The most transmissible coronavirus subvariant yet, BA.5, is threatening a new wave of infections in the U.S., even among those who recovered from the virus fairly recently. The risk from Covid is increasing in much of the country, according to the CDC.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) July 7, 2022
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Heard it all before. I think I might go into town and see how many masktards I can spot.
What happened to Monkey Pox?
I heard there’s a vaccine coming out for monkey pox. I’m sure it was tested as well as the last one. We all need to run right out and get it, y’hear?
Covid forever, they will not let it go voluntarily, tyranny forever, until we stand up and take our freedom and liberty back.
If we do not arrest Fauci and these “bug” doctors who released these deadly pathogens we are all insane.
A virus can’t live in hot weather. Natural immunity has been a foundation of humanity since Pasteur.
Real doctors tell us these KILLER SHOTS spike inside the body and shed to others. Death rates evidently are way up according to the insurance guys, that is being hidden.
What better way to cover their murderous butts than to release another bug or ignore the shedding?
Again, it is time to put these “doctors” on trial. And we all know it!
So if High Gas Prices don’t keep us home…the New Super Duper Corona will…Funny how the New Version of Super Duper Corona is only effecting the Vaxxed and Booster Vaxxed..imagine that!
You knew it was coming, the election theft by fraudulent mail voting season is upon us. They will try it once again. It’s their only play.
I’m amazed at how many people I’m seeing all masked up again. In the 95 degree heat, they’re in their cars with their masks on -- and no one else is in there with them! Blows my mind
average IQ in the US is fairly low…..explains boatloads!
Voting is impotent. I’ll do it. But the entire system is corrupt to the marrow. Why question the air if there’s nothing else to breathe? And this air is contaminated.
Don’t you just want to scream?! Is it not clear to people that they are using these viruses to manipulate another election?! We cannot roll over on this one. We know the game plan and are without excuse. “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.” Do NOT let the evil forces steal another election!
this is one of many of there Bull S_ _T tales they are spinning, they are trying to get the UN-vaxed to take a shot so they can become brain dead like the rest of the idiots who took the shots based on all lies and deceptions.if you fall for this you will be cataloged and die in 1- 3years from some mysterious illness , don’t believe anything this government makes claims about, there all liars and deceivers right down to the people who sweep the floor at the CDC and every department within the bureaucracy of demons, the place is full of the sons of sin ( angelic hosts).
Trust only in God and what his holy word states, not in government and what they say, it could mean your soul.