“Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”
I don’t know what else there is to say on the evil and tyranny that we are faced with at this point in our History. People seem to have lost their collective minds and insanity seems to rule the day.
Everywhere you look strange and evil things are happening. We have allowed our country to be stolen from us in a fraudulent election. We have done nothing.
We have allowed tyrants to tell us how to live our lives and conduct business. We have done nothing.
We have allowed our borders to be wide open for anyone to come here illegally. We have done nothing.
People are being bribed with a promise of going back to normal to take an experimental jab. We have done nothing.
I am appalled and puzzled at the number of people who are taking this experimental “vaccine.” I have had a few conversations with some of those who have chosen to get the jab. Honestly, I think critical thinking is a thing of the past. People I once would’ve considered very intelligent have proven otherwise by donating their body for a real time experiment. It seems most are taking the jab in hopes that their life can return to “normal” or pre “pandemic” times. I don’t even know what to say to people anymore. It seems I am in a minority with my lack of trust for our government and their rush to vaccinate the population. I had one person tell me that they took it because they wanted to be able to travel. My response to that was, “the day I have to show papers to freely travel will be the day I start killing tyrants.” Conversation ended after that remark.

Why can’t we band together and fight against this tyranny we are faced with? Our founding fathers were much better men than we are. They sacrificed everything for the cause of Freedom. We seem to think someone is going to come in and save us. Are we better men than our founders? Hardly. Don’t give me the excuse of our government is too big and too powerful, we can’t fight against that. Tell that to the Afghanis, Iraqis, or the Vietnamese.
At this point I don’t know what else to do, other than wait for the trigger event. There will be a triggering event. Something will happen that will finally push people over the edge and they will decide they have nothing left to lose and the fight will be on.
Keep preparing. Harden your hearts to what you are going to have to do. Prepare your mind for the dark days ahead. Prepare to pledge your lives, fortunes and sacred honor for the new fight for freedom and perhaps the greatest battle against evil of all of human history.
You are not alone in your thoughts. I live in a very small rural community and “most” of the people think the same way.
I, also, am in a small rural community in the mountains of Colorado…The county has shrugged off the mask mandate.. Life is pretty much normal here, except for the liberal transplants fleeing from the urban mess. They continue to mask,etc., but remain silent…Those of us that have seen the enemy protect our families and property. There will be no storming the gates of power. If power arrives to fight…there will be a deadly response…Most have given up on changing or fixing the failed corrupt system…. We are content to live our lives and watch the collapse roll out… The experiment and the compliance will thin the field… Patience, and the commitment to resist if it becomes personal will be the turtle in the race. GOD help us all!
Would love to do something, yet if we do it individually, we are doomed, if we become a group en masse, then it will get noticed and perhaps something, whether good or bad, will happen as a result.
As Wes stated, the trigger event is where we are at now.
I think so also, God will make things clear for his people at the right time, now that’s a fact. Until then we stay close to him in prayer, reading and research. He has the whole world in His hands.He He my brothers and sisters in His hands.Thank you Jesus, that you love and guide you people.
Carrie, Agreed -- 1000% GOD is about to make crystal clear for the entire world some things..However, I think we are just a few weeks away from A DEFINING MOMENT... the virus was the tool they needed to implement what their real ultimate goal was.. PASSPORT.. If you didnt get the chance please watch 5 minute vid with Niomi Wolfe ( a liberal shocking) She laid it out on Steve Hiltons show exactly what will happen if a PASSPORT IS ALLOWED.
This is was the ultimate goal.. the virus was just the vehicle to get them there. 2 States (TX/FL) have loudly stated they will not participate, and there are whispers from a few others. The evil doers are about to send a salvo across the bough A WARNING SHOT to any other state that follows TX/FL… watch for this..Mike Adams/Health Ranger just posted this..- I’m not a huge fan of his, but he is correct on this. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-04-07-situation-update-april-7th-cdc-will-release-biowarfare-pathogens-in-texas-and-florida.html
King just read your comment and watched the video.Seems to me a defining moment is virtually every day now as I follow politics and human nature closely.Amazing times we are predestined to be alive in :)On TRU NEWS an Amazon food store in Seattle I think it was -customers paying by bio palm print,Revelation and the mark of the beast system! I liked the biblical analysis on tru-news. As servants of the most high God he has told us these things before hand, and tells us to be afraid of Him only, who judges us after we leave our bodies.God is in control. For me to live is Christ 🙂
The criminals driving this crapshow are in control of the mainstream media. We can expect any actions we take to be portrayed in a bad light at the very least. It’s entirely possible that any activities would be infiltrated (FBI are famous for this) and a false flag or crimes would be perpetuated.
Circle the wagons because it appears there is no escape from crazytown. We live in interesting times.
we live in DEADLY times, dear.
Here’s an idea I’ve been repeating to people for 2 years. Local newspapers are not part of the mainstream media. Write a letter to the editor. I tried this 3 years ago after escaping, excuse me, moving from NJ to TN. I now have multiple towns that have published my letters. We assume no one will publish an opposing view to the gubmint directives. If you need help getting started, email is stansylvester59@aol.com
Stan, interesting that you jest about ESCAPING from NJ… as I suggest that once the PASSPORT hammer comes down that’s exactly what will be occurring …ESCAPING. I’m suggesting that those states which freely choose or are coerced in to compliance of this horrifying evil plan.. will likely have set up Check points.. and will not allow in/out traffic unless you can produce your PASSPORT… Watch for a mass migration of people out of those states just before this… I further suggest that there will be crystal clear defining moment just ahead, that will cause this. I think there is about to be a TRIGGER EVENT. Those which are slated to wake up regarding this matter, will flee. ..
