What is the Great Reset? | Davos Agenda 2021

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4 years ago

If there is ANY example of the ‘stereotype being true’ about one of “God’s chosen people”(tm) read up about ‘billionaire’ Klaus Schwab (married to a trillionaire ‘rothschild’ banker’) and just how Arrogant, Greedy, Insolent (let’s not leave out satanic, baby-eating Evil) this ashkenazi (false-jew) really is….

“You will Own Nothing, and like it.”
Best out-of touch Quote since the one about “Cake”.

These (((people))), er, Reptilian Aliens from the Strange-Matter Universe, are in the Final Stages of a Centuries- long Plan (“long march through the institutions”) to Own (by theft and Deception) Everything and Enslave Everyone not of the “Tribe”.

It is No Overstatement or Hyperbole (well, maybe that they are from the Dark-Matter Universe, I’m not an Astrophysicist) to state, without a doubt, that the (((bankers))) want to Own and Enslave EVERYONE. It is a Core Principle of their Satanic ‘religion’, the babylonian talmud, that (((they))) are ‘human’ and everyone Else are “..beasts, in human form, made by ‘yaweh’ to serve the jew.”

Are you going to Refuse (((their))) “vaccine” and “digital currency” (mark of the beast) ?

Not Until you Destroy that Cell Phone you carry everywhere, you won’t.