Ep. 45 How could Washington possibly send tens of billions more to sleazy oligarchs in Ukraine now that the whole enterprise has been revealed as a fruitless, corrupt and incredibly destructive disaster? Because that’s what they always do. pic.twitter.com/Cn6SMHcqcr
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 5, 2023
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I’m reminded again of Michael Yon’s explainer on paradigms….
When the things going on in the world don’t make any sense, your paradigm is wrong.
This financial aid doesn’t make any sense, if your paradigm is what the media feeds you. BUT, if you’re grifting, stealing, and embezzling millions of dollars of taxpayer money, well then, we need another spending bill!!!!
When things don’t add up or make sense in the world, it’s because your paradigm is wrong. When the government does things that don’t add up, it’s because your paradigm is wrong.
When you adjust your paradigm to where it starts to make sense, you are getting closer to the truth.
If your paradigm tells you the people running this world are the most evil, corrupt, disgusting individuals we have seen in thousands of years, it all makes sense, doesn’t it? Growing up I simply could not fathom, couldn’t grok, that men this evil even lived, let alone rose to positions of power. They were fictitious creations of literature, not actual real live people. Nothing made sense in my world…. my paradigm was wrong.
I am no longer surprised by the things that happen, I have the most pessimistic world-view you could possibly imagine. It all clicks into place for me. Things really are this bad, I fear.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/arizona-sheriff-mark-lamb-every-illegal-alien-crossing/ They hit the lotto as soon as they cross.
Russia has already won this thing in Ukraine. But the Globalists are unlikely to give up. It appears that the Globalists have the Baltic states convinced to cut off access to the open seas from the Baltic Sea for the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad and the city of St. Petersburg. This will not end well.