Elon Musk slept on his office couch and ‘showered at the YMCA’ while starting his first company

Elon Musk Getty Images

The self-made billionaire CEO of Tesla and founder of SpaceX famously burns the midnight oil at his Tesla factory. Musk told “CBS This Morning” host Gayle King in April that he sometimes sleeps on a couch in a conference room at the Fremont, California factory as he tries to avoid any further delays and missed production targets for the Model 3 electric cars.

But Musk is no stranger to the office couch. In the ’90s, before he struck it rich as an entrepreneur, Musk had to sleep at the office because he couldn’t afford an apartment.

“When my brother and I were starting our first company, instead of getting an apartment, we just rented a small office and we slept on the couch,” Musk said in a 2014 commencement speech at the University of Southern California.

But before Musk and his brother could cash in on their first big venture, the bootstrapping brothers had to rough it by living in their small office.

“We showered at the YMCA and we were so hard-up that we only had one computer,” Musk said in 2014. “The website was up during the day and I was coding it at night, seven days a week, all the time.”



WordPress has a new feature: AI Assistant. Here is its review of the above information:

The content delimits the experiences of Elon Musk when he had to sleep at the office in the past due to financial constraints. It highlights his dedication and hard work in building his first company.

Here are a few suggestions to enhance the content:

– Add some specific examples or anecdotes to illustrate Musk’s commitment to his work.

– Provide more context on how these experiences shaped Musk’s entrepreneurial journey.

– Include quotes or testimonials from colleagues or employees who witnessed Musk’s dedication during that time.

Overall, the content provides a good overview of Musk’s early struggles, but adding more depth and personal insights would make it even more engaging.


Sounds like a rags to riches American Dream story to me.

David DeGerolamo

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