears that way).

Folks, this very well may be the event which we have been spending so much time preparing for. We knew it was coming, we just didn’t know in what form. I believe that it is just getting started, and another blast from a completely unforeseen direction may be just around the corner, to add insult to injury.

As Ben Davidson from would say… Eyes open, no fear. Be safe everyone.

4 years ago

We also live in a small town in WNC. Unfortunately it is a thoroughfare for travelers from Atlanta, so I have been careful in my outings and dealings with the public. Lo and behold last weekend I saw a small blip on a blog about a 10 year old child from my town taken to the hospital with flu-like symptoms. She tested negative for the flu so she was tested for corona and are awaiting results. Hopefully she will come back negative, but it is a reminder that it is probably already everywhere, including our own back yards. If you are not prepared by now, it may be too late.

Richard May
Richard May
4 years ago

FOR WES AND YOU ALL: Another viewpoint and background on the virus:

4 years ago

The danger from the virus while real is minimal to most healthy Americans. The danger from those in charge during this “crisis” is far far larger. The commodity beings old by the media 24/7 now is
FEAR. Nonstop stories and video designed to SCARE IGNORANT PEOPLE. The purpose is
power. Scared people will allow criminals in power to get away with doing things they could NEVER do otherwise. As Obama henchman Rahm Emanuel stated more than a decade ago “never let a crisis go to waste”. The commie left and their media whore accomplices are going
to milk this “crisis” for all it’s worth to expand their grasp on power.

4 years ago

Yeah…50,000 armed to the fucking teeth dirt people showed up in Richmond 1/20/202

I was there. Neither the Tea Party on DC or Million Bikers on DC had the kind of BFYTW legitimacy or unstoppable audacity and motive power of this Legion of Shitlords right smack dab in the enclave of the enemy. Power does indeed come from the barrel of the gun.

Me thinks the sonofabitches recognized the only way they are finally rid of America as an entity of Christian Greco Roman, men of the west, traditionalists and the very idea of ordered liberty exists, and is the last bulwark, is to pull the plug.

Never mind Richmond was probably as total a shock that they thought the dirt people are not capable of waving so many rifles in their faces, the kind of shock she could never lose the night us Deplorable’s beat them at the 3% margin of vote fraud they calculated would ascend the Stalinist pantsuit onto the thrown and her turn at rule and power.
Thats cold anger.
Cold anger does things.
Cold anger causes American’s armed to the fucking teeth do things they would normally never do. That is a cause we leave to God and our Rifles.

They simply have no resources, they have Zero influence militarily, the deep states internal armed badged leg breakers are incapable of cracking down on us, we totally outnumber them by orders of magnitude, the police state they might have began to deploy in the wee hours disappearing Patriots only is effective when you hold an illusion of a monopoly of power and power to hurt, power I think they had for a tiny window of time back during the light bringers peak of power. They complete alienated the warrior class with their diversity, using men and treasure for their personal power and lucre, they have no effective October Revolution cadre of neo-bolshevik caliber worth a bucket of warm spit to use as violent shock troops against the American Kulak class. Anti’fa is a fart in a mitten in a hurricane, a joke and laughing stock for any of us with balls, BLM never happened but for some false flag activities, nothing to use against how many armed pissed off dirt people?

Looks like getting rid of the God Emperor pretty much impossible, never mind the unintended consequences, besides Trumps won the respect and fealty of some very good folks who are committed to death to him.
Ave! Ave! Trump! Ave!
Ain’t been a possible Emperor and chance of creating a constitutional monarchy to reel in the elites who have totally failed, since Cincinattus, Ave! Ave General Washington! Ave!
Lot of us Freemen have found our Captain.

But a plague, now there indeed, thats right up these scumbags alley. Kill a lot of birds with one stone with this one.
I think they finally grokked that their ruthlessness in violating all us good folks codes makes us become very mean people. They have gone too far.

4 years ago

Worked in the ‘psychiatric field’ (marketing) for many years not to mention that I am an aging out
Viet Nam vet (Marines): have always used the ‘smell test’ for the unknown and to that end it has kept me (and mine) safe. As you state, this does not, ‘feel right’ and in my humble (dirt person that I am) opinion it is not right: period. The how is immaterial at this point (details and such) only the ‘is’ counts and plan accordingly. TPTB always feel that ‘those out there’ are too stupid to understand but truth is that most know things are not right, do not trust their government (golly gosh jeez) so what are we to do? Buckle up and plan for the worst …………
Best of luck to you and all …….

4 years ago

I have had help from my family but when shtf they tell me to hunker down. I’m blind so I am not sure what this will look like.