Yep. The National Futures Association has shuffled the criminally incompetent Lauren Brinati, the Senior Director of Audits and Investigations to top-4 accounting firm Ernst & Young.

A key regulator has departed the National Futures Association, as the derivatives industry’s self-regulatory body seeks to tighten oversight of firms and assume oversight of the huge swaps trading market.

Lauren Brinati, director of audits and investigations for the Chicago-based NFA, this month left the agency for a job with big-four accounting firm Ernst & Young LLP, according to representatives of both organizations.

Wall Street Journal citation here.

Lauren Brinati, along with pretty much the entire NFA management and executives should all be sitting in prison cells awaiting trial for RICO statute violations and for the criminally complicit conscious participation in the non-audit “audits” of Sentinel Management ($500 million ponzi scheme) and PFGBest ($225 million Ponzi scheme).

Again, these people were conscious, willing participants in these frauds.

But, since the Rule of Law is dead and since we are now living in a post-putsch neo-Stalinist oligarchy, not only is Lauren Brinati and the rest of the NFA filth not sitting in prison cells awaiting trial, they are cheerfully going along their merry way, no doubt to continue their raping and pillaging the bourgeois whilst animalistically servicing the oligarchy.

If you would like to notify Ernst & Young of who exactly it is that they have hired – a massive incompetent who willfully participated in auditing fraud resulting in the loss of nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS in customer segregated funds – because I’m sure that Ernst & Young hasno idea who Lauren Brinati is (yeah, right), you can call their corporate headquarters in London (that bastion of financial integrity) at:


• Chairman and CEO: James S. (Jim) Turley
• Global COO: John Ferraro
• Global Managing Partner, Operations and Finance: Jeffrey H. (Jeff) Dworken

Perhaps a better bet would be to contact Ernst & Young’s Chicago office at:


Ask for the human resources department regarding Lauren Brinati.

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