Family and Friends needed to survive what is coming

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1 year ago

Ah, yep. Basic truths.

Protect your family and trusted friends.

AND Learn NOW who can be trusted. Betrayal is the real risk when things get spicy. Not everybody is to be trusted as fully as you might wish.

Folks cannot betray what they know not.

1 year ago

I checked a chart today that indicates that diesel fuel usage in the US is down. But it’s not down nearly as much as I thought it was. Diesel usage was going up gradually over the decades until the economic problems of 2007 and 2008. It dropped pretty good then. But we are still below the peak usage at a time when we should have shown an increase. That indicates a problem.

1 year ago

And further more, the Baltic Dry Index is way up. This means that either there are a lot of bulk freighters rented out for moving stuff like coal, or there is a shortage of bulk freighters. Or both. I heard that a lot of the older freighters were being retired. Something to consider.