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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
3 days ago

Democrats threat to them, “If you don’t vote Democrat, If Trump wins….He will deport you”
We have to flood the ballot box to beat this scam legally.

2 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

They just don’t get it, do they? They never will.

2 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Vote Harder! I have a family member like this. Deep down I know that they know, but facing the reality of it is to much to face at their older age I assume.

2 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

My major concern about all of this is, where is the super majority of our legislature who are Republicans in our state,and why are they not up in arms about it. They need to begin passing restrictive laws forbidden illegal aliens from voting. By these criminals voting it could effect the make up of our legislature. If this allowed to stand than we are truly a banana republic in our state.

2 days ago
Reply to  Philip1350

“If” this is allowed to stand? We are already a banana democracy.
As many have pointed out, there are really only two possible futures for “government” in the US:

1: (default) nothing much changes. The complete loss of trust/legitimacy continues until all respect for “law” is lost. Chaos, violence ensues, and all political decisions, all all levels of society, are made by physical combat.

2:(unlikely) Trust in government, and the rule of law, is restored, restoring the legitimacy of government.

At this late stage, this later can only be achieved by enforcing the constitution, which would mean prosecution and incarceration of the vast majority of congress for bribery and insider trading, and more importantly: Public executions for government officials guilty of treason. Anything less than these would *NOT* restore the rule of law.

Any possible way forward is ugly and bloody. Prepare accordingly.

tom finley
tom finley
2 days ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Tinvowoot, the only thing that has changed is the illegal vote, pedo joe or whoever is the demonrat nominee will win decisively with a hundred million votes.

2 days ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

They probably are going to cheat again this year. However, I think we should turn out in massive numbers so they really have to work hard to pull off the cheat.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
2 days ago

You have one and only one vote left that cannot be ignored. VOTE; 308 & FREEDOM

2 days ago

What’s that saying? 3 types of boxes to make change. The jury box, the ballot box and the ammo box. First 2 are broken.

tom finley
tom finley
2 days ago

That is my vote!!!!!

Roth Harbard
2 days ago

The Irish have burned refugee centers there. I’m not suggesting that the apartments at this address be burned, but who knows what someone may do if they’ve had enough?

tom finley
tom finley
2 days ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

It is a good example to follow.

2 days ago

Pure Lawlessness by this Biden administration! Treason!

1 day ago

This illegal alien voting has been going on for decades. Motor voter registration. Get a drivers license and you’re registered to vote. No questions asked. Many of the blue states made it illegal to ask if some one is a citizen. There is only one reason for that. Voter fraud. Your vote has been neutralized. In order to vote you have to be a citizen. In order to be a citizen, you have to speak English. Then why are the registration signs, etc., in multiple languages? Because they know they’re engaged in fraud.

1 day ago

A corrupt and broken system cannot be fixed with the same corrupt and broken system. TINVOWOOT