The Time For Petitions is Over. There Really Isn’t Any Good Choices In The Situation We Find Ourselves In. George Washington Prayer at Valley Forge Canvas Painting Living  Room Home Decor Modern Mural Art Painting/60X90cm-No Frame: Posters & Prints

I’ve been called a lot of names recently: insurrectionists, nuts, a disgrace, seditious, traitor, and a new personal favorite from yesterday a Red Dawn key board warrior. Now granted most of the comments are from new vistors to the site who know absolutely nothing about me. It’s fine I get it. What we are faced with is scaring the living daylights out of people and it’s very disturbing to them to read and hear the things that I and others on this fine establishment known as NCRenegade write. Our founding fathers were called traitors and rebels, so I’d say I’m in pretty good company. Your attempt at insults let me know that yes we are on the right path.

The American people need to wake up and realize what is happening. Our election has been stolen in broad daylight for all to see and TPTB are posing the question “yeah so, what are you going to do about it?”

There are people stating that we can still work within the system and that it is viable. Makes me laugh. How is that voting working out for you? Face it, you no longer have a voice in your government. You are no longer represented and haven’t been for some time. I’ve been in the belly of the beast. I have tried working within this system. I’m here to tell you it can’t be done. This whole thing is corrupt right down to the core at the smallest of local levels. I have done all of the petitioning of this government I am going to do.

It is time to root out this evil that has invaded our country. It is time to water the Tree of Liberty. I’m aware that there are those who wish to see trials and executions. Maybe after the war is over the few remaining can have trials. As for the rest it will be a different kind of justice.

These people hate us. They hate everything that we stand for. Our way of life, our belief in God, our freedom, the list can go on. They will never just leave us alone. They want us to submit to their way of life or they want us dead. For that I will show them no mercy.

There really isn’t any good choices in the situation we find ourselves in. Submit and die, or fight. Yes some of us will die, but isn’t Freedom worth fighting for?

This is our time! This is our destiny! This fight for freedom and everything that is good, should happen now and not be passed on to our children and grandchildren. They should not bear this burden. We are stronger than we think.

Our Founders were willing to fight and die for the words that were crafted in their Declaration of Independence. Now it’s our time. Will you mutually pledge your Lives, your Fortunes, and your sacred Honor?


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4 years ago

The Flight of the Mayday Squadron, a novel

4 years ago
Reply to  Steve

There is this belief running rampant within the minds of many patriots that if Trump is sworn in for a 2nd term somehow he will single-handedly stop what former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Catherine Austin Fitts sees being put in place now:

If you have any interest in to why the pandemic is being used to destroy much of the small business in America please listen to her.

No sitting president whether Republican or Democrat has been able to halt the methodical march toward the digital control system that is being put in place since 2019 and going exponential in 2021:

All Christians will be living or dying through the 7 year tribulation that will commence during Trump’s 2nd term:

The Rapture of the Church is after the Tribulation

4 years ago
Reply to  rlm4765
4 years ago
Reply to  rlm4765

you are correct the catching up of all of the saints is right after the tribulation as well as we witness the entire universes collapsing and the sky is rolled back as a scroll and all the tribes of the earth will mourn as they see Christ coming on the clouds of Glory with all the saints and Angelic host behind him, then they will be forced to there knees to acknowledge Christ as God. Then they will all be judged and cast into hell.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago
Reply to  Bill

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed (disguised) into an angel of light -IICor 11:14

Oops! Wrong Jesus. The deadly wound that is coming is NOT the tribulation of the antichrist.

Better reread IIThes 2:3, the rapture is the falling away apostasy. Verse 7 is not the church, wrong gender, no article, it is Michael holding back Satan.

Count, 6th seal, trump, vial. Does not 7th trump, seal, vial come after?

Let no man deceive you. Be sealed with the truth from God’s Word by the Spirit (pneuma hagion, same word as “air” in IThes4:17)

Don’t get on the Beast’s boxcar or Satan’s rapture bus.

4 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Hanna

Try reading this whole link then make a comment as your concerns are addressed:

4 years ago

This foreboding conflict against superior forces cannot be won without the help of the Lord God.
It behooves everyone to first realize that “Rebellion, without first Repentance, is a waste of time!”

Do you really want to Make America Great Again? We must first make America Good Again!

Deuteronomy 4:5-6 “Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.

Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.

For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?

And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?” (KJV)

4 years ago
Reply to  Carl

Good luck with that. Get rid of the traitors, Satanists and Luciferians who are poisoning the well and then the REPENTANT can make the country great again. Don’t forget that when God cleaned house, he did it physically by taking OUT the wicked so the righteous could again flourish.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

But God id not do it until after there was a confession of sin(s), asking for forgiveness and repentance. When a nation is under judgement it will not get God’s favor until it does that.