Susan, while I would agree somewhat in context..”a group in masse” would be beneficial in normal times….However, we are seriously not in normal times, but rather we are in Biblically Epic times. I’m not saying we should not fight, but I think The Bible/Scripture is going to play out EXACTLY as it is written. Bob posted “GOD help us all”… well FYI… GOD is going to help, We are witnessing a “Tribulum”. (Please look that up..it’s not the same thing as Tribulation… as Tribulation will be coming shortly thereafter.) … but not in way we all think it should play out. The Bible crystal clearly tells us exactly what is going to happen…and we’re on the very precipice of seeing that playout. When I say precipice… I dont mean years… I’m clearly stating it’s more likely weeks and we will see the wrap up of Daniels Week 69.
we above st. marys glacer..i am making sauage.goat mik.6checkens.. is good satcell phone …snowcat..4dogs god knows those that trust in him..
I too live in a rural area, in a rural state, and we have pretty much disregarded any mask mandate for the entire duration of the “pandemic.” Our police have told health officials that they will not enforce any mask mandate, as they have better things to do, and as in your area, the only ones complaining are the ones who fled the liberal cities. Since the majority of us are armed, liberal refugees tend to not make mask wearing an issue.
We are witnessing the death throes of our once great Republic, and there will not be a return to normal. All we can do is pray and prepare.
Molan Labe, it will be the Sheriff’s vastly as the last bastion of standing up for freedom. Local PD is not going to be there fore the people sadly…and it’s not about the officers, it’s because they are administrated by scum slimy politicians. We will see many LE/PD officer leave and probably hook up with Sheriff’s dept, once the “ugly party” gets rolling.
Bob, same here in rural Missouri. Living our lives mask free, gathering in groups, shaking our heads at the insanity in the more populated areas of the country. Most of the men I talk to maintain that they have no intention of going to DC or anywhere else to fight the tyrants, but if the tyrants come here … they’ll rue the day. You hit the nail on the head. Patience. The time will come.
I wholeheartedly agree. I have no idea what people are waiting for.
I know this is a bit of a repeat, but I was watching the movie Defiance again recently and Daniel Craig goes to town to tell the others to flee they argue and fight with him. Some eventually do go but so many decline even when they know evil is all around them.
Jefferson is correct:
“Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”
Go? Go where? STAND AND FIGHT. Don’t be wimps….or…..YOU LOSE.
There are more with you than you know. Many like me are in States that never locked down or mandated masks, so we are preparing and biding our time. Be strong brother.
Agree, but most are getting quite old. The generation born in the mid ’40’s thru the 60’s especially have lived America’s golden years. Young people have a zero future unless people wake up way more than they are now. The line in the sand is gun grabs and forced vaccine “passports” to access jobs, businesses, etc. I have studied globalism since ’78, and we chose to be childfree, instead help kids in group homes.
I have a platoon of young experienced men. I am still healthy enough to train& lead. Do not worry. Find the willing and lead.
As the Gentleman just said some of us are getting old but can and are willing to fight to the death to defend Light !!!!!
Wouldn’t it be best to let the other side die for what they believe in?
Just askin’.
Sounds good to me.
……….defend your life and your family’s lives and fight for God as well. Light?????
have 16in kansasyoungmarines feeding cattle
DO NOT rollover and play dead.
Lines in the sand mentioned above, will go down fighting. I don’t care what friends do. Will not be forced a vaccine or give up the guns.
Yeah , well where do all of us who are alone sign up !!!!!
Those who have Jesus Christ are NEVER alone!
there are more with you than you know .stmarys glacercolorado
I 100% agree with you but we lack one thing, LEADERSHIP. No one wants to step out front and say ” follow me”. If someone would I’d jump right in with them. Some say we have no battle lines, yes we do it starts in DC.
Agreed, it needs to be a group effort or it is doomed to fail and the one maverick that does go out and do something winds up dead, it really needs to be a nationwide effort but the sheeple needs to grow a pair and be ready to stand up, and yes there will be casualties, this goes with any war, unfortunately, just be sure where you stand for eternity before you step out!
amen exactly..sheepe need to grow a pair..love your remarks..esp.the last one.
John: Have u grown a pair?
Sheep have been gelded, brought up in public schools to embrace globalism and socialism. They will kiss up to anyone on the news telling them to get shots and wear 3 masks at once, etc. Even tho these scum are not elected to an office, instead appointed by scum politicians to also become puppets w/o any Q.
Respectfully, I disagree as a different approach may prove to be very viable. Many comments have repeated the statements that we need a leader, and or, a large group or the effort to save the America is doomed to fail.
Both are “can’t do” statements. These statements are predicated on the false premise that individual, and small group actions are irrelevant, and therefore should not be undertaken because they will fail. This is old school centralized command and control logic that has brought us to the situation that we currently find ourselves in. Americans have followed the dictates of its centralized leaders from war to another. so is leadership the answer? Maybe, but not necessarily.
If you believe you will fail, you will. If you believe you will achieve success you will.
With today’s technology that is really available, a reasonably well equipped, unknown single individual, off the grid, that is totally committed to the cause of bringing about a reckoning to those that would or have destroy the states, the national identity, and Christian beliefs is a scary thought to the centralized command and control slave masters. Independent action is unthinkable to them because there is no defense against it.
The concept of many single individuals, unknown to each other, has been, and continues to be a key element of the Swiss defense strategy for over a 100 years.
The Swiss strategy for defense is a simple concept, but it is brilliant. The strategy is you attack us, or our leaders, then your leaders will die. That’s it. Simple.
The Swiss will not wage a war on the aggressor country’s population. Why should they suffer because of the action of their psychotic leaders? Punishing the population is the failed strategy of the NATO powers that was originally developed by the Roman Empire. Instead, the reckoning would be directed only at the leadership of the aggressor country by an unknown number of single individual marksman, that will strike at times and places of their choosing. There is no centralized command and control structure. It is simple, eliminate the leadership of the aggressor country. Decentralized action without electronic communication is the key success factor.
The foundation that the strategy is built upon is the involvement of a large portion of the Swiss people competing in rifle marksmanship contests around the country. Because of the large participation in these contests the Swiss have a significant portion of the population that are trained marksmen, but, in reality, many achieve the level of expert snipers. Keep in mind, these people are not military personnel, therefore, they are not on the radar as a potential threat. They are individuals that at some point in their career will be assigned by their Swiss companies to work in a foreign country for an extended period of time.
