FBI warns that QAnon followers could engage in ‘real-world violence’

The FBI is nothing more than the Deep State’s Stasi. What a sad ending for J. Edgar Hoover’s blackmailing shock troops.

David DeGerolamo

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 years ago

Thats funny because I just read earlier today that Army and Marine armories are reporting rifles, grenade launchers, and M9 Berettas being stolen and sold to street gangs here. Yup, boomer q-anons are definitely the biggest threat.

3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

I could only laugh when reading the headline. These agencies are a disgrace and should all get a hard Reset for sure… damn shame

3 years ago

Yup…once again blame the patriots for the evil shit the left is doing as we speak. All the alphabet soup agencies are lap dogs for the deep state as it is called.

Buttercup Brigade
Buttercup Brigade
3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

Stop calling them “the left”. Call them what they are. Bolshevik jews, using minorities as shock troops. A story as old as time. You better start naming your enemy or youve already lost the war.

thomas finley
thomas finley
3 years ago

What is happening to the jan 6th protesters is no different than what happens to those in every other communist country.

3 years ago
Reply to  thomas finley

No Bail, No Lawyers, Solitary Confinement, Misdemeanor or no charges, just Arrests.
FIB=Stazi, DOJ=POS, Feral Gov=USSA, democRats=Bolsheviks, Rhinoes-Quislings

3 years ago

What I find disgusting about this patriot hit piece is that the commentator makes reference to the “deadly” Jan 6th riot at the capitol building. The only thing that made it deadly was the murder of Ashli Babbit by a still un-named member of the Capitol Police. The FBI is nothing but a goon squad who does the biddings of the Deep State. About 4 years ago I was paid a visit by those fuckers. They came to my house and threatened me and told me that I should not go to a counter-protest against ANTIFA in Seattle. They said they were “concerned for my safety!” If the left wants to defund the police they should start with all of the alphabet agencies.

3 years ago
Reply to  X-Beast419

Yes…And plain sad they need to now try and stain that beautiful Yellow flag…AS IF it is for Q..NO NO!!! That us not the Q flag buttercup

3 years ago

WTH is aQ Anon? no such thing.there is Q and then there is Anons it is NOT QANONS ASSWIPES!!!!!

3 years ago

The Only “Real World” Violence comes from the “Waco” FIB-ATF

3 years ago

The FBI serves No Purpose anymore.
They SUCK!!!!
They have disgraced themselves.
They are nothing more than The demokrauts personal HK squad.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago

This is a prearranged excuse for a false flag event. It’s also why DC seems to be all boarded up. Cue the crisis actors and the “emergency” gun confiscation. Can’t have armed people refusing the needle.