4 years ago

Everything coming upon the earth during this decade is for the separation of the wheat from the tares:

4 years ago

The media must be “addressed” before any meaningful “change” can occur. Never underestimate the stupidity, Naïveté, ignorance or whatever you want to call it of the average American.

4 years ago
Reply to  ColdSoldier

yes, the media manipulators must all be brought to justice and all there broadcasting outlets taken from them and every CEO and Board member arrested for treason and hanged until dead.the media must be silenced due to they being the fourth rail of the demonrat party.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Lin Wood says: A sealed document in a federal court in Maryland, sealed under National Security, documents how Nancy Pelosi, Rod Rosenstein, John Podesta, and John Brennan have tapes of John Roberts talking with Podesta about who would best replace Antonin Scalia, and they were recorded before Scalia died, and apparently had foreknowledge of his death. Roberts flew on Epstein’s plane because Epstein helped him acquire his children from Wales.
Under the 2018 EO on voting integrity, President Trump will have the power to seize all the assets of the Fake News mainstream media once things start happening, because they have profited from trying to aid China in voter fraud.
Many people in this country will go to jail for treason, and the number that will be just associated with trying to steal this election from our President will be astounding.
Rosenstein, Sally Yates, and Christopher Wray all worked in the same law firm, and are corrupt.

CIA is the most corrupt organization in the country, and President Trump is about to defang them by pulling all direct-action operational capabilities from the Agency, reducing it to an organization of paper pushers.

4 years ago
Reply to  joe

I do not doubt any of that is true. What I’m having trouble putting any faith in is anything “sealed” or “courts”. The rule of law is room temperature.

4 years ago

The time for petitions was over decades ago.

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
4 years ago

Just know that God is not into remodeling. If you want Him to clean house he will take it down to the foundation and build new. It’s painful but you will be happy with your new home. He can do this with an individual, a family, a church, a city, or an entire nation. I pray God help us clean this house, rid us of the evil trying to destroy it. Continue to bless this nation and get us back the right path.

4 years ago

I agree with you Wes and others saying the same thing. Here’s the question,

What’s the next step?


4 years ago
Reply to  Mike

MIKE,just wait,MAKE SURE all your gear is ready,they’ll be coming to you,have an escape plan,everything near the coasts will be destroyed,move now if your near any water way,especially the misissippi river,or the ocean…ALL coastal areas will be destroyed..

4 years ago

Without a plan for afterwards, it is futile. Without a determination of who will rule… and without God leading us ALL EVERY ONE.. we will be divided and unable to stand.

4 years ago
Reply to  WoodlandHonor

You need to read the history of our country’s fledgling governments.

4 years ago

You are right on! You are in good company. 🙏🏻

Eric Hines
Eric Hines
4 years ago

I believe that the mechanics of what needs to be done shouldn’t be discussed in a forum like this. It’s clear that the power structure needs to be dismantled.
I believe that big tech needs to be the first brick to fall.
Because if we/Patriots were to be free to say what ever we want on Facebook and Twitter, we could really thinktank and organize this revolution at a breakneck pace!

4 years ago

Yes, we need to DUE something. Uckf their way. It’s not working, except for them.

4 years ago

Pray to Jesus. Lock & Load. Prepare to KILL Communists, Demons, Antifa, BLM + Any & ALL TRAITORS TO THE US CONSTITUTION. THAT’S ALL!

Tim McCann
Tim McCann
4 years ago

True in 1776 and even more now.

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Thomas Paine

4 years ago

Well said Wes.

Options & weapons upgrades:

Has the Time Come for a Renewed Civil Disobedience?

A DUTY, A RESPONSIBILITY, & A Dialectic Hammer

There are no good options left besides making ‘trouble’ for the enemy, everywhere.

Order of business:
Don’t get distracted by the circus.
Focus on the head of the snake.
Create, Restore, & Innovate.

Charles Brobst
4 years ago

Europe will fall and be no more and The Great Country will be torn by strife from within. Because of this a new Great Country will arise in the East and will conquer the failing Great Country from within, and it will then rise to be the new world leader.

F.D.R. in Hell
F.D.R. in Hell
4 years ago

“Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered…” --Thomas Paine

Andrew thompson
Andrew thompson
4 years ago

I am with you.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

Thanks all who who post and comment here (rim4765, Bill, etc.). The prince of this world is setting up a kill zone both physical and spiritual. There are many here who mean to fight. Many prayers for all.