Swiss companies have operations and sales office in most countries around the world and many of the Swiss people that are working at those international locations are trained marksman. These international Swiss offices have all stored in secure storage sites very accurate rifles and ammunition. So, if a aggressor country attacks Switzerland, the leaders of the aggressor country would quickly become targets, and would be eliminated by an unknown number of single individuals, that are already living in the aggressor country. Also, many of the Swiss people employed in foreign countries hold dual passports.
The key point is, the retaliation would not be accomplished by a large group that would be easy to identify, infiltrate, and eliminate. This strategy of multiple single individuals is almost impossible to defend against.
With the above in mind, instead of looking for a leader like King David to come and slay the giants, a different but viable and effective approach would be to become a Jack Hinson or a Henry Bowman utilizing the Swiss Defense Strategy when the red line is crossed.
10 single individual marksman that are off the grid, and unknown to each other, located in different parts of the country, would cause nightmares to those demonic leaders that would destroy the states and the national identity, but 100 single individual marksmen, unknown to each other, that could strike at any time and place of their choosing would be absolutely terrifying to the demons.
Centralized command and control functions marginally well for big iron militaries in conflict against other centralized command and control big iron militaries. But this centralized structure has many weaknesses.
It took the US Army almost a decade to defeat the decentralized Comanche Indians. The centralized command and control big iron US military did not defeat the North Korean Army, North Vietnam Army, the Afghan tribes, the Iraq resistance or the Syrian Army. Of course someone will say that the US military did defeat the Iraq military and that is correct. But, has the US military defeated the Iraq resistance? No.
An interesting sideline is none of those countries attacked America but its leaders still sent America’s young men to spill blood in those foreign counties.
Keep in mind, centralized command and control is old school and has many weaknesses. Also, Americans should follow the Swiss example regarding rifle contests and learning marksmanship skills.
While I understand your ideas I have to say at this point one man or woman ain’t gonna get it done nor are hundreds of those you describe all independent and it will take militias working in concert with other militias to get it done !!!!!!!!! And there will be blood !!!!! Lives lost !!!!! We don’t have time to have contests to train in arms !!!!! If you don’t think this situation now in THE USA , the World is dire and we will be slaves if we don’t do it now !!!!!!! We don’t need history lessons right now , those who don’t remember their history of the last 100 years are as they say doomed to repeat it and history is happening now !!!!! We are seeing a take over of not just our country but the World !!!!!!! Communism dude !!!!! That’s happening now !!!!! I do hope you will take a look at the situation happening now and revise you thinking !!!!!! We have no more time and the time is NOW to stand and. Commit to armed conflict !!!!!! Those are the facts !!!!!
ALL must be leaders. ALL.
Pat, you are correct. Thank you.
I have listened to George and Tension have thought many times since the 60’s about these situations. We lost our Republic when the murdered JFK. That being sid Tensions reasoning is sound, once its started it will be 10’s of thousands of expert marksmen and they will live another day to wage war from their nest.
Georges ideas need to come to fruition as well. But the first many shots will come from recon and nests. That will fuel the conversation and action. Both need done. Great posts my both of these Patriots. God Bless us!!!
William, I agree with you. Thank you.
George thank you for the reply.
George “We dont have time”… that statement is more correct than you or anyone can imagine. I’m suggesting/have been suggesting for many months now.. that roughly sometime around the end of April/Mid May point.. I believe there will be Event(s) that will crystal clearly be a defining moment for the entire world. We can call it a Trigger point if we want. I suspect we are about to see a “convergence” of a several things which will be “the trigger point moment”.
namvetcolorado allinfo is true
namvetcolorado, Thank you for the reply.
Truth In Tension, Interesting wrting… So,…RIFLE CONTESTS/MARKSMANSHIP SKILLS.. While would 100% agree… you do understand that there is real issue getting ammunition right now…right?
can you get reloders may be hard to find look in kansas
At this point I have no problem shedding the enemies blood or losing mine !!!!! He’ll no one knows me but I have stood to lose my life before for right !!!!!
Take as many enemies as you can (big numbers at a time. one at a time will NOT work), and b4 they take you. That’s the reality of it.
Pray first then follow the Lord.
So grow a pair. I vote for you to lead!
I would suggest controlling your own town or county. Seems insignificant but done Regionally it can spread to States. But it will be organic, imo, no legal pronouncements to give the OK, We give the OK and then when prevailing the tide keeps turning.
Going to DC is a waste. Large causalities for us, and the Tyrants would have fled to secure areas. Empty Gov. Buildings don’t control anything.
CW’s are very messy affairs, at best everything shreds, you don’t get All of anything including military and police, or vets or neighbors. Control your area.
I don’t believe our enemy leadership is in DC any longer, either.
whoooaaa….there…..cops and military are in on it….NOT enforcing the Constituion or any other LAW…they are dangerous, armed criminals and these need to go first…if they ar ecorrupt …you knw they are….they WILL KILL YOU OR JAIL YOU. THEYARE PAID SOLDIERS FOR THE FAGGOTRY.
Once again , where do I find a leader , I’m a soldier !!!!!
You are now a leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UP the Resistance! All that is required for Evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing. It is each of our battle, each of our responsibility to speak out, to stand up, to stand out and speak up at every opportunity. This path is hard. There will be casualties. Millions are going to die. I may be one of them…BUT MY LIFE..my LEGACY…will be that I STOOD UP and SPOKE the TRUTH.
Right On Brother !!!!!! I’m standing now and will continue to till I’m dropped in this battle before us now !!!!!! There is no alternative foe those who follow God and the Light !!!!!! I feel the same I want to be known by my Grandchildren that I stood for Light !!!!! And them and their inheritance of the planet !!!!!
It’s nice that you “stood up and spoke the truth”. That no longer works. Now you will have to stand up and ‘FIGHT’. Hello?
oh it is coming…it is just taking a while
because we had it somewhat easy
but when everything is taken away
suddenly FIGHTING will seem like a
good option
Steel yourselves brothers and sisters! Its midnight at the alamo.
