Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned on Thursday that while the United States has an “independent spirit,” it was time for people to “do what they’re told” by health experts and government officials to help bring down surging coronavirus numbers.
“I was talking with my U.K. colleagues who are saying the U.K. is similar to where we are now, because each of our countries have that independent spirit,” Fauci said while speaking at Washington National Cathedral. “I can understand that, but now is the time to do what you’re told.”
The enemies of the Republic have become quite emboldened by the premature coronation of the demented hack who would become President. As we wait for the next government dictate:
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It corrupts faster if you control the media, government and elections.
David DeGerolamo
These people are nuts. We The People Do Not have to fall in line for anything. Just because they keep walking onto a stage spouting BS. This old lady says Go Pound Sand. Bother me at your own risk.
I don’t know who the heck Fauci thinks he is, but we have been “doing what we’re told” for nearly a now and COVID persists, (just like other viruses). What we’ve accomplished by following his ever changing “expert” advice is national economic trauma, increased suicide rates, destroyed lives, increased national division, uneducated kids and too many other negative effects to mention. Fauci be damned. I hope he gets swept out to sea with all the other swamp creatures when our President gets re-elected.
This guy is drunk on power and does NOT have a track record of taking care of anyone but his own greed. He’s a “legend in his own mind” and the MSM is feeding his ego because he is anti-Trump. Sweden is better off than most countries now. Lockdowns kill. Covid numbers are skewed. “Cases” mean nothing -- how many flu cases would we find every year if we tested like they’re doing with Covid? How many “Covid deaths” aren’t really covid deaths? Most. They are all tyrants who will say or do whatever they feel is necessary to control us completely.
The communists like Fauchi have been Emboldened by how many Sheeple obeyed and put on their Germ-Catching Muzzles. So Far, I have only been asked (politely at that) why I don’t wear a Face Diaper twice -- both Times by Black People. My Reply was, “Slaves wear Muzzles at the Order of their Masters. What Are You?” One was a middle-aged, middle-class Woman, the other a younger guy, 20-something verging on ‘ghetto looking’. Both of them had a quick epiphany- Realized what I said was True, and took off their Masks. The guy was Amazed by the very Idea that what He had been doing was Anti-Freedom to that Degree.
Unfortunately, it is the majority of People who have been made Fearful by the “Pandemic” and have done No Research into what is behind it, to find out that it Isn’t even as Dangerous as the regular strains of Influenza. These Sheep form the ‘base of power’ for Fauchi, Gates, Schwab, and others, Compliance due to Ignorance. They will be the First Ones to line up for the ‘vaccine’ that will also be (((their))) Global I.D. System/Passport.
IMO, the “Troubles” will begin in earnest once taking the ‘vaccine’ becomes “Mandatory” and the People like Myself refuse.
Grphon, I usually reply when asked about not wearing the mask and I respond, “How come you are not wearing your flea collar?” I like yours, I will respond like you with your consent…