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4 years ago

There’s no “Big Plot” behind this, it is a standard Military Tactic, (and Term) “establish a ‘Green Zone'” where the Occupation Forces are Isolated from the local population and “safe”.

Anyone who doesn’t think a Military Coup hasn’t taken place is a Fool (or a Traitor).

A Word to the “Troops”-
In A-stan, the PATRIOTS (that’s guys like the Helmland Province Irregular Militia) couldn’t Afford the Plane Fare to go to the FUSSA and find your Families….

We Can.

Choose Wisely.

“Civil War” isn’t.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago

Interesting… another carrot being dangled -- maybe?

4 years ago

I am still expecting the worse and hoping for the best! I am not getting involved in the whole Q thing… at same time, I don’t see the people saying “save the children” being far off. That’s how I feel! Lets save our kids this horrible fate… People need to come together. All “sides ” and anyone who believes in our constitution and freedom, I’m with ya!

4 years ago

There’s no “Big Plot” here. This is a standard Military Tactic and Term -- Establishing a “Green Zone” is for the Occupation Army to create a Fortified Area for the Fobbits, Remf’s and POLITICIANS of the Puppet Government.

Get the Picture yet?

To the “Troops” --
Remember, in A-stan, the PATRIOTS there, (like the Helmland Province Irregular Militia) couldn’t afford Plane Fare to the FUSSA, to find your Families…

We Can.

And Bus Fare’s cheaper, to.

Choose Carefully which Side you are on.

“Civil War” isn’t.

4 years ago

The left is planning on turning America into PanEm and DC into the Imperial Capital. The NG currently there will soon be replaced by a handpicked brownshirted Schutzstaffel loyal ONLY to be commies in the capiy. The FBI has already been turned into the lefts version of the KGB and they are seeking to create a version of the Stazi to facilitate snitching by weak kneed brain donors. After Obama purged the military of ANY command level officer who might possibly oppose the commies plans the chances of the military doing ANYTHING to stop them are ZERO. Nobody is coming to save us. It is up to US.

4 years ago

Dan- I’m not sure that the ‘military’ is going to be ‘replaced by Shutzstaffle loyal to the commies’ as the personnel needed to do that would be essentially Mercenaries, and Mercs are Universally Resented by Soldiers. The Disrespect offered to the N.G. Troops in this Incident was Spectacular in its Stupidity -- it was only Fear of a UCMJ Court-Martial that kept that Scene quiet.

I Think that before they go the route of ‘Roman Praetorian Guard’ (mercenary troops) they will resort to “Loyalty Oaths” and criteria to select Soldiers, Units and Officers with the best apparent “Loyalty to the Regime” and then they still have the “Institution” of the military as a Fig Leaf to be a public front for this.

At Some Point, regardless of their ‘political affiliation’, the Faded Pajamas of Imperial Occupation Troops are going to become as Popular Here as in Afghanistan…

4 years ago

I understand that soldiers are taking an additional oath. One to swear they are not part of any extremist group