Escape from Slavery

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Great and informative video, thank you.

Steve Montgomery
Steve Montgomery
1 year ago

Very good info on the basics of economics. Thanks.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

-for one is a slave to whatever overcomes him.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Great video, I like what he’s doing, and it’s great to see people trying to inform and educate. What he says about economics should be taught to Jr. High School kids, but I digress.
What I find lacking in his analysis, is acknowledging the capital required for what he specifically is doing. I get that the concept is more amorphous, and can be applied/valid in any situation, but, c’mon man… your sawmill was about $25k, I know, I’ve shopped for them. That mini-ex creates the production capacity of multiple men: $50k, used beat-up piece of shit, not a shiny new one like his. Land here is about $5k an acre if it’s woods up the side of a hill…. maybe you get free logs from a tree service?
So you sunk at minimum $100k worth of capital in use to create your ‘free’ $237/hr’.
I hate to detract from the greater message, but it makes the entire video misleading. If I had 100k I could buy a truck and make a $500/hour you tube video, if you ignore the cost of diesel fuel and tires.