Egypt Rejects US Demand for Attacking Iranian Vessel in Suez Canal

Consider the source of this report’s authenticity: Far News Agency. True or not, the relationship between Egypt and the United States has undergone “fundamental change”.

David DeGerolamo


The Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority said that Egypt’s Navy has rejected a US demand to attack an Iranian vessel in the strategic waterway.

Speaking to Al Arabiya and Al-Hayat TV networks, Vice Admiral Mohab Mamish, also a former commander of the Egyptian Navy, said the US had requested the Egyptian Navy attack an Iranian vessel passing through the Suez Canal, but his country’s naval force rejected the request.

He said the US had claimed that the vessel was carrying arms and heading to Syria, but it presented no proof to substantiate its allegations.

The Admiral ruled out the possibility of military operations in the Suez Canal, to guarantee the security of the international waterway.

In February 2012, Iranian warships made their second ever journey through the Suez Canal following Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution in line with the orders of the Supreme Leader for having a stronger presence in the high seas.

While Egypt has so far allowed two Iranian flotillas to sail through the Canal, the Admiral said his country has refrained from giving permission to US warships to go on a voyage through the waterway.


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