We will be in good company…..
Montani Semper Liberi…..Mountainman will always be free
God bless you all…..who stand.
You are all correct. We were brought up in a world where you reverend Christ. You said yes mam and yes sir. A male was a male and a female a female. Men opened doors for women. We didn’t look for a war but we were ready to die for those who were trampled on. We gladly gave to poor nations. We sponsored poor families and kids all around the globe. We didn’t need govt. to ask us to do it. We had morals. There are no morals (as a nation) anymore. There are only evil entities presiding over us. Govt. leaders have totally gone away from God so God has given them over to a reprobate mind which only delights in evil. We as a nation are finished. We can join militias and create bands of brothers to fight this evil but eventually it will come to ruin. Don’t get me wrong. I will fight to the death before I let any evil overtake me or my household. The Bible says these things must come to pass in order for the end to come. To be absent from the world is to be present with God for those who believe in Jesus Christ. This battle is the Lord’s. Righteous prayer of just two people will send 10,000 demons to flight. Just think of a whole army of righteous prayer could do. Yes. Defend your own. Help your neighbor. Pray to God daily for strength courage and wisdom. Remember your last breath on this earth means your next one will be in Heaven and that is an encouraging thought. God says we are in this world but we are not of this world. Our real home is in Heaven. I am not a preacher. I am a 64 year old man that was once an Airborne Infantry Ranger. Now I am a soilder of God
Bless you!
bless you! When I hear Truth my gift of a decrerning Spirit bears witness to that. Sir your every word is from the Word Of God. I will stand and fight with you and all Americans till that last breath. To not defend your own makes a infidel of one. Good Post Sir
I am too old to go to the front lines, but I can certainly hold down the fort, as it were, or hold a hill at our southern border. When corruption goes as deep as the DemonRats have driven it there is no other alternative but to take them out one at a time if need be. This must be a Guerrilla style of warfare, which by the way, our government has not won since WW-II. It does not know how to deal with insurgency because insurgents employ a hit and run type of attack.
So your going to shoot ladies and kids? That’s retarded. Stop and think what you write.
I saw no reference to shooting children. I am not advocating murder but there will be blood on both sides as Jefferson warned.
I addressed this in 2012.
You obviously weren’t in Viet Nam, where women AND children were used by the VC to target and destroy both GI’s AND civilians. Godless commies use the ‘innocent’ just as willingly as the complicit.
Kate that is why you will join the corruption. War sucks, the only reason to wage one is the cause for human liberty. I pray you will grow up.
I’m not taking that crap needle either, but don’t say dumb things that make you look dumb. You realize across the border some of those places barely have electricity. They aren’t going to have 5G or surveillance. I have lived south of the border and it is more free than America can comprehend. No social security no laws or bs politicians. You could actually survive the end of this age. I doubt you will here in America with the way things are going. Babylon America is scheduled for destruction it’s in the good book. Their eyes will be consumed in fire even as they stand. America will be nuked in the end. The rest of the world hates it and wants it gone. Empire no more, land of coyotes and wildlife irradiated just like Chernobyl.
RELAX…Read the Bible carefully…Babylon is Rome. It is full of evil and hidden items of past generations….including the book of Enoch….and Rome will be destroyed by large rocks in 1 day.
And yes, America will endure destruction to some degree for allowing some people and Presidents & Congress to allow abortions and mixing up of male/female bodies etc. (Even the animals know better.) God has shown this vision to Prophets…but said He has not forsaken America and will do some protection when attack comes. Many will survive, and many of us will not. I know, as a Christian, we will find peace when Jesus takes us Home. If not soon…when Wormwood hits Earth on April 13, 2029…we’re done.
you are delusional go back and live in meeexco and if you don’t have anything positive to post, please just read and learn
My ancestors fought in the American Revolution and defeated the mightiest army on earth because God was with us. They gave up everything they owned for something better. That was freedom which was the constitution Freedom of Religion, freedom of speech and the right to bear arms that was to protect us from a government that became a tyranny. If you are not willing to defend your freedom, Don’t blame God. If you end up in a concentration camp on your knees begging for bread, You deserve what you get. There is an old saying there are no cowards in heaven.
There will be a trigger…I just don’t think it’ll come before 2024. The trigger could be anything from a financial collapse, famine, natural disaster to war. I search the news and alt-news daily for any sign of the coming storm while continuing to prep. I’m afraid what’s coming will make the Great Depression and WWII look like a walk in the park…it’s going to be Biblical.
Mr.Putin been opening the doors and flashing his nukes in the Arctic.
The problem here is we have no leaders in Washington anymore, they are all bought and paid for through corruption of some nature, either receiving money from Chicoms or child porn blackmail from Epstein Island. We need someone to step up and lead those who know what they are losing into action. Until that happens I am afraid we will watch it die, rapidly at this point, by 2025 it will be a different place no matter who wins.
“I am appalled and puzzled at the number of people who are taking this experimental “vaccine.” -author
The public has been trained, conditioned, and habituated to Vaccines for generations and decades. In 1950 schoolchildren were lined up in the hall and were vaccinated classroom by classroom by stern county public-health nurses against diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus, smallpox, and (Jonas Salk) polio. No child escaped. By now the modern regime requires 40 shots before a child enters kindergarten. Annual ‘flu shots’ pushed for everyone has been the norm for 30 years. I think the public would have DEMANDED a covid vaccine had one not been forthcoming. It doesn’t surprise me at all. They just blindly BELIEVE.
Yes, and I was one vaccinated with polio the year rat cancer was included in the ingredients. I’m 70.
I also have herpes 1 and fight every month with quercetin to keep one from surfacing..so far, so good, for over a year. I usually have a fever blister every year or two, now every month…yuk!!
I am prescription free so I am blessed with good health..fight arthritis now and then, but don’t let it slow me down.
From the smallpox vaccine.
I agree with the author 100%.
Things are ‘sick’ all right, here in Canada… People seem to think it is an actual vaccine! They simply don’t comprehend that it is not.
