England’s Prime Minister Is Out for Revenge

Justine Greening, the International Development Secretary, and Ken Clarke, another Cabinet minister.

Justine Greening, the International Development Secretary, and Ken Clarke, another Cabinet minister.

Retribution is in the air in the United Kingdom for the Parliament’s vote against a military strike in Syria. At least the UK had the decency to have a debate and a vote. At least the UK still recognizes the rule of law. Our Congress is hiding as the very real probability of World War III is ignited by an egomaniac. Is it fear or the possibility of having a “political issue” for the next election cycle?

I could vent my frustration with the federal government with my “representative” except he did not have any. What do you call a member of the House of Representatives who represents special interests (mainly their own) instead of the people in their district and the US Constitution? It definitely is not “representative”.

David DeGerolamo

Ministers face sack over Syria shambles

At least five Government ministers face the sack in the wake of David Cameron’s humiliating failure to secure parliamentary backing for military strikes against the Syrian regime.

Alan Duncan, David Gauke and Steve Webb failed to return from holiday to support the Government, angering the Prime Minister, according to sources.

Justine Greening, the International Development Secretary, and Mark Simmonds, a junior Foreign Office minister, claim to have not realised that voting had begun as they were in a meeting. Commons officials said the explanation was baffling as it “would have been clear” that a vote was happening.

Kenneth Clarke also abstained after being given permission for “logistical family reasons”, but the 73-year-old minister without portfolio is widely expected to lose his job anyway in a forthcoming reshuffle.

In total, including Liberal Democrats and a Downing Street adviser, 10 members of the Government are recorded as not having voted.


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David Forward
11 years ago

I’m pretty sure the reason Emperor Obamanation is fighting for the “right” to act unilaterally without support from the assorted congressweasels — and is drawing support from progressive and neoconservatives leaders alike in the effort — is that he’s afraid his massive ego may be crushed by a no vote. Additionally, having to seek congressional approval is probably considered by the Obamanation to being demeaning to his power and stature.

However, if somehow it is forced into a situation of following the law and requiring congressional approval, I’ll bet dollars to donuts that he gets the approval. Too much corruption, arm twisting, blackmail and the good old “if you back me I’ll back your ineffective, unlawful act/bill.”

It would take principled members of congress to stand up to the Emperor and say no to his yearning to save face by plunging us into another war. And as we all know, there are very precious few of those of honest character running around the halls of the rubber stamp factory (a.k.a., congress).