This is the closest eyewitness report in the death of LaVoy Finicum at this point even though the actual details of the shooting are second hand.
David DeGerolamo
This is the closest eyewitness report in the death of LaVoy Finicum at this point even though the actual details of the shooting are second hand.
David DeGerolamo
is anyone familiar with this person?
He states he was going down I-395 and sees standard HRT vehicles who whipped out an pulled him over. How does he know it was HRT? So why was he pulled over in the first place? He has a right to travel and not be arrested , which is what happens when you are pulled over, for simply traveling down a public highway, right?
Speaking about his removal and them being “rough” with him because of his being armed, why does someone utilizing their God given, Constitutionally protected, rights entitle police to be MORE forceful? Why did he state “I would be too?” Is he in law enforcement?
He states Lavoy was 200 yards up the road and he was able to identify the person removed from the passenger side, placed on the ground and “handcuffed” even though he can name the people in the vehicle, why?.” Likely my eyes are not as good as his but if he is being arrested and as he later states, laying on the cold ground, how was he able to see handcuffs being placed upon the person yet not recognize the person knowing who was in what vehicle? If you can see handcuffs why not a face or even male or female?
He keep repeating he couldn’t see what happened and states he is getting his information from “Shauna” (sp) an “Ryan” who were in the vehicle. If they were in the vehicle with LaVoy were they not arrested as well? Did they not tell him who was taken out of the vehicle and “handcuffed?”
Since he was taken in to custody it is likely that Shauna and Ryan we also taken into custody so when did he get their account of what happened? Were they released as soon as he was released? Why would the authorities release them so soon? Isn’t it customary to keep people involved a bit longer and or a least ask them to keep quiet about an ongoing investigation? How did he speak with them if they were as he states “taken to a Federal facility in Portland?” He even later states “…the rest of the guys are still in custody,I’m out…” So again when did he get the eyewitness account?
“I don’t know, I didn’t see it I’m not going to speculate on it” but he sates LaVoy charged police from an eye witness account who, according to him, seems to be in custody.
Why did he say it’s over up here and time to move on? Certainly the killing of one man is of concern but it wasn’t about one man it was bout the ongoing abuses so why simply give up and walk away?
Pardon my suspicions but playing devil’s advocate this is exactly what I would do it I were in government. Misinformation with tidbits of truth in an effort to sympathize yet calm people down and cause confusion along with hesitation.
Is he legit? I have no idea but until someone can substantiate what happened an open skeptical mind would be prudent.
And by they way, didn’t the police have several different video units rolling? Why not release them ASAP and end any and all speculation about the actions of a 55 year old man who was traveling down a public highway, why he was pulled over, as well as how he was killed?