They are lining up (in their thousands) to be injected. People appear to have no basic scientific knowledge, and trust their government. But it does not occur to them that their government is being flim-flammed by the WHO and Big Pharma…
Our modern lives are easy, and filled with various comforts and pleasures that ensnare the majority from risking loss of such comforts. Our founders were more accustom to the daily rigors of life, and thus, more than willing to risk loss or total sacrifice for “the cause”. We see similar in other poorer nations who are willing to fight, even if it means certain loss and death, their invaders and foreign masters.
We hear these responses every day, and some even here. Everyone is waiting on someone else to lead, start, organize, etc, and VERY few are willing to fight that “unwinnable” fight and risk death or prison. Until people are willing to fight even when the odds are heavily against them and sacrifice their lives for the cause, we lose.
Fear still dominates our lives. Fear of loss of job, income, comfort, friends, home, personal freedom and yes, maybe even life itself, and it is this fear whom we have become slaves to. The nation awaits one courageous man.
I fully agree with everything you have pointed out. Like you, I am AMAZED by people who i felt were Jesus believing christians: taking this vaccine; wearing the mask like sheep; accepting the stolen election; willing to do anything our new masters require (not ask); all this and more to get back to the lives they had as of January 2020. Its like they are blinded by the actions of the fake news, big tek, billion dollar businesses, professional sports and God Forbid -- this rogue biden bunch………..how can they not see! how can they believe there is a chance to go back……without a fight.
I don’t understand it myself. Even Trump turned tail between the legs and went home leaving us with nuthi’n but commies who have broken the law right in our face and we have done nuth’n. Even the Supine Court left us but certainly jump in when to kill our babies and remove God from our society.
Mr.Trump betrayed his followers, and quite easily.How disturbing is that!
I’m the only at work who has a simple mind at what crap is happening… every is or will be vax’d but me! So then I prob will take the store into my own hands… last thing I want is to be scrapping dead bodies off the floor😔
Sad and scary times we’re heading into
The American warrior has shed their blood to help those in need around the globe. Of course they have been lied to as far as the benefactors of their blood and sacrifices.
Nevertheless, what bravery, what resolve, what power and mayhem, what banshee rebel yell will resound when the American warrior is fighting for their own children, families, land and countrymen.
And fight they will -- I do not pity those who would appose THEM when their full fury is set to light. Why -- because the American warrior has fought too long and too hard for many of the same people who are against them now. Pity is not what the opposition deserves and many will fall just for getting in the way of the warriors righteous indignation come the times when the tyrants fall.
The gloves will come off, the true ones who have been tolerant to the propaganda talking heads of “intolerance” will unite and defend their own against the tyrants. We now know who the tyrants are and many have already “mentally” prepared their short lists. Justice will be swift and will likely not involve courts or bureaucrats for a remedy as many of them have become part of the tyrant class.
Sides have been chosen, lines have been drawn. The beginning of the end approaches. Prepare to stand, and having done all we can, stand firm to the end. For the alternative is not bearable to a free people, and we all know what the alternative is.
Great article, I whole heartedly agree! No gathering of arms will stop this insurgence. The only way to stop these psychopaths is to hit them where they are most vulnerable, and that is in their pocketbooks. As Jesus thru out the moneychangers from the Temple, God’s House, so should we do unto them. Pull all excess money out of the banks, just keep enough to pay bills with, pull out of this manipulated stock market, cash in all IRA’s and get out of the pension funds, they are going to go broke anyhow when the dollar collapses. With all excess cash buy all the physical silver and gold you can afford, and then sit back and watch the fireworks!!!!!
I wholeheartedly AGREE. Wish people would STOP BUYING …anything they can go without. Let the Big Co. go Broke! they only want us to keep working like slaves and make them money.
I cashed out some years back, it took about 6 weeks with “Fidelity” to transfer my money into my bank account, then I had to pay 30 % in tax penalty for taking it out early. No regrets whatsoever. 🙂
My response to that was, “the day I have to show papers to freely travel will be the day I start killing tyrants.” Conversation ended after that remark.
Will be laughing for a while on that one. Conversation ended after that remark!
Thanks i needed that.
Yes, his comment made me laugh also 🙂
Looks to me like cities vs country people. Time to cut off their supplies.
You echo my thoughts; but ,What if the “events” occur without triggering anything? That may be the worst thing to happen. We would get to have our own Sholtzenitzen realizations sitting in the camps. I hope not, I would like to think better of myself.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge -- Hosea 4:6
I was raised and have known from the beginning that relying on the government for anything, could someday create a problem. Ronald Reagan’s comments, in the eighties, confirmed that. Getting an education and getting a job through the normal system, didn’t sound right. I had concluded that employee, was another name for slave. Government integrity was declining. Society was making people lazy. I’ve been warning about this, for over thirty years.
Being self-sufficient is crucial. Preparing for the storm is necessary.
So in my family there hasn’t been a lot of disruption. Haven’t heard any fretting. They are well aware of what’s going on. My grandchildren do their chores and school lessons as usual. As they have always been homeschooled. They don’t get to go shopping as often, but they make their own fun activities (projects) with dad’s and mom’s help.
So the sacrifices (time and finances) my wife and I made in the nineties with my children, who were homeschooled, growing up, has become a blessing during Covid.
I know it’s not popular and a bit old fashioned, but my children are entrepreneurs, operating their successful businesses on a debt free basis, which has given them great resilience in these times.Faith in our Heavenly Father, tops it all off.
Thankfully, there is a better way. I was able to find it, and pass it on.
I’m prepared, as best one can prepare, for the tough times ahead.
The blessing of the Lord is all over you and your household Brother, what you said totally resonates with me.
Psalm 1:1- 6
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 2 But his delight is in the law of the lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.Whatever he does prospers.
4.Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
Yes, Thank you for your comment.
Exodus 15:11 Who is like unto thee, O אהיה, among the deities? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?
Psalm 82:1 Alohim stands in the assembly of the mighty; he judges among the deities.
