It’s Over: The Fat Lady Sang



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Fed up
Fed up
9 years ago

Listening to this for 15 seconds, seeing the white house disgraced in rainbow colored lights, the proposal of the 10$ change, the supreme court ruling on obamacare and the removal of the Stars and bars flag and it’s historical significance has got me feeling a bit queasy. I think I’m going to have to blow my lunch. I truly believe this week has significance regarding the fall of the United States of America in the eyes of God. For those of use that are smart enough to make some kind of preparations for the tough times pray you’ll be ready.

9 years ago
Reply to  Fed up

Not only in the eyes of God,also in the eyes of those of us who are preparing for bad times ahead.
If all the BS this week doesn’t wake a whole lot of people up-then there’s simply nothing anyone can do for them,they’ll still be sitting in front of their 143″ big screen tee vees with Cheetos dust all over their fingers-and their remotes- when the lights go out for good and the roving hordes from the free shit army kick their door in and relieve them of anything of value they have in their McMansions because the EBT cards no longer work.