May 20, 2023
WHEREAS, over the past several months, thousands of asylum seekers have been arriving in New York City, from the Southern border, without having any immediate plans for shelter; and
WHEREAS, the City now faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that requires it to take extraordinary measures to meet the immediate needs of the asylum seekers while continuing to serve the tens of thousands of people who are currently using the DHS Shelter System; and
WHEREAS, additional reasons for requiring the measures continued in this Order are set forth in Emergency Executive Order No. 224, dated October 7, 2022; and
WHEREAS, the state of emergency based on the arrival of thousands of individuals and families seeking asylum, first declared in Emergency Executive Order No. 224, dated October 7, 2022, and extended most recently by Emergency Executive Order No. 398, dated May 5, 2023, remains in effect;
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in me by the laws of the State of New York and the City of New York, including but not limited to the New York Executive Law, the New York City Charter and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, and the common law authority to protect the public in the event of an emergency:
Section 1. I hereby order that sections 1, 2, and 4 of Emergency Executive Order No. 406, dated May 15, 2023, are extended for five (5) days.
§ 2. This Emergency Executive Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain in effect for five (5) days unless it is terminated or modified at an earlier date whichever occurs first.
Eric Adams
At some point, New York City will realize that they cannot legislate this issue away. Just as other Democrat sh_thole cities are realizing.
David DeGerolamo
New Jack Shitty will continue to remain a magnet to them regardless of where else they might be sent. Adams can bus them upstate, but chances are they will be back. True or not, NYC has a rep as the greatest city in the richest country where the streets are paved in gold. It should resemble a Calcutta slum in no time at all.
its already looking like that and in many places even far worse from what my relative tells me.
I think it is just about there now my friend. I was in NYC once and will NEVER EVER go back to that Toilet.
Adams wanted to send them to Riverhead Long Island. Oh well, Riverhead said No!
Adams needs to send as many as he can to the Hamptons out in Long Island where all the rich and famous reside as well as corporate heads of large companies, Hollywood weirdos, fake news people, and alike. they need a taste of what they have been pushing on the country. Let the illegals set up tents outside all the MSNBC, CNN, BC, CBS, NBC so called fake newscasters’ plush homes and we will witness mass suicide of the news media and all like them, because the truth of the matter is they hate all illegal aliens, they only love them when they are pushing the obama/biden narrative on destroying our nation.
I am with you! Time for pushback.
Correct. They are the biggest hypocrite scum you will ever come across.
Yep, that executive order will fix everything.
Give these cities EXACTLY what they voted for
Here here!!
And we stay focused on this issue, while the US Dept of Defense/DARPA is contaminating us globally with deadly, self-assembling, bio-synthetic hydrogels. I send an info contribution from the fight back, to a bogus vaccine injury study at the USHHS/CDC’s National Association of Science, Engineering & Medicine (NASEM) that is taking place right now. I do it to grind this reality home for the psychopathic minions being sacrificed on the de-population alter. Just think what is going to happen to these ‘medical professionals’ when the average person really understands what I am saying to the study committee below.
Here is tomorrow’s submission:
Daily Info E-Mail for the 2023 National Academy of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine (US HHS/CDC) C19 Bio-Weapon Injury Study
Dear Ms. Stratton & Colleagues:
In the note below, Dr. Ana Mihalcae’s team ( is uncovering more of the innate characteristics of the bio-synthetic, self-assembling hydrogel polymers found in the C19 bio-weapon injection.
The horrific level of injury caused by free-floating, unknown, self-assembling bio-synthetic hydrogels in the human bloodstream, lymphatic system, etc. -- is indescribable at this point. The documentary “Died Suddenly” shows the most obvious and insanely deadly outcomes, but there are many more.
The human race has never faced anything like this, and we have no idea how to permanently detox ourselves and the population at large. The US Dept of Defense/DARPA decided to unleash this technology on us in the mid-to late 1990’s with the introduction of MicroElectroMechanical Sensors (MEMS) in the atmosphere (Troposphere primarily), for weather system data collection (Episode: “Owning The Weather,” UK Discovery Science). The resulting disease syndrome has been named Morgellons by the lay audience because the CDC refused to address the condition for years.
The nano-hydrogel contamination agenda has continued with the C19 bio-weapon injection. Thanks to the contagiousness of these injections, the newer forms of bio-synthetic, self-replicating hydrogels are now being transmitted to everyone on the planet via 15 -- 20 minutes of airborne exposure.
If you would like to witness your personal level of contamination by this phenomenon, I have attached the Carnicom Institute’s 2016 instructions for taking a gum sample (an Indian ayurvedic detox method). All you will need is Knudsen’s Organic grape juice, a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide to speed things up, and a white bowl. The grape juice will stain the hydrogel organisms purple as they emerge from your gums to be in the more acidic environment produced by the juice. When you spit them out, they will look like seaweed.
For those who get a positive result in their white bowl -- welcome to the rest of the now contaminated human race. If you have never detoxed a parasite from your body, you will probably experience an emotional kaleidoscope or cascade event. It will be less damaging if you can remain calm, and understand that we are all expendable to those who created this situation… and they probably have an ‘ultimate’ remedy the rest of us lack. Focus your energy on those you serve.
I have also attached the latest list of ingredients found in the C19 Bio-weapon injection. It has been updated to include a small number of possible remedies. There are more. If you are positive for bio-synthetic contamination, the first step is to take your body alkaline to reduce (or stop?) the self-assembly, and do EDTA chelation if you can afford it.
Best Regards, (Spindale, NC)
* * *Note: If anyone on this blog wants a copy of the two attachments, e-mail me at:* * *
Just like All of Europe was ruined with vile muslims and africans, etc over the past 10 years or so now we are getting the same filth here within the U.S. SMH.
A reminder. In case you didn’t know. If someone flies in to the US on a commercial flight, they have to fill out an information card. And when they leave, they fill out a similar card. According to my Immigration and Naturalization buddies, every year 500,000 to 1 million people fly in and don’t leave. That is verifiable by the card info. These are not people just over staying their visas. These are people that came and never intended to leave. And that’s been going on for decades. Ain’t nobody looking for them.
More cheerful news. These invaders will eventually be given legal status. Then they can legally bring in their entire extended family. All of them. If their relatives are elderly or disabled they can apply for SSI. After 90 days. Plus the EBT cards, etc.
Something to consider is that America will soon be the gulag many of these peoples from different countries are attempting to escape from. The train derailments releasing toxic chemicals, and from any other assortment of means, and the coming invasion and occupation will lead to it being uninhabitable. America has already shown that nationalism is too mature of a concept for them with their inability to educate their own populace to civics, and the responsibilities thereof. Soon this country will need to be fled from. Perhaps attempting to make the most of the situation such as making mutualism the benefit and staple of the differing and developing tribalisms would be more expedient than working through any political means to curb the intake.
From “The Army From The North” prophecy:
“Quick note given to me on May 9/2023 regarding those who live in America and are hating those who are entering through their Southern border: remember that one day you will hate those walls you have built to keep you ‘safe’. The day will come when you will need to escape from the hands of your own masters and those same walls will work against you. The time will come when those who have hated those Mexicans who are seeking refuge in America, will run to seek refuge in Mexico and will loathe themselves for the evil they have harboured in their hearts.”