Daniel 7:9 As I looked, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its whirlwinds were all ablaze.
10 A river of fire was flowing, coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand [one hundred million] stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.
What a picture?
26 But the court will sit, and his [the Anti messiah] power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever.
Malachi 3:16 Then shall those who fear אהיה speak to one another, and אהיה listens and hears, and a book of remembrance be written before Him, of those who fear אהיה, and those who think upon His Name.
17 “And they shall be Mine,” said אהיה of hosts, “on the day that I prepare a treasured possession. And I shall spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.
18 “Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wrong, between one who serves Alohim and one who does not serve Him.
Revelation 3:5 The one who overcomes thus will be dressed in white clothes; I will never blot his name out of the Book of Life, and will confess his name before My Father and His angels.
Revelation 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
2 I also saw the holy city—the New Jerusalem—coming down out of heaven from Alohim, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 I also heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the dwelling of Alohim is among men, and He shall tabernacle among them. They shall be His people, and Alohim Himself shall be among them and be their Alohim.
4 He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more. Neither shall there be mourning or crying or pain any longer, for the former things have passed away.”
Revelation 22:1 And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of Elohim and of the Lamb.
2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
3 And no longer shall there be any curse, and the throne of Elohim and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.
4 And they shall see His face, and His Name shall be upon their foreheads.
5 And night shall be no more, and they shall have no need of a lamp or the light of the sun, because אהיה Alohim shall give them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.
13 “I am the Alpha [Aleph] and the Omega [Tav], the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Well written, well said. Once one overcomes fear then one is invincible. Hence, what are we afraid of? Corrupt and evil government? Disapproval of others? No, a warrior serves his God and will die for what he knows is right. There is no room for cowards…let the evil side have that for most of them are. Has not our Lord Jesus Christ said that He overcame death and the grave? To die is gain as the Apostle Paul so eloquently penned. Once again, there is nothing to fear but fear itself as Winston Churchill spoke.
After reading what you said, this scripture came to mind, that the battle belongs to the Lord.
2 Chronicles 20:15
He said listen,”Listen,King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.For the battle is not yours, but God’s.
This scripture was given by Jahaziel son of Zechariah when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. Directions were given as to what strategies should be taken for the Lord to deliver them.
I feel strongly this is what is needed today in facing these giants.The Lord will give his strategies.It is His battle and we are his servants and he loves us with an everlasting love.
Jerimiah 31:3
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving -kindness.
We need to remember we are not our own, we have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus. Dear Lord, I lift all of us your remnant people over to your Holy Spirit, please draw our hearts closer to you, may we feel your heartbeat and experience afresh today your great love and kindness and protection for us.Please set us free from the lies of the devil,from all unbelief and overwhelming fears, and fear of the unknown.Please forgive us our sins, conscious and unconscious sins, please erase any guilt, you say Lord if we confess our sins, you will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.Please heal us, and renew our minds and restore us to love you more than anything this world has to offer.Even now dear Father pour more of your Holy Spirit power into our lives right now Lord, to love you more.Please send your peace and show us how to stay walking in your peace.Please break off our minds and hearts all demonic strongholds keeping us captive. In the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, take our lives and let them be, ever consecrated for thee, from now and evermore.Glory to your holy name for ever and ever Amen.
What we need to do is begin banding together and develop comms channels and unite. It will take some time, but people need somewhere to go and join that all of us join not join this that and the other and more of the same fragmented orgs not working together. This is the time for all of us to get ourselves working together by simply joining up to one place… first. The problem is Trump was the likely spot, but where did he go? He said this that and the other but he is woefully short on the post-presidency actions. So we need those who have a voice that impacts millions and all I can think of is the alternative media has to band together for one place to join up that won’t get usurped by psyops efforts.
I’m totally on board with that but we need to vet extremely well those who might infiltrate !!!!!!! I’m ready to go !!###!
The Feds are very good at infiltrating groups of multiple trained men and women. What if millions of Patriots took the lone wolf approach. What if these lone Wolf’s became assassins and picked one bad apple target each. There a lot of hunters that can make a 1 shot 1 kill. They don’t discuss any plans with anyone. No eavesdropping by the corrupt criminals. No Fed set-ups. Just millions of Patriot lone Wolf’s picking a target.
I wish that would happen but I don’t think it will. I’m totally on your side and ready to fight , spill blood even my own !!!!!!
Good one wes.
Prepare to lose Family & Friends due to their own Fear & Stupidity because after taking the Stab they will begin having “Adverse” reactions, long term debilitation & DEATH. Jesus said it: Pray for them for they know NOT what they do. I’m beyond Angry -- I live life Happily TODAY waiting for the Countdown to the day when I WILL KILL DEMONS -- What’s the Alternative? Pray, Prep, Enjoy TODAY & be ready for HELL ON EARTH
That’s what it’s come to Brother !!!!!!
Yes I agree. Pray and keep on living according to what you have, stay vigilant and pray without ceasing, as only faith can please God. I have family that refused to listen to anything negative about the injection, they trusted strangers who are quick to jab, what an insult, but hey, I am accountable to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling, and Jesus even warned, in Matthew 10:36 a mans enemies will be the members of his own household. Thank you Jesus for warning us ahead of time. Hallelujah.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
Ecclesiastes 3:3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
Ecclesiastes 3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Ecclesiastes 3:5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
Ecclesiastes 3:6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
Ecclesiastes 3:7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
Ecclesiastes 3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?
Ecclesiastes 3:10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
Ecclesiastes 3:12 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.
Ecclesiastes 3:13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God. (KJV)
Amen.God has a timing, and he is never late always on time.
Whatever the triggering event will be, I bet SOME amount of the US Military will side with the people. Many troops will do as they are told, which is sad, as they will eventually wish they had sided with The People! Besides, we have Yahweh God on our side.
Trigger Event could be Russia defending itself this month…..or when the Military forces the Covid Vax SHOT on the troops in June. Thousands have died and/or are now very ill from the SHOT. My cousin’s lady friend DIED about 2 hours after getting her 2nd SHOT.
My observation is that there is no Patrick Henry, George Washington or many others who had leadership qualities. PLUS our nation is now huge and who or what can lead and/or organize the common people to rise up and say no- look what happened when they went to DC. It was a total debacle and I still don’t know what that was about! Do you? The people who were involved were inspired by the ex pres who said come, it’s going to be wild. Yeh right, 🙄 all that did was scare everybody back into their hidey holes.
Praying for divine intervention. Maybe the rapture is our last frontier.
What is righteous anger? In the famous speech given by President Roosevelt after the bombing of Pearl Harbor he declared that no matter how long it would take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.”
Two things stand out from President Roosevelt’s speech. A premeditated attack on unsuspecting people produces a righteous fierceness to destroy the aggressor. I believe this is the fate that awaits the perpetrators of the genocidal vaccines.
Immediate action must be pursued through our congressional representatives to Revoke the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.
I want to do more than talk !!!!! The talking ain’t doing nothing at this point , the talking time is done !!!!! Our very souls are at stake and the World !!!!!! Light vs darkness !!!!! THATS IT !!!!! As I saw a lady post in comments one alone is nothing but thousands/millions will be something !!!!! How do we organize ? !!!!!
Obviously we cannot all gather together in the millions, so that should tell you something another strategy must be on the horizon. If your talking aint doing anything, I have to wonder who you are talking to? ‘Cos if you are talking to God he will answer you.It’s called walking in the Spirit George.
Proverbs 20:18
Make plans by seeking advice if you wage war, obtain guidance
Psalm 25: 4 -10
Show me your ways,O Lord, teach me your paths; 5 guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.6 Remember,O Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old.7 Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good,O Lord.8 Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.9 He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.10 All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant.
People don’t realize that these Globalist serve other gods, the god of greed and self power and believe it or not they serve gods of the occult. That is why Joshua 24:15 is so relevant to us all even today: Joshua 24:15, “But if it is unpleasing in your sight to serve the LORD, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!” “
Choose to follow the Lord Jesus Christ because He is the ONLY hope anyone has for today and eternity! Don’t make it about religion or trying to do good deeds to earn your way to heaven because no one can do enough religious rituals or good deeds to equal the righteousness of God, His standard to enter into eternal life. Just believe the gospel and He will save ALL who call upon His name and confess Him as Lord. Then FOLLOW HIM!!!
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!
Many people on these comments are looking for someone to lead us. THAT is what the world is looking for and will follow the Antichrist because he will seem to have all the answers. We already have a leader and it is the Lord Jesus Christ. Be spiritually reborn in Him and then OBEY HIM! He said, “My sheep hear My voice and follow Me.” When we do that, we will be in unity and in unison for HIS glory and HIS Kingdom! Just do it!
Amen Leisa !
God is our Leader, not Q, not Mr.T or Mr.B. Almighty God.
We will know for sure if God raises up a King David or a Deborah in our midst, we are watching,God our Father will not allow us to miss it.
Also Leisa, so many followed the Q-anon so desperate for a leader, they fell for a cult, but God help ya if you try and tell ’em that.Whoaa! they treat ya like your the devil. Mr.Trump was worshipped as a leader, and pumped y’all up at the Rally said he would meet ya at the Capitol NO SHOW =
And even on this very comment section, tell people to come and sit before God to get your answers, ya just get slammed and told, we’ve done that etc.etc. It’s time to do something. What a joke! Whatever you do should stem from the outcome of spending time in your prayer closet with God.Everything springs from that.But I’m not hearing that these days, it’s pathetic .How can you hear from the Holy Spirit if you don’t even know him or spend time with him.
I am sick of getting slammed by so called believers, that don’t believe in prayer, it’s pathetic, absolutely pathetic.You have ONE leader and ONE only, and you don’t give a crap about his opinion. Most of ya are f’n Joke!
Okay, after a night of upset and frustration at the prayer less jackasses, the Lord gave me great clarity on that situation. What we are seeing is the sheep and the goats. Be very careful of who you allow close in your personal life.God will show you in the Spirit, you will know who is a true believer.The true ones have power over sin in their life, they have power, love and a SOUND mind.Glory to God Almighty who heals us and comforts us, and will guide us forever.
2 Timothy 3: 1- 5 Godlessness in the Last Days
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful,proud,abusive (<<the last two is common on threads!) disobedient to their parents, ungrateful,unholy,3 without love, unforgiving,slanderous,without self-control,brutal,not lovers of the good,4 treacherous, rash,conceited,lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
Have nothing to do with them.
Okay, after a night of upset and frustration at the prayer less jackasses, the Lord gave me great clarity on that situation. What we are seeing is the sheep and the goats. Be very careful of who you allow close in your personal life.God will show you in the Spirit, you will know who is a true believer.The true ones have power over sin in their life, they have power, love and a SOUND mind.Glory to God Almighty who heals us and comforts us, and will guide us forever.
2 Timothy 3: 1- 5 Godlessness in the Last Days
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful,proud,abusive (<<the last two is common on threads!) disobedient to their parents, ungrateful,unholy,3 without love, unforgiving,slanderous,without self-control,brutal,not lovers of the good,4 treacherous, rash,conceited,lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
Have nothing to do with them.
NOW is the time to be walking in the Spirit, the days of fleshy, happy clappy, cheesy smile, sloppy agape is over.This is the day of the NEW WINE in the Holy Spirits power. Glory Hallelujah.The best is yet to come from Father’s mighty hand, for those who love him.It’s not the same ol’ same ol’ anymore.We are not in Kansas anymore! haha (unless you actually do live in Kansas that is).Peace to the remnant 🙂
Matthew 9: 16 -17
“No-one sews a patch of un- shrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse.17 Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins.If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined.No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
I have seen many comments about the need for a leader and organization. The greatest outreach ever of the word of God was in the book of Acts. It was during the Roman rule. Each one reached one. Sure, there were great leaders like Paul but he did not win the masses. 1 reached 1, 2 reached 2, 4 reached 4, exponential growth. Your area is different from mine. Your areas of expertise are different from mine. If you decide to move, God will give the increase like he did in the book of Acts, [Acts 2:47.] A note to all Christians, notice it’s called the book of Acts, ACTION, not the book of prayer. We acknowledge God with prayer but without action, nothing happens.
We need to be in prayer to HEAR what God is telling us to do or not do.Otherwise we will be tricked again, this is not the time for impulsive 2 draw McGraw behaviour.We have to be in the Holy Spirit, not the flesh.When He says go we go ,when He says stay we stay.And we can only hear him if we are spend time with him.
Christians today are listening. They’re listening to their pastors that are in charge of their 501c3 tax exempt churches. The pastors are telling their people to wash their hands, social distance, stay home and get the vaccine. They are already tricked by Satan. Christians love to wait and let the spirit move them. Did God tell the churches to close when the gubmint said close? Common sense was enough to know that God wanted His churches open .
The Remnant are the real Christians Stan. And they are not listening to -- 501c3 Pastors with the prosperity gospel or whatever apostate heresy is in place.
You wrote the below:
Christians love to wait and let the spirit move them.
If they were REALLY waiting upon God in earnest prayer, they would know what his HolySpirit is saying, instead of looking for a leader or joining Q -anon.
And have you NOT noticed-- most true believers stopped going to the dead lifeless Church years ago -ICABOD churches, where God left years ago.So how did you reach the conclusion that common sense was enough to know God wants his church open?
What type of Christian are you, have you been listening and following a 501c3 Pastor?
God is honored more by the underground house churches in China, than most US churches.
I don’t attend church. All I was saying was that if the church leaders would have drawn a line in the sand, millions of churchgoers would have been better off. It is crucial for the elite to have the churches following the gubmint directives.
Yes, I see, you said. It is crucial for the elite to have the churches following gubmint (lol) directives .That will be part off the One World Religion- written about
Thing is Stan, hindsight is always a revelation.Remember at the beginning of Covid-19, there was so many unknowns, add that to the mindset of the 501 c3 Pastors, we got, what we got!The Elites have perfected Scientific mind control techniques, and the devil is ancient and experienced. Only those staying close to God and walking in the Spirit are going to conquer to see through the lies.The great deception is here, and boy is it mind- blowing in scope.
Jim Stone is reporting that the mRNA jabs are prion genetic weapons, 6-12 months for creutzfeldt-jakob disease , aka Mad Cow Disease.
Just read what he has to say, honestly; interestingly, the ACE2 receptor is also in male’s testes, so just the natural disease may have sterilized many ppl.
I can’t stop grandma and my bro from getting the vax, so I told them to get the J&J jab, which is the same tech as the Sputnik jab, BUT the mRNA vaxes and the J&J jab are being manufactured in the same freakin facilities, so I can’t say that the J&J jab is not spiked with the prion, just like the mRNA vaxes. They aren’t listening so I email my bro the Sx/Sx of Mad Cow:
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is marked by rapid mental deterioration, usually within a few months. Early signs and symptoms typically include:
As the disease progresses, mental symptoms worsen. Most people eventually fall into a coma. Heart failure, lung (respiratory) failure, pneumonia or other infections are generally the cause of death, which usually occurs within a year.
Stay safe ppl. You have to hold out for only as little as 6 months, as the ppl start going down en mass (hence why the social platforms are (sic) sensored so hard)
One president gets his head blow off in broad daylight, Now Trump has the election stolen from him, no one does anything. Prayer is taken out of our schools, the Satanic murder of our little brothers and sisters in the womb is made law, no one does anything. our borders are a world-wide joke, our nation has given sexual perverts the right to marriage, the elite has made it plain that they intend to kill every white person in the USA.and no one does anything. just what is this magic TRIGGER EVENT going to be?
We could peaceably change the worse of this insanity if we could just use the same tactics as the leftists. We are millions same as them. If the election had gone the same way except we did the cheating for President Trump there would have been hundreds and thousands of demonstrators in every major city in every state but particularly the 4 main States in question. Where was out demonstrations. . Where are our sugar daddies like the lefts Soros paying for the busses to bring people to protest. Where are our techies making Bots to make 100 people writing to a corporation into 100,000?
It ain’t over ’til it’s over. And this is a long way from over.
I would like to ask people to pray for Dr. Mike Yeadon PHD Ex Chief Science Adviser for Pfizer regarding his testimony I linked to today on my personal website -- on my Good Friday post. He is at great risk because of his willingness to speak out. Also, I just posted an update to Dana Coverstone’s dream about some future month of December that I think relates to the fallout from this COVID vaccine.
But when the patriots wait until the trees branches have rotted off and the pigs of decay have ate all the root’s it might be too little too late. An uprooting and new tree might be in order then? But where to get one??? I hear they are very hard to come by these days.
[…] (Article by Wes Rhinier republished from NCRenegade.com) […]
What exactly is it that you want people to do?
“Why can’t we band together and fight against this tyranny we are faced with? Our founding fathers were much better men than we are.”
My response to this statement is to mention that digital media is our downfall. Our founding fathers were in physical contact with their neighbors and friends on a daily basis. Our society communicates predominantly with electronic media. How many people on this blog have met physically? All of us know that electronic media is under government surveillance. Makes it hard to get to plan and communicate with others.
You are so right sir!!! Critical thinking seems to be a thing of the past. If these folk choose to believe the lies time after time and wear the face diaper and take ‘the jab’ as a symbol of some inverted collective submission so be it. I refuse. I don’t care what anybody else thinks, I focus on myself. For most folks ignorance is bliss. I’ve tried to inform a few folks around the Raleigh area over the past year or so unsuccessfully. Hope that they will wake up and begin a strict regimen of non compliance. That’s the only way we are gonna beat the tyranny.
I’m mobilizing people in red states at the county precinct level to insist their current (if not, 2022) governors /legislatures reject all federal jurisdiction, divorce DC and reconstitute the Greater United States with a relocated capitol and a